They are supposed to be grown from spores, so what use are ork nipples?
So they can be milked, obviously.
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
They are supposed to be grown from spores, so what use are ork nipples?
So they can be milked, obviously.
I have nipples, Greg.
“I have nipples, Grelnak, can you milk me? That’s not sarcasm, it’s a request. I’m getting quite swollen”
Well they’re an evolutionarily manufactured race, so likely the base template had them originally but post intervention they remained as a vestigial organ.
So… A lazy creator? That tracks.
I mean, what exactly would be the point of dedicating the effort to removing them?
Lore hasn’t clarified it officially but I suspect their nipples are just a specialized form of squig.
Boring answer:Because it’s a game made by humans. Same reason the na’vi from avatar have boobs.
What use are nipples on males?
Lick one and find out
Hmmm. Can’t say I’ve licked one personally, but I see what you’re seeing. I guess I meant an actual use for them. More of a rhetorical question I guess.
Because males were females until the right amount of chemicals were introduced to the fetus. Take enough estrogen and males can produce milk and no longer have useless nipples.
sexual stimulation
They actually are capable of producing a small amount of milk, it’s just that doing that requires so much effort for so little reward that feeding babies became the mother’s job after a few thousand generations of mammals being a thing.
They have been engineered by the Old Ones. So I’m just gonna assume, they didn’t think of that when the Necron and C’tan came knocking on their doors.
psychological warfare. First thing the Necron & C’tan did in battle was hesitate thinking, “wtf? do those monsters have nipples?”
Causing a couple of circuits to burn out. Kickstarting the Flayed Ones.
I am adapting this as headcanon now.
I mean, human men have nipples and there’s no use for them there either. Evolution doesn’t get rid of things because they aren’t useful anymore, it only gets rid of things when they become detrimental to the survival of the species.
Orkz didn’t evolve though, they’re an engineered species.
Human men have nipples because human women have nipples and human men having nipples doesn’t significantly impair human men.
Nipples are sensitive and sensitive things can help with arousal and reproduction. That makes them useful for the population in general, even if not everyone is into it.
Is there a lore reason why that mushroom has a nipple?
Where do you think orc milk comes from?
Same place you get bull milk.
With that consistency I think the milk spoiled.
For the same reason why some of the Necrons have nipples: intimidation.
Do Ork nipples also cut glass?
No. For Orks, it’s all about size and color.
If Batman and Robin can have nipples, orks can have nipples too!
Which Ork models have nipples?
I can't say my knowledge of the current range is exhaustive, but I can't think of a single model that has one from the 1998 - 2016 era. There's a runtherd with a piercing where a nipple would be, but no nipple.
Because they collectively agreed that they should have them.
what if the spores get thirsty? 4 months ago
You see this discourse come up from time to time in other fantasy settings. I remember there being quite a stir over whether lizardfolk in other media should have breasts.
I’m not deep into the Warhammer lore, but there’s a few things I know about orkz:
My theory is that the folks who created the orkz had nipples themselves. Impressionable young orkz saw that their creators were fully grown and had nipples, so maybe they thought they ought to get some as they mature. If they believe that should happen, then it’ll find a way to happen.
Later orkz would have seen that the previous generation of orkz had nipples, so they would continued growing in this way. 4 months ago
I read once that this is why they paint their vehicles red. Because they believe that red makes it go faster, and with their latent psychic ability, the red ships actually DO go faster, because they believe so strongly in it. 4 months ago
My personal favorite, some kommandos believing painting themselves purple would make them sneakier because no one’s ever seen a purple ork. 4 months ago
Mhhh this has norhing to do with 40k lore, It’s just empirically proven that red vehicles go faster 4 months ago
… honestly, the most likely argument is that they saw other races and collectively assumed they ought to have nipples too (oi! why dem pink skins 'ave dots on em? Orkzz ought 'ave em too!! wauuugh) also and so they manifested them. now its just part of their genetic code and none of them ask why anymore. 4 months ago
Orkz are no strangers to krumpin’ gitz because they aren’t Orky enough though. Even their own clan. I find it hard to believe they’d be easily peer pressured into having nipples, let alone by other species.