There’s also the fan theory that the only thing keeping the Emperor barely alive is the combined power of all Orks who consider him a worthy and immortal opponent.
Comment on Why do Orks from Warhammer 40K have nipples? 4 months agoMy personal favorite, some kommandos believing painting themselves purple would make them sneakier because no one’s ever seen a purple ork. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Is there a single canonical citation for this? It feels like a meme. 4 months ago
One of the old codex books. It’s going back decades however. The works have changed a lot from that era. It was the same codex as the buzzer squig catapult, if that helps narrow it down. 4 months ago
The spore lore was only implemented in 1997. Before that their reproduction worked differently. 4 months ago
Commissar Yarrick can kill Orkz by staring at them real hard because they believe he can do so. 4 months ago
That he installed an eye socket laser to reinforce their belief in the death stare might help with lethality too 4 months ago
Oh sure, but the rumors of the Bale Eye existed before the implant did. That thing is only about as strong as a laspistol. Sure it’ll burn a hole through your trousers but it’s isn’t about to explode a charging Ork into bloody chunks. All that power comes from the gestalt field, presumably.