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(or just sneak into your parents bedroom closet and watch the live show, if you are Alabamian)
Submitted 1 month ago by to
This legislation was sponsored by NORD VPN
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(or just sneak into your parents bedroom closet and watch the live show, if you are Alabamian)
The exact phrasing varies, but in most states, the details of the law are the same: Any “commercial entity” that publishes “material harmful to minors” online can be held liable—meaning, tens of thousands of dollars in fines and/or private lawsuits—if it doesn’t “perform reasonable age verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to access the material.”
Sure seems like that would cover a lot of websites, including most news sites.
Yay, another paywall link
404 Media: we’re not like the rest. Except when we are.
I wouldn’t quite call it a paywall. This article is free with an email sign up. They discussed this before and not sure I believe it but their reason/excuse for free email sign up was to combat AI scrapers. They noticed their articles were getting scraped by a few well known AI scrape and repost “news” sites.
good, god fearing christians should only watch mormon porn
If they actually wanted to protect children, the answer is simple: reverse the responsibilities. Require porn sites to include metadata indicating it isn’t safe for minors. Require browsers to recognize that metadata, and filter out that content if parental controls are enabled. If parents are still too lazy to turn it on, make it default (like “safe search”, but more effective). The fact none of them have even suggested this is proof they don’t care about children or even porn, they just want to be seen as if they do.
Parental control software like Adguard or Adguard DNS family protection, filter out NSFW content like this website. A website doesn’t even need to do a thing for it to work.
They don’t care about anything other than watching you. They don’t care how old you are. That’s just an excuse.
Yeah I hate when the real topic gets buried in nonsense white noise. This is PURELY about collecting those IDs and data.
Hence, no one watches porn anymore. /s
This is devastating for my “southerners watching pornhub” kink.
Or does it make it more taboo and thus more appealing?
*turns to look at Alabama expectantly*
South of the border you can no longer watch films that go “South of the Border”.
Praise be. By his hand. May the Lord open.
Gilead voted for this…
Temba, at rest.
Good thing there’s more than one porn website then I guess. Don’t tell them.
Its all porn, pornhub just prohibits itself from operating in states that pass this legislation.
The legislation in question requires you to prove you’re over 18 to enter these sites. Whether that’s through id or credit card info. However, this can lead to some pretty insane security issues. Just imagine if the id of every user along with their browsing data got leaked.
So instead, pornhub just refuses to operate in those states.
A surprising number of adult sites have been blocked. Most who abide by the block are the big branded companies. There are plenty who just ignore it, but those are mostly smaller aggregate sites that if one goes down, there are a dozen others just like it.
there’s so many! but which ones!?!
I’m not showing my driver’s license to any porn website, that’s stupid.
What a weird world to live in. Who would ever do that?
They all have cousins, so…
John Perry Barlow was right:
Did he have a solution to the problem of online anarcho-capitalism?
Legalize recreational nukes, worldwide.
I hate purity culture.
Since that article is paywalled: Can someone from there enlighten me? Is it just some of the major platforms? Do you still have access to xhamster, xvideos and whatever? And how likely is it that they get blocked, too, in the near future?
it’s a matter of time before all the porn sites effectively go “we don’t want to deal with this legislation or with handling the PIIest of data. we’ll just IP block this whole region”
Ah, thx. I was under the impression that these porn sites get blocked... But it's the other way around, the porn sites block the users because they don't/cant't implement the regulations.... Thx for explaining.
That is actually what is happening. Nothing in the Florida law blocks these sites, they just don’t want to deal with it.
Just wait till my VPN hears about this! 1 month ago
In other news, VPN subscriptions have skyrocketed in the U.S South. 1 month ago
Honestly, it might be a good thing long-run to have a higher percentage of users on VPNs. They aren’t a magic cure-all, but they do help make it safer to use untrusted networks and discourage some things on the service side, like geolocating and data-mining users based on IP. 1 month ago
I’m worried it will lead to bans of those though too. 1 month ago
I was raised Rural. I can confirm. 1 month ago
Or tor 1 month ago
Tor is too slow to watch videos. Wouldn’t wanna get interrupted in the middle of jerking off