- Comment on Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South 1 month ago:
I wouldn’t quite call it a paywall. This article is free with an email sign up. They discussed this before and not sure I believe it but their reason/excuse for free email sign up was to combat AI scrapers. They noticed their articles were getting scraped by a few well known AI scrape and repost “news” sites.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 4 months ago:
Option 3 is the only one that seems sustainable long term. Donations will NEVER keep up with user growth, thus storage costs will balloon out of control.
Completely avoiding any chance of illegal content touching the servers should immediately have everyone agreeing on this option. I doubt anyone here is willing to foot legal bills and as such even minor legal actions would be the end of this instance.
Privacy is nice but ip logging is the simplest form to “protect” against with even a free VPN. If those claiming privacy concerns here aren’t already using a VPN and are depending purely on’s proxy then their internet hygiene needs an update.
As for usability, the image being deleted from external provider presents the same issue to the user between option 2 and 3. The cache from option 2 will inventually get cleared and it’ll fail to pull a fresh copy if deleted from the external hosts.
- Comment on Victoria (2015) - a film recorded in a single take. Highly recommended. 5 months ago:
Great film even ignoring the single take aspect, that feature just elevates it further.
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
Another option is rocket language. It seems to be a lot focused on developing conversational skills. It’s is paid but not subscription which I’m a fan of. You just buy the language you want. The first few lessons of a language are free if you want to try it. I’m test running it right now to start my switch away from Duolingo
- Comment on Community for helping people identify music? 1 year ago: is also a pretty good resource.
- Comment on New cars are great... 1 year ago:
Just out of curiosity, what android phone did you have before switching? I haven’t hadany issues with Android Auto the few times I’ve used it in a rental car. My car is too old for it but it’s going to be a variable in my next vehicle purchase which admittedly is very far away.
I dig through the paper and the study literally looked at two sectors and job types. So let’s just extrapolate that too all workers right 🙄
“Remote working appears to lower average productivity by around 10% to 20%. Emmanuel and Harrington (2023) use data from a Fortune 500 firm which had both in-person and remote call centers pre-pandemic. The firm shifted all workers to fully remote in April 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the always remote call-centers as the control group they find an 8% reduction in call volumes among employees who shifted from fully in-person to fully remote work. Gibbs, Mengel and Siemroth (2022) examine IT professionals in a large Indian technology company who shifted to fully remote work at the onset of the pandemic. Measured performance among these workers remained constant while remote but they worked longer hours, implying a drop in employee productivity of 8% to 19%. Atkin, Schoar, and Shinde (2023) run a randomized control trial of data-entry workers in India, randomizing between working fully in the office and fully at home. They find home-workers are 18% less productive.”