- Comment on Why Tech Companies Are Joining the GOP-Oil Alliance 1 week ago:
(Feeds article into an AI document summarisation tool)
Summary: Because money.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 4 weeks ago:
Yep. My poor recollection sounds like the bogan Australian version.
- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 4 weeks ago:
Sounds like someone has a copy of Gary’s Sports Almanac.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 month ago:
As others have replied yes the term was inspired by the rugby term but unlike a rugby coach who sets the teams strategy and game tactics, the scrum master in agile methodology is a tactical role that is focused on ensuring the team are observing agile ceremonies, sticking to their sprint commitments etc. What the team are doing and why is the responsibility of other roles like Product Managers who may also have Product Owners working closely with the teams whose responsibility is to have a prioritised backlog of items for the team to use as input to plan upcoming work. Usually there are higher level roles that set business level / market level strategy that gives guidance to Product Managers on where products should be focusing to meet specific business goals.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 month ago:
It is all suspect. He got his degree in 2016, Masters in 2015, Phd in 2020. The Yatiken he associates himself with on his linked in was started in 2014 so he is not the founder of that Yatiken. There is another Yatiken company registered in 2020 that lists him but amusingly has him no longer being a manager in 2021.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 month ago:
All 3 companies he has “founded” are only 7 months old. Prior to that he has been mostly a scrum master and business analyst. He has no people management experience, no experience in establishing and executing strategies, and this post illustrates all of these short comings.
- Comment on U.S. drivers lost 42 hours—a full work week—to traffic in 2023: Congestion 'hinders economic growth,' expert says 1 month ago:
“the equivalent of a full work week — that resulted in $733 worth of time lost.”
Did it result in time lost or do people still do their full hours and effectively extend their workday to accomodate these long commute times. If the latter then what is actually lost is personal time (family time, exercise time, time to cook healthy meals, rest, etc).
- Comment on Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South 1 month ago:
South of the border you can no longer watch films that go “South of the Border”.
- Comment on deez nuts 2 months ago:
Or “Tunnel Enthusiast”
- Comment on SHAME. 2 months ago:
It is already a well established fact that plants crave electrolytes.
- Comment on Golden 7 months ago:
Later that evening at the local tavern.
“So then when it fails for the third time, he drinks a cup of acid, tips his hat to the crowd, and then collapses.”
“Haha! That’s gold!”
The tavern falls silent.
- Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months ago:
Except that you can …
- Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months ago:
Aussie here. One reason I use PayPal is for subscriptions (streaming services etc) to avoid the headache of updating credit card details in multiple places when I change bank, credit card renews, etc. just change it in PayPal once and every subscription keeps working.
- Comment on CAW 9 months ago:
Well he is wearing a plague mask.
- Comment on Microsoft's Emissions Spike 29% as AI Gobbles Up Resources 9 months ago:
“The clouds covered the sky, and the sun was choked off permanently. Solar power was but a memory, and an advanced society had depleted most other fuel sources. Surely now the machines would surrender.”
“Bio-electric, thermal, kinetic. All could be harnessed. Everything about the human body was built to extrude power, and they could be grown so easily.”
Didn’t think I would live long enough to see the Matrix become a plausible future.
- Comment on Praise Sheezus 9 months ago:
“You’re gonna need a bigger manger.”
- Comment on Pollen 11 months ago:
Didn’t Luke “pollinate” the Death Star as part of blowing it up.
- Comment on Bodycam: Woman Fails Miserably to Recite ABCs, Gets Arrested For DUI After Crashing Car 1 year ago:
Genuinely curious. Why are subjective field sobriety tests still done in the US versus roadside saliva drug tests or breathalysers for alcohol.
- Comment on Making rope part 1 1 year ago:
Fashions it into a noose.
Talking Bop-it Rope : “End it!”
Cop : “Give me that rope kid!”
Apologies. First thing that came to mind was that Robot Chicken sketch.
- Comment on Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? 1 year ago:
Guess it seems my method of dying will be at the hands of a serial killer that I approached and mistook for someone that I could ask for some cpp assistance.
- Comment on lemm.ee plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
I blocked botart from their instance as some pretty disturbing stuff was added in the last few days.
- Comment on Man Arrested After Injecting Chemical Under Neighbor's Door: Cops 1 year ago:
“The suspect has pled not guilty.”
I wonder what the argument will be. “I was just creepily injecting calming oils into the apartment with a syringe to help the baby sleep. Some other creepy person with a syringe must have injected the opioids.”
- Comment on Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich- Ramsay Around The World 1 year ago:
I imagine it has received more views, attention, and longevity than a video of him competently making a toasted cheese sandwich would have. Whether deliberately made badly or a genuine stuff up who knows.
- Comment on This short video might ruin your day… 1 year ago:
He needs to show more passion.