Not every immigrant is illegal or bad. I know a girl who didn’t speak English for 3 years when her family legally immigrated, so of course she’s been told this.
For a moment I was like wtf…then I saw this was on no stupid questions
Submitted 6 days ago by to [deleted]
Not every immigrant is illegal or bad. I know a girl who didn’t speak English for 3 years when her family legally immigrated, so of course she’s been told this.
For a moment I was like wtf…then I saw this was on no stupid questions
It’s inherent feature of human reasoning across the board. Everyone does broad generalizations about other people based on more or less unrelated information about them. Just yesterday someone here was getting upvoted for implying people driving lifted trucks are racists. It’s the same logic at work there.
I feel like America is like this especially. I’ve seen them assume too many things about me because of single beliefs I held
Yeah we better start coming up with some paperwork that our great great grandparents were legal. At this point I’d be pretty happy to be deported to Germany.
my great grandparents immigrated from Finland. can’t wait to go!
Oh if you aren’t brown you’re ok. White places like Germany are the immigrants that are ok. Haven’t you heard “If it’s brown flush it down. If it’s yellow let it mellow.”? A lot of people think that refers to bathroom business but really it’s gop immigration policy.
Biggest of /s for those with a heavy dose of the 'tism that can’t read facetious remarks in anything but literal mode.
First, think about how smart the “average” person is.
Next, think about how half of the people in the world are dumber than that and you start to get an idea.
I dont think they assume all immigrants are illegal. They talk about illegal immigrants. As in those that entered clandestinely without visa or entering permit
No it’s the brown ones. They wouldn’t look twice at a pale person like Musk.
Makes sense, I’m talking about the RADICAL anti-immigration.
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
-Wilhoit’s Law
That’s it. That’s all. They want an out-group to abuse. And they have to justify people being in that out-group, so they make them lesser somehow: they’re ‘stupider, crueler, useless to society’, unlike the Amazing and Super Perfect people in the in-group.
Well by definition if you are born in someplace you are a native of that place.
Yesterday, at a park, I saw some Patriot Front (a neonazi group) posters on two adjacent polls. One was something about the “American spirit” descending from “European blood”. The other said “America is for Americans”. Without a hint of irony.
As if Europeans didn’t immigrate but just popped out of the ground here, or something?
Racists aren’t known for their critical thinking skills.
Yeah these guys are radicalized extremists.
You can’t tell if someone is “legally” in the U.S. by looking at them. You can’t tell if someone was born here by looking at them. You would think racism would be separate from the immigration panic because there is no way to tie looks to immigration status, but instead the logic is thrown out the window.
My friend told me once “when a guys life goes to shit he looks for someone to blame.”. These particular guys have blamed some nebulous idea of “illegal immigrants” instead of women, or communists or whatever.
Its called being a moron.
The oligarch owned media/government/education system wants the working class fighting each other rather than going after the real parasites (the oligarchs). They use 24/7 cradle to grave propaganda to convince people that the threat comes from “others” instead of the bosses. Easier to get people to punch down.
Because that would involve a level of logic and critical thinking well beyond them.
They don’t care. They just want to get rid of brown people. “Illegal Immigration” is just the smoke screen.
The far-right doesn’t care about logic, it’s all just good ol’ racism.
So people are programmed to be biased towards their own self interest, it’s not as malicious as it sounds, it’s unfortunately human nature.
So naturally they would think that the new world conquest was justified for whatever reason (maybe cause there was no flag?).
And conversely, naturally they would think of new people coming here as less justified, after all, we live in a modern world with borders now.
What I’ve learned from politics in the last few years, especially during the pandemic, never trust someone’s opinion when there is conflict of interest.
We’re also heavily biased towards our own group. Humans are so tribal it’s kinda wild if you think on it.
Get a bunch of Ford and Chevy people in the same room, see what happens. And we divide ourselves along 100,000 other lines.
Lemmings look down on redditors.
“But I’m on the right side! The others clearly are not!”
In college there were 3 restaurants owned by the same guy, all very popular and everyone wanted a job at one. When we would all get together for Christmas or other event, we would self segregate and snob the other employees. Our restaurant was the cool one.
Never try to underestimate stupid. You’ll fail every time.
That’s just bad logic saying that all Americans all are immigrants. It implies that land is bound by blood and every modern immigrant everwhere would never be integrated into society, since they weren’t the original people there. Every society that has migrated would also receive this immigrant label, like the Hungarians and Bulgarians. There comes a point where the people who conquer lands become the people living there and not just immigrants.
These kinds of bad gotchas aren’t proving anything unless you seriously think they are only going for immigrants. They are racists. They use the term immigrant to refer to non-white people.
Will yes but… Muh DEI and eggs…
Because they write their narrative, or subscribe to one where they are the defenders, not the peoples who were dominated a couple of centuries ago.
Because some people were never taught critical thinking skills
It’s called manifest destiny and it’s part of the propaganda machine that’s been worked on us since before all of us were born.
Oligarchs are seizing control of the country. Wages have been declining for decades; there was a time when you could buy a house with just a few years’ salary. As the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, the middle class slowly sinks towards the poverty line. To shield themselves from public scrutiny, the oligarchs use propaganda to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. They deploy their most charismatic and beautiful individuals to tell you that if it weren’t for all those foreigners, you’d have a stable job.
Meanwhile, all manufacturing companies have been sold and moved overseas. Unskilled and uneducated labor is at an all-time low. Drug use is up, crime rates are soaring, and neighborhoods are falling into poverty. Is it time to protest, to start an uprising? But wait—straight from Fox News: all those immigrants who came over are criminals. It’s gang violence. Other countries are exiling their criminals and sending them to us. Our poor, uneducated, unwashed masses are eager to believe this, allowing the right to swoop in, carrying these people back home. They believe that finally, they’ll land that big job, get the big raise, the big truck, have nine kids, and live happily ever after.
For some reason it seems like human nature to treat everybody in a recognizable group like they’re the same person, and that person is either good or bad depending on your background and attitudes - immigrants, trans people, cops, boomers, tech nerds, hot women, republicans, democrats, musicians… there are probably stereotypes you have broad opinions about which you will spend all day defending/rationalizing because a) “they’re true” and/or b) “I’m not bigoted!”
It’s their fee fees, stoked by conservative media.
Social media induced psychosis 5 days ago
It is ethnic cleansing, pure and simple.