- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
Had this setup for 4.5yrs. No issues.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
I have an RV with 2x 10 gauge, 50’ extensions running power to it. I have a built-to-purpose coverat the connection point. Its fine and safe enough. Just keep slack at the connection. It cant be under pull stress.
- Comment on Why is the term "bloodline" often used instead of "family tree"? 4 months ago:
We can start using BloodTree universally in place of either…
- Comment on Why do Orks from Warhammer 40K have nipples? 4 months ago:
… honestly, the most likely argument is that they saw other races and collectively assumed they ought to have nipples too (oi! why dem pink skins 'ave dots on em? Orkzz ought 'ave em too!! wauuugh) also and so they manifested them. now its just part of their genetic code and none of them ask why anymore.
- Comment on Why do Orks from Warhammer 40K have nipples? 4 months ago:
psychological warfare. First thing the Necron & C’tan did in battle was hesitate thinking, “wtf? do those monsters have nipples?”
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
This guy watched The Lightbulb Conspiracy… Am I right…?
- Comment on Kurt Russell Had To Drag James Spader Out Of His Trailer For Stargate 7 months ago:
Fast food roast beef sandwiches. Exactly what they are when fresh, nightmares an hour later
- Comment on Is 0.3 quarts extra too mich oil in a car? 8 months ago:
*Old man knowledge here, not a professional mechanic. *
It’s fine.
- Comment on How and why did humans start consuming chicken eggs? 8 months ago:
Wasn’t the first eggs we ate as a species and they were relatively easy to get compared to larger game or birds that flew
We probably started eating eggs in general cause we saw other animals eating them and we liked protein too.
- Comment on My RuneScape inspired indie fitness MMORPG WalkScape is looking for more beta testers 11 months ago:
In the future, when this is wildly successful, please develop a plugin for my smart watch so i don’t have too keep my phone in my pocket. /stuffthatsnotrelevantnow
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
There are bootstraps you haven’t appropriately pulled up if you live at home.
The more legitimate reason is that there’s a school of thought that you can’t become a fully-fledged, independent adult without putting some distance between youself and the folks that raised you. There’s a difference between someone who never left home and is content to just stay in the status quo, vs an adult who maybe went to off to college or was away from home for some period of time while working that has had to come back due to challenging circumstances and doesn’t plan to stay longer than they need to. Obviously, the stereotype is of the former and not the latter.
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
Meh, don’t worry about it… whatever environment you find yourself in, navigate it the best you can. Reality might be real to someone experiencing it, but it’s irrelevant to someone who isn’t.
- Comment on Could Superman cook a batch of chilli so spicy that he couldn't eat it? 1 year ago:
This is the correct answer
- Comment on Could Superman cook a batch of chilli so spicy that he couldn't eat it? 1 year ago:
I’m not an expert on Superman’s super mouth and GI tract, but I have some thoughts. First, whatever amount of spice that would approach Superman’s limit would be intense enough that mere humans couldn’t be anywhere near the chili cooking. The amount of capsaicin in the environment surrounding the chili pot would be toxic and possibly fatal. If he was making the chili at the Justice League headquarters the following would happen when Superman offered the chili to the others: Flash would phase around the capsaicin molocules and say that it was really great in a very non convincing way. Wonder Woman would take a bite and with flushed cheeks mention that the Amazonian women made a chowder that was a little hotter. Martian Manhunter would take a whiff of the Chili and decide that the sensation was too close to burning for his liking. Plastic-Man would be so annoying with his antics following a taste that Superman wouldn’t offer him any even though Plastic Man would be fine eating it. DCEU Aquaman would take a bite, and though it would burn and cause him hours of misery, he wouldn’t show it and proceed to drink 2 cases of beer. Batman would enter the kitchen in his Bat-Hazmat Suit and direct Clark’s attention to the posted rules for appropriate workplace food and mention that he expected everything to be cleaned up before the end of the workday. He’d then extract a sample of the chili for analysis and formulate countermeasures in case it was ever weaponized. Green Lantern would will himself to eat a bite, but surreptitiously surround the bite with a force bubble so his body didn’t have to actually ingest it.
- Comment on Forgot your sudo password ? Here is a working fix, quick and painless. 1 year ago:
With all of the endless discussion about content on Lemmy, this is a shining example of top tier content. Thank you.
- Comment on Normal and OLED side by side. 1 year ago:
…needs the, “they’re the same picture” meme treatment.