- Comment on Doppler 2 weeks ago:
what a beatiful green car
- Comment on Doppler 2 weeks ago:
what do you mean “also”?
- Comment on Chinese RISC-V project teases 2025 debut of advanced chip 1 month ago:
I wonder if we’ll ever see open source state of the art high performance RISCV processors with no funny microcontrollers hidden inside them that have full access to all memory and the network
- Comment on Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South 1 month ago:
good, god fearing christians should only watch mormon porn
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 2 months ago:
and then there’s the esoteric semen retention pinealglandmaxxing axis. we don’t talk about that axis
- Comment on I’m Tired of Pretending Physical Media Isn’t Still Better Than Streaming Digital 2 months ago:
I think their point is more putting technical or commercial feasibility aside, cartridges would be the better UX. I agree with that sentiment, cartidges are way cooler.
There are large communities around cassette futurism/retro futurism for a reason. There is something much more satisfying about thwacking in a cartridge than inserting a disk or just pressing play on a screen.
You are right that as things are disks make more sense, but it’s a different discussion. what is vs what ought to be
In a perfect world I’d rather have storage crystals with programmable stable display voxels inside. But that’s not realistic any time soon sadly.
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
I also have a theoretical degree in physics
- Comment on Intel finally notches a GPU win, confirms Arc B580 is selling out after stellar reviews 2 months ago:
fair point when it comes to gaming. My only contact point with Linux + GPU drivers is at work, where everyone would laugh if you’d suggest buying AMD cards
- Comment on Intel finally notches a GPU win, confirms Arc B580 is selling out after stellar reviews 2 months ago:
Intel has like half the valuation of AMD at this point. So expect it to be as good as AMD to half as good.
It’s hard to beat Nvidia since they can hire more than 10x the people.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 2 months ago:
I get it, it’s projected on a comlplex sphere. B and C are the same point
- Comment on Neuroscientists taught rats to drive tiny cars. They took them out on 'joy rides.' 3 months ago:
crazy what these poor rats have to go through for our curiosity. now we even make them live in car dependent cities, oh the horror
- Comment on Nightmare Blunt Rotation 3 months ago:
I’m afraid these are the people running the world
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 3 months ago:
uhmmm ackchshickzually, it’s the space-time that’s falling
- Comment on Thats love 3 months ago:
ergo heterosexual women can’t feel love
- Comment on Don't get me started on saline dion 3 months ago:
this rearranges to “oiled incel”
- Comment on Humane slashes the price of its AI Pin after weak sales 4 months ago:
Maybe if they make a watch with a camera cover and a laser that draws a little box around what it can see and it all runs locally, then I might be interested.
Mainly to identify plants and mushrooms.
Not a fan of the idea of everyone pointing AI powered cameras at me all the time, like with this weird pin or smart glasses.
Such products should have a legally mandated camera cover, microphone shutoff and a REALLY OBVIOUS tell to everyone around you if you are using the camera or mic.
Bonus points if it screams a really loud “PERVERT” alarm if you’re doing something creepy.
If only that was true for smartphones too…
- Comment on When your vision quest changes science 4 months ago:
I can totally picture him seeing noodles dancing to a sick beat and then going “holy shit”
- Comment on 4 months ago:
mfw: Image
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Probably because 3rd party app stores can’t install apps like the play store can. you need a rooted phone or flash them as a system app to get the same functionality as Play Store. which isn’t something your average Joe will do.
On a normal unmodified phone you have to manually confirm each app you want to install. so no auto-updates in the background etc.
- Comment on Eric Schmidt: ‘We’re not going to hit the climate goals. I’d rather bet on AI solving the problem.’ With "alien intelligence"! 4 months ago:
it ends on “insertion”
- Comment on Anon needs viewers 5 months ago:
The only flaw in this plan is that maximum dick pics is the only reason why they surveil everyone
- Comment on And another 5 months ago:
The irony of Trumpists going on about Biden’s mental state when Trump is just as bad today. Who would have thought that 80 year old presidents are not a good idea. It’s elder abuse.
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong shows very clearly Valve are selling a lot of Steam Decks 5 months ago:
Imma deck you in the schnoz 😃
- Comment on Fence 6 months ago:
Heavens, Gates!
- Comment on Nsfw 6 months ago:
I was wondering what ChatGPT would say to this, since it is pretty good at interpreting and putting out gibberish, so here it is:
“An example of an entitled compliment that men often enjoy hearing but women don’t necessarily need to hear might be, “You’re so strong!” or “You’re great at providing for your family.” These types of compliments tend to reinforce traditional gender roles, where men are expected to be strong and providers. While men might appreciate the affirmation, women typically aren’t conditioned to see their value tied to these specific attributes, so they don’t necessarily need or seek out that kind of validation in the same way.”
- Comment on Corsair is moving away from 80 PLUS certification for PSUs, embraces Cybenetics 6 months ago:
… to automate the economy of the Soviet Union?
- Comment on Winding through snow covered bush 7 months ago:
there’s no snow in Australia, I have it on good authority that it only rains spiders, kangaroos and meth there
- Comment on I can whistle at the speed of sound 7 months ago:
uh ackchuyally it’s not the speed of light
- Comment on Fastest animal 7 months ago:
the cricket that rode the nuclear man hole cover
- Comment on The circle of life 7 months ago:
dinosaur necromancy