Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 13°C, max - 25°C. 95% chance of no rain.
Effective immediately, all emojis are permitted in the daily thread again!
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 13°C, max - 25°C. 95% chance of no rain.
Effective immediately, all emojis are permitted in the daily thread again!
Mr P and the MIL are arguing again. She was up early and woke him up to ask if he’d make her bed when he had the chance. If there was no urgency why wake him to ask? Caused a lot of angry stomping, door slamming and ranting. Might have to take the Minipeelers out for a bit after I’ve finished doing today’s laundry. So sick of this toxic shit. If I had the money I’d be out of here like a rocket.
Might have to take the Minipeelers out for a bit
Yea I’d definitely take a breather from that. Sounds like MIL needs reminding on what’s appropriate behaviour. Easier said than done though i’m guessing.
For sure. She’ll be 91 this year and he’ll be 65. Both too dang old to retrain lol. They both know the other won’t change, it’s a vicious circle.
I think I’m on Mr P’s side on this one. Woken up on Sunday morning to make a bed, jeeze that’d rustle my jimmies.
That sounds rough. I’m really sorry you and the mini’s have to go through that. I second the idea of getting them and yourself out of the house. I hope things settle down soon ❤️
Found this for Mr P.
Back is feeling much better today. Tequila really does fix all.
Washing machine is still broken. Drinking did not fix that, though I hoped.
Oh no. I hope you weren’t swinging on it. Hopefully it’s a cheap and prompt fix.
Did you give the washing machine a drink, or just yourself?
Now bring out some boxes for them to sleep in.
I’ve been thinking some large eskies would work. I’d have to play around with the angle grinder but I think I could pull something off.
I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve made so many mistakes over the past few days, that I’m asking how many mistakes is too many. I think it’s about time I give ADHD meds another go and stop thinking that the one shitty experience I had with one med means they’ll all be like that.
Most people tend to respond well to them, it’s just a matter of finding out which med works best in each individual. Luckily we have a few to choose from in Australia, so hopefully you can get one that works well for you.
You and me both
I gotta tell you: without the ADHD meds I’d still be doing manual labour and unable to do anything else. If you want more info, shoot me a DM.
I’ve been doing an end of year review of my finances (which is a halfway through the financial year review) and unless I manage to pick up an overtime shift on Tuesday I am not quite going to meet my overtime goal. But I am way ahead on my savings/sales goal, managing to put aside close to my years’s goal in just 6 months.
Actually, I just realised at some point I put the overtime goal up for some reason, I’ve just adjusted it back down a little and I am now magically back on track! yay me 🥳
Week 1 of leave is over.
I’m sick of the playstation. It’s staying off for a while.
How are you going with Rebirth?
I’m upto the part at the resort. Not a huge fan of mini games, so I’m taking a break till next weekend.
Story is awesome, combat is amazing!!! But not a huge fan of the mini games at the resort
Here’s a cool etymology thing - Arctic means “bears”, because you can see the Ursa constellations from the North Pole. And Antarctica (anti-arctic") means “no bears”, you can’t see the Ursa constellations there. It’s coincidence I think, that the Arctic does in fact have Polar Bears, and Antarctica doesnt
Latin and Greek retained the original Proto-Indo European (PIE) root word “*rtko” in their words ursus and *arktos", respectively. We use the word “bear” now to describe that species, and “bear” also comes from the PIE word *bher, meaning “bright/brown”. It’s theorised that hunters had a taboo on the “Ursa/arktos” name, and instead used euphemisms and nicknames to describe the animal.
Just thought that was neat :3
Ursa constellation
“According to legend, Ursa Major was once the beautiful maiden Callisto, whom the god Zeus had an affair with. In order to protect her and their son, Arcas, from his jealous wife Hera, Zeus turned Callisto and Arcas into bears. He then picked up the bears by their short, stubby tails and threw them into the sky”.
The ancient greeks had some really good drugs.
It’s the ouzo. Also responsible for the orgies.
Uh, can I have what they’re having? 😂
that is cool 🙂
Also King Arthur (of Round Table fame) was probably named that to cash in on the bear’s prestige/status. Consider also ‘berserker’ warriors - the bear-shirt warriors.
Good morning friends
Despite the rather late start to the day, I’m quite tired. Early night i think.
I am so tired. 😞
Been a long time since I did a garden update!
Most stuff died off, and I’ve come to the conclusion I don’t really have the time or energy for active or regular gardening. By which I mean getting out every week to rip up weeds, watering every single day, getting rid of pests and insects, etc. the gardens at the last place went fully feral, turned into a jungle. Mostly coriander and kale taking over. The garden beds were never really my domain though, the old LT handled that and I was mostly just in it for the sake of getting into the sunshine for a few hours a week and having a good chat with him on weeding day
The planter box I had packed to the rafters with herbs and such completely died. Not sure if it was the lack of watering, or the overwatering that did them in. But yeah. Completely 100% dead and beyond repair. I’ve been watering it hoping that there’s something still there just waiting for the right moment to come back up through. Worst case, it’s a nice planter box still, so I kept it and might just dump the soil and plant something new
The pineberries and strawberries completely died, then they came back, then they died again. I kill them everytime they start flowering and fruiting. Not intentional, and not from overwatering. Mostly lack of attention and forgetting about them. The pineberries (I think) are flowering a little bit, so I might get some fruit soon. The strawberries aren’t flowering, but I’m hopeful once they realise it’s safe, they will
I gave most of the front patio plants back to the old LT before I left because I don’t have the capacity to look after them all, and he bought them out of his own money for the sake of licensing the place up. Seemed a shame to either let me kill them, or leave them behind, and let them die themselves. I took most of what was left
Everybody keeps telling me all about how mint is invasive and will go everywhere with basically zero care BUT I’VE KILLED 4 FUCKING MINT PLANTS, ALL BEYOND RESURRECTION
Anyway, photos:
Mint has a tendency to die off when it gets too dry, then pop up again when there is rainfall. I’ve had mint growing feral in the lawn that would appear to completely disappear over summer, then pop up again overnight when conditions suited it better.
Planters are tough, and gardening in general involves a lot of stuff dying - being a good gardener is often a matter of persevering when things go wrong more than getting things right.
being a good gardener is often a matter of persevering
This is very true.
hugs to you too
contrary to popular belief gardening in containers is more difficult than gardening in beds
they dry out so quickly, or get over watered too easily, the food depletes quickly, weeds and bugs can take over , they can get too hot or cold
Just do what you know works :)
my vegie pots now consist of fast to grow lettuces, a few herbs , radishes and chilies. Nothing the birds want to eat either. The rest are easy bulbs like gingers , succulents and orchids.
Thanks, but no hugs needed! I’m actually fairly okay with it. I haven’t personally invested in most of it, I kind of just got it all through gifts or cheap from Bunnings
I know garden beds are kind of easier in some regards, but I prefer planter boxes for a few reasons. Largely because I hate having to bend over and kneel down. Not a mobility thing, I just don’t really like having to kneel down into the garden beds or suffer the consequences of hunching over while weeding or whatever
Also I’m very arachnophobic, and contrary to what everyone also keeps telling me, trying to remember they’re more afraid of me than I am of them, or its their home, or they won’t harm me, or trying to do DIY exposure therapy has not helped at all. Bugs in general freak me out a bit. With planter boxes, they’re mostly isolated to the rims of the boxes, with the occasional small ones building homes in the strawberries. But they usually move on pretty quickly when they feel the water from the hose. The lack of weeds also means I don’t have to stick my hands into deep foliage and hope for the best (a terrifying proposition for me, even with gardening gloves!)
It’s fine, they’re mostly annuals anyway. There are those watering spikes for bottles or drought resistant plants.
Even a rock garden.
It’s totally fine to take on only what you can handle or even give it a miss if it’s not manageable
I like those self contained ecosphere things, the ones you start off with a small amount of water and develop their own little closed off ecosystem. I’d really like to do one of those. But I think the initial setup is a bit sensitive and fiddly because it’s such a small system
Killing mint is an ACCOMPLISHMENT. Not many can do that. Have you thought of hiring out as a weed control specialist? If so, I have a garden that could do with your services.
Don’t feel bad. I’ve killed bamboo and cactus.
I have however grown a human successfully so that kinda trumps everything but I do envy the green thumbs at times. Now days I prefer to appreciate and admire their work from afar.
Haha I almost killed the old LTs cacti when he went on holidays for a month 😂
I forgot to water for the first 3 weeks of his holiday, and then realised “oh shit, everything’s almost dead” so compensated by overwatering. They weren’t happy about that, but did eventually dry out and calm down. I find aloe to be the easiest thing to grow, because it never seems to fully die, at least the big nature plant I have. It’ll just go brown then bounce back. It also doesn’t seem like it can be overwatered, not that I’ll be testing that
Growing a mini human is definitely more of a feat!
Why yes, I am watching YouTube videos of people transforming those insanely expensive Transformer toys.
What of it?
Beats buying a $1000 transformer when the novelty will wear off in 20 mins.
Exactly! Not in a million years could I justify something like that (nor want it really) but seeing them in a video is cool
I am really going through it 😞
hey, hugs ,
Biggest of hugs
Wishing you a better run of things real soon 💖
I hope you feel better soon.
Sending loads of hugs!
Hugs. Anything we can do to help?
Sorry no, I’m just not travelling well and being a crappy human
I’m in my happy place (slouched in my chair with a belly full of Japanese curry)
Is it just me, or were boxing Day sales cancelled this year? Went to the shops today for the regular weekly groceries, and it was pretty normal. No extra crowds, stores had regular looking signage and patrons.
I know it was Boxing Day +2, but still it would have been busy still on previous years.
I haven’t seen any amazing deals go past my feeds online either.
Had a decent day today. Big sleep. Caught up on some dishes. Played a bit of Contraband police (after about 4 hours of playtime and 3 rage quits, I finished that one near impossible mission). I’m 98% complete now, gonna crack the last part out tonight. There’s another ending though, so one day I’ll do that
Hit dogs and Caesar salad for tea. Jason did a bonza job at cleaning. I think It still needs a proper vacuum every so often, just cause it doesn’t have the strongest suction and I suspect there stuff I can’t say that a proper one would get out. But I’d be comfortable doing it monthly or even just ad-hoc. So good to have under the bed cleaned though!
And tbh it kind of encourages me to keep my room more tidy, because it’ll choke on anything left on the floor
Thank you Baku for posting. 😘
One of the walking tracks near my place goes behind some quite nice houses, their backyards face onto the track and the fences are generally wire so no privacy from passers by. A lot of lights ahead, end up walking past what seemed like a heated doubles tennis match. Oh to have a tennis court in one’s backyard.
Met up with my dad and his partner for lunch, beautiful day out. Definitely cheated on my no carb diet with noodles… and icecream. Back on the wagon tomorrow 💪
TheStench™️ is still in the bathroom. It seems less bad than a few days ago, but I don’t know if that’s a good sign, or just a reflection of the reduction in temps and relative lack of sun recently. Still makes me nauseous though, even with Glen 20
The flies are entirely gone. Haven’t seen one in a few days. They never really got extreme, just maybe 5 or 6 at any given time, which I sprayed on sight. Again, don’t know if that’s a good thing, or just means there’s a few thousand incubating up there
Now that was a sleep in!
6 avocados to the bin. My day is ruined.
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Goodnight everyone. 😘😘😘
Goodnight all ❤️
Here’s to a great day!
I’ve been really shit at cooking recently. I’ve massively screwed something up in almost everything I’ve tried to make recently
It’s doing my head in
how much butter is too much butter on buns, hot and crossed?
Dismantling the tree now. 🎄
Gon’ get a pie for lunch
I’ve bought a few vintage LPs this week.
The Tchaikovsky is very nice. Never a disappointment buying a Melodya record.
A few Bach albums, various Bachs. I find baroque very relaxing 🙂
Toad of Toad Hall with David Croft ( of bbc sitcom fame ) et al. 1958. This is the kind of indigestible treacle that Peter Cook parodied so well. I suppose it was nice for kids who lived a sheltered life. and couldn’t watch American tv. I am glad I heard this.
An American in Moscow. Goodman. English translations of Russian songs. Forgettable. 2 months ago
Had to go to the emergency room the other night. Lost vision in one of my eyes for about 45 minutes. After some scans they’ve concluded an ocular migraine. Freaky shit! Felt pretty average the last couple of days but looks like it’s finally sorted. 2 months ago
Sorry to hear it mate. That would get terrifying! 2 months ago
Scary! Glad you’re recovering. 2 months ago
😮🫂 2 months ago
That must have been so scary! I’m glad you’re feeling better & at least know what caused it 2 months ago
so many hugs, rest, cups of tea and have some toast
the thing with migraines is they can have unexpected and scary effects
to help with the fear I found Oliver Sacks’ book “Migraine” to be very helpful