- Comment on Anon critiques humanity 1 day ago:
The most but only need one gets nuclear and its all over. Stone age my ass.
Let’s say those things don’t go off. On the stone age, plants grew. Won’t be long now even they won’t no more.
- Comment on Something-mology 2 days ago:
Maybe if it’s a Firefly game tool…I did that there when GF9 stopped the full mats.
- Comment on The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans 3 days ago:
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
The difference is that they decided not to be parasitic narcissistic global suicide “apex” who gave no fucks, literally, about our will-no-longer-exist “children.”
You’re so narcissistic you will refuse to admit that they weren’t stupid. The very way you will chose to be exactly that by denying the obvious as I lay it out so blatantly that your ego cries and denies ad infinitum.
- Comment on Society Troll 2 weeks ago:
Saving his sister from all that of the Alliance corp’s brain surgery experiments upon her; boarding Serenity but they don’t know all that, yet.
Those rose-gold glasses are a good trick but mind you, not good 'nuff.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 3 weeks ago:
Like Kali’s grandmother even. She handled the death and life since before there were even animals let alone people.
- Comment on Amazon MGM Gains Creative Control of 007 Franchise 5 weeks ago:
I discarded appreciation and fuck given decades ago. The fuck are you really being surprised by? Really.
- Comment on Nope 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
I’m sure other people have close enough fantasies for that.
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
Yes it is.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Myc is the real death dinner monster. When everything dies, it’ll be them that don’t and then eat everyone else’s of whatever’s left.
- Comment on Google's slow Chrome Extension reforms anger developers • The Register 1 month ago:
Damn good point.
- Comment on Google's slow Chrome Extension reforms anger developers • The Register 1 month ago:
- Comment on womp womp 1 month ago:
Thanks. I can’t believe I did all that in one sentance correctto boot. Technically, anyway.
- Comment on womp womp 1 month ago:
In short, they’re thieves ripping off science by stealing from the laborers proving determination and trading their work over the people doing the labor of verification while picking their wallets to boot.
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 1 month ago:
Assuming that’s actually how it really works and doesn’t snap changes…
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 1 month ago:
I think time is a dimension this shit is not restrained upon movement through the way we are. Mostly because it destroys the structure itself.
- Comment on It's coming 1 month ago:
Right now. On you for ignoring that it started happening before we existed.
- Comment on "Meta and X are going rogue:" European Digital Rights group (EDRi) urges EU to invest in infrastructure "like Mastodon, Peertube and other key pieces of the Fediverse" to secure Europe's independence 2 months ago:
Trump didn’t win because he literally bought Musk to crack the election computer systems. He even blatantly admitted to exactly that at his victory rally right before his inauguration. Then he was inaugurated. So he really is a CIA asset because there’s absolutely no difference between this crock of lies and every other CIA mission at every other targeted nation around the world.
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
*finite amount of spacd
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
Infinity beats both.
- Comment on Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South 2 months ago:
They don’t care about anything other than watching you. They don’t care how old you are. That’s just an excuse.
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
I don’t think we can much, now can we?
- Comment on Apple urged to axe AI feature after creating false headline claiming that Lugi shot himself 2 months ago:
Relieving to know I’m not the only understanding.
- Comment on Google Contract Staff Reach Union Deal Banning Keystroke Monitoring 3 months ago:
- Comment on C.A.S hacktivists attack Russian organizations using rare RATs 3 months ago:
- Comment on Top 10 Rules to Strictly Come Dancing 3 months ago:
Isn’t that…drumroll…the Point?
- Comment on It's true 3 months ago:
Help at…? Where exactly to you give up your specificity necessary for your counter to be an accepted reality before your acknowledgment that this frightening denial of the reality’s invokation was not read by me. The hint is that is it not I who has evoked he “IA! FTHAGN!”. That you’re clearly recognizing. Wake the fuck up, child. Or you will become part of that cult destroying all of earth. Cthulhu will wipe you all off and from of your physical existence to boot!
If you’re at actually familiar with the recent acknowledgement of the L’s work being on the flipside of Mother’s life today than he depicted the side of then you may realize the th e cultures aren’t nephandi’s. The technocratic are. Shoot this in your log and watch what happens to me! Especially bite where I’ve called the memberance.
- Comment on It's true 3 months ago:
Apologies that I’ve written over your comprehension. Drugs are a pretty weak insult made. If you were at all correct or understood a single real thing about them you would be able to make your insult with any kind of accuracy but as anyone capable of seeing the truth, you’re likely scared shitless. Learn magick or succumb to this acceptance of your entire reality being defined by some three letter definition’s chalk scraping on your brain.
- Comment on It's true 3 months ago:
…bad act? …bad for? …bad (subjective terms of meaning)?
I’ll just absolutely discard any respect for any sense of absolute reference by use of calling something any kind if pure wrongness in being conducted.
Let’s get down some subjective good, shall we?
The murder of this tyrannical hand of neglecting fucks given “repsect” over the handling of the life of those who gave him trust with the means to continue their life’s necessary tools withheld in exchange for the collection of management sheets, Talismen, the Dollar, $$, of dispensation which were granted trust by the many within his hand being denied in distribution. Greed at best being the reason but more truthfully, murder en mayhem is his act to thieve all value granted said tools of governmente, Mind Control.
So then, describe to me any means other than the burning of the trust within the paper as we see the trust will be culled into the hands of yet another who will do no more mind of care for the lives given the sheets trust.
In short, either we eat the rich or burn the dollar. You pick or go be a voluntary slave again.
There is nothing outside this trinary of choice in hand. The murder, you are correct, will not remove us from subjugation whilst syphoning all to the return of value to the people as well when we respect an actor in position of responsibility given trust for lies telling us to drink his piss being an act of value.
They still drink his piss and believe the lie that crack cocaine wasn’t a trick flipping blame to point any trigger at any people instead of money itself. Crack cocaine and every other drugs was a trick and a lie that you cannot trust yourself to do as you will regardless of consequences.
This surrender to the will by the Talisman, the $$, and the invocation of the two 16 cards invoked a bit over two decades ago, will not but union your subjugation to and with and to willness existence.
In short, murder is pointless but for a tyrannical’s method of signi g your acceptance of slavery being the only righteous means of correct choice with what little you have left these days.
Burn the dollar like Heath Ledger or you will wish your slavery was as kind as the horrible folks of the south gave to stolen people.