- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 4 days ago:
7, because they don't feel special. I never have to fret about my brain wanting to save them for special occasions.
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 5 days ago:
I constantly encounter people who speed in my town in Wales. Then I meet them at the next light. It's infuriating because they're making the place more dangerous for everyone but for literally no benefit. The average road speed possible is below 20 mph so speeding just means a longer wait at the next junction.
These selfish fuckwits don't appear to be able to grasp that though so things are still dangerous due to their childish twattery.
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 5 days ago:
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
That's a particularly cynical view of human nature you've got there.
I was arguing that one should be a good person because one has decided to, not because one has been told to, particularly given the Christian reward/punishment afterlife framing device. I try to be a good person and I do so expecting nothing in return. I'm not trying to accrue karma points or offset "bad" deeds so as to avoid punishment, but I am trying to act in a way that I feel will contribute to a more positive society.
So in the case of building one's own moral code I am talking about each individual's journey in discovering who they are and what they feel is the right thing to do. A subset of people are going to be evil bastards regardless of any ethics we teach them - religion certainly doesn't seem to make a lick of difference on that front. But putting that minority of rubbish humanity aside, I'd rather the rest decide that we should try to look after each other because they feel that it's a good way to live, not in a cynical attempt to curry favour with some nebulous abstract entity.
Crucially, I think we actually all do build our own moral codes, regardless of whether we have a religion taught to us or not, and regardless of whether we think of it that way. At least if we acknowledge that it's what we do then we could each take a more active part in ownership of our own behaviours, rather than tying ourselves in knots of cognitive dissonance. It'd hopefully mean we could make some progress rather than making the same mistakes repeatedly (let's make new mistakes!).
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
You can use the swastika as a symbol for luck if you'd like, Western society is not going to see it that way. Christianity has a hell of a lot to answer for and I couldn't in good conscience recommend anyone, adult or child, treat its fan-fiction patchwork quilt of a source book as a basis for modern living. Even the language of it makes my skin crawl - "follow"? Ew. No, build your own moral code, don't just take one off the shelf.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
The dark patterns of modern design is the biggie for me. Addictiveness is being optimised for. Back in the day it was just a happy accident (for developers).
I don't fret about the contents of what they're exposed to (oh no, nudity and violence, how outlandish, how will humans cope...) but the format it's presented being designed to screw with their brains ain't good.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
I think an important question here is what need refers to. Needed to become what?
That's not a leading question - I mean that I don't know what the target behaviour should be in any concrete terms. If we don't know where we're going it's hard to navigate.
What do we think we should hold up as virtues? I'm sure we all have a few ideas but something coherent and consistent would be good.
Lots of things that are currently accepted as good are really problematic, I feel. Classic example - hard work. The idea that toil is inherently noble and converselt wanting to relax is slothful. Doesn't really lead down a good road.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Shame he's been co-opted by cultists.
- Comment on Toxic Avenger | Official Teaser #1 | Miss Meat 1 week ago:
Last year I felt like the only films being released were sequels, spinoffs, or remakes. I've not checked this year so far because last year crushed my spirit on that front.
- Comment on Favourite 90s platformer? 1 week ago:
I'm rather a fan of Apogee's Secret Agent. I loved it back in the day and then enjoyed the HD remaster of it a few years back.
- Comment on Favourite 90s platformer? 1 week ago:
I feel like I'm the only person that grew up with Mario 64 but doesn't love it. I was really excited by it initially but when I played the game properly it just had this oppressive feeling of isolation and melancholy to it that was so off-putting.
- Comment on "There comes a time when we all declare the war is over": Former PlayStation Studios boss Shawn Layden on the future of video game consoles 1 week ago:
I'm still waiting on the killer titles for the current generation of consoles. I'm frankly amazed that games have become so difficult to make, given how the graphical improvements aren't leaps. Build a stylish lighting system, make sure your textures and geometry aren't too ropey, and then make something creative.
I know it's not that simple, obviously, but I was playing through a fifteen year old FPS yesterday and the difference between now and then is just not that big. It's not nothing but the Gameboy philosophy of doing more with less would go a long way.
- Comment on "There comes a time when we all declare the war is over": Former PlayStation Studios boss Shawn Layden on the future of video game consoles 1 week ago:
But... but... the line has to go up! Don't you understand? It's not going up! Panic!
- Comment on Toxic Avenger | Official Teaser #1 | Miss Meat 1 week ago:
Gods forbid we make new IPs.
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
I agree that the original is tighter, but I love the free-form adventure of 2.
Did you ever play it modded? The Restoration Project, Updated has two amazing addons that add more talking heads and more voice acting and they're both of phenomenal, basically seamless quality. It's really like putting on a fresh coat of paint on the old thing.
Played it? I voiced a talking dog in it!
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
Fallout 2 is probably one of my favourite games of all time. Absolutely amazing game, if a bit sprawly. I've played through it many times and expect I will do again.
Red Alert 2 - the pinnacle of the isometric RTS genre. Bordering on too silly but without tipping into absolute farce. Mechanically very strong, the art is lovely, and even has nostalgia for me.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Massive game but a run can be completed relatively quickly. I always disable the music because I don't like games that try to scare and intimidate me. I'm pretty good at the game so it tends to be pretty relaxing for me, if a bit fugue-state-y.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2: the apex of the Battlefield multiplayer games for me. The others have plenty going for them, but BFBC2 was the best compromise between destructibility, player counts, etc. for my tastes. Sniping took significant skill and one couldn't go prone - it meant that open areas didn't feel like a death sentence (looking at you, later BF games!).
Assassin's Creed: Origins/Odyssey two open world games with beautiful maps and locations to explore. I think I preferred the setting of Origins but the story of Odyssey. A bit of escapist fantasy, I suppose. I loved the Ezio trilogy too, mind you.
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
Any time I see people hawking their religions on the streets I'm grossed out. If you're such big believers in your noddy religions, go do some actual good rather than turning it into a bloody pyramid scheme. Free bibles courses? No one needs that!
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
I'm sure they'd have something to say about you pulling out of your boyfriend!
- Comment on UK drops down list of affluent nations after decade of stagnation 2 weeks ago:
It's not been a good time, has it? "Austerity" wasn't an economic policy, it was a justification for needless cruelty (as opposed to policies that leverage short term pain for long term positives).
Useless be-suited twats.
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 2 weeks ago:
I have similar questions when YouTubers say the old "don't forget to ring that bell" and the like. What on Earth would I need notifications for? It's on-demand video! The whole point is that it waits for me!
- Comment on Next Xbox Rumors Surface; No Devkits Available to Developers Yet (aiming for 2027) 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like I'm never going to have a reason to buy a current generation console.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 9th 2 weeks ago:
I installed Unciv from F-Droid. That's what happened to my Sunday.
- Comment on Atomfall Hands-On Preview: Rebellion’s New IP is More Than Just British Fallout - WGB article 2 weeks ago:
I watched the video they released the other day and stopped half way through. It looked rather dull and also ugly, unfortunately.
How is there no middleware available for NPC movement? It looked tremendously stilted. Similarly the lighting and environments looked worse than things I was playing fifteen years ago. I don't need cutting edge but it looks distractingly ugly to me.
- Comment on Favourite Mario Kart game? 2 weeks ago:
Mechanically I like 64. I'd like a few more tracks, particularly for the battle mode. The later versions add far too much cruft for my tastes.
- Comment on Tony Hawk's™ Pro Skater™ 3 + 4 | Reveal Trailer 3 weeks ago:
Isn't that what the Skate series is for?
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Do your best.
- Comment on The UK must make big changes to its diets, farming and land use to hit net zero – official climate advisers 4 weeks ago:
This is something that irks me about how we have things setup at the moment. Farming produces food. Put money in, get food out. The notion that it also needs to make money is putting the cart before the horse. Yay capitalism.
- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 4 weeks ago:
I wouldn't really call it a "trap". If you're buying a console when it's new at full price, sure, you're being taken for a ride, but give it a couple of years for stuff to be cheaper and it can work out reasonably well.
I used to be a major PC gamer but eventually the cost/benefit calculation went completely off the rails.
- Comment on PS5 Pro sales ‘have fallen behind PS4 Pro in the US 4 weeks ago:
What would I even play on it?