- Comment on how come james bond movies are so popular? 5 days ago:
Its just a cool movie with ok script.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Also he doesnt know what an SCD is.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Pandas and Pickle man….
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
He gonna write everything in Pandas. Who the fuck needs to pay hundreds of millions a year to Oracle. (And I bet thats really how much they pay Oracle)
Also, ohh boy Oracle’s layers… those you dont wanna mess with.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Oh yeah? How about SCD? I bet all ssn are in an SCD.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
As a data engineer for the past 20+ years: There is absolutely no fucking way that the us gov doesnt use sql.
Regarding duplications: its more nuanced than thise statements each side put. There can be duplications in certain situations. In some situations there shouldnt be. And I dont really see how duplications in a db is open to fraud.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I was like this in programming classes. I would read one time and immediately understand and go and get 10 at the exam. Even new languages or concepts, I would read it once and thats it. It was like a fun game for me. Anything else at school? Abysmal scores, including Math! (I hate when people equate programming and math as if its the same skill - its fucking not!) I would struggle with everything unrelated to computers.
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 4 weeks ago:
I dont think they assume all immigrants are illegal. They talk about illegal immigrants. As in those that entered clandestinely without visa or entering permit
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 1 month ago:
Fuck the downvotes. This is no stupid questions!
Its considered rude towards women. Because a lot of men just say it to women to look more attractive or to just looke more nice as if women bare the responsibility to be nice to men or always be attractive otherwise they wont be considered women at all. I think it became like because many men just say it a lot (or many boomers dont know).
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Eventually the pressure will overcome your sphincter strength. And its fluid - it only needs a tiny tiny hole to Come out.
- Comment on How come Israel don't use Mossad to take out all of the Hamas leadership similar to what they did after Munich? Would this not be better than bombing stuff into oblivion? 5 months ago:
Update tou your question, though this targeted towards Hezbullah and not Hammas: Bro they just took ~2000 of them with pinpoint accuracy in one go!
- Comment on How come Israel don't use Mossad to take out all of the Hamas leadership similar to what they did after Munich? Would this not be better than bombing stuff into oblivion? 5 months ago:
Yes, hammas leaders over the years were assasinated by mossad. Including just a month or so ago. Top leader Ismayil Haniya was assasinated by the mossad on Iranian Soil. Gaza is a whole different story. Though mossad is involved there as well. You cannot just go to Gaza and pretend you are gazan. There are so small subtleties as to be “gazan” that can be picked right away by any local. Its a small community where everyone knows everyone. Mostaarvim, which is a special unit of the police in Israel specializes on exactly that. Pretending to be arab gazan or arab west bank and conduct operations there. And they have presumably rescued hostages and assassinated specific hammas people. You might as well consider them a specialized unit of the mossad if you will.
Waging war on Gaza is to a. Put pressure to rescue the hostages and b. To eradicate Hammas on its people, infrastructure and weapons. So that OCT 7 will never happen again. You cant use Mossad operations to do that. You Do that with actual war and shit.
- Comment on Just had someone say they are going to have a Fatwa put on me . What the hell does that mean? Do I need to report it or something? 7 months ago:
Colloquially it means “your blood is free” to other people. It gives islamic religious lunatics a reason to kill you. If you are somewhat of a known person you should be worried. In a regular legal system (as in not in an islamic sharia law place) this can pass as a threat and legal action should be taken against the one who said it to you.
What im saying is the popular street meaning of this and thus it shouldnt be taken lightly. It a threat. Theologically it just means some religious legal entity ruled against you in your absence.
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 7 months ago:
What I mean about constructing statistics is going to a place and starting counting people hmmm yes there are 95% straight people here and 96% white people here …. Like do you really do that?
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 7 months ago:
You are right this is no stupid questions and im sorry if I came out a bit judgmental or rude. That was not my intention.
I just dont really understand why it matters and why people put so much emphasis about the (racial? Gender? Class?) composition of people in “X”. I just cant fathom going to a place and think boy I wish there were more X here. Is it an American thing?
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 7 months ago:
As someone not American. Is it something that you do frequently? Construing statistics about the poeple around you? And then being displeasedabout some fluke in the numbers? Like what does it matter?? I genuinely dont understand.
- Comment on Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies? 8 months ago:
Well some woman on the street can definitely drag you to a corner and do a lot of sexual things to yoy without consent. Thats rape.
- Comment on Where can i find an archive/compilation of the self recorded videos of idf soldiers blowing up apartments and mocking children in schools 9 months ago:
Where can I find all the videos that Gazans filmed themselves while in Israel proper brutally slaughtering people and children in their homes.
Ill tell you where. Go search for “south first responders” on telegram.
- Comment on Palestinian Solidarity Encampment Protests Explode Around the Country (But will they be effective?) 9 months ago:
You know at least two thirds are children. O dont know that. If fact I know that at least 15k hammas members were killed. Because we know that all northern gaza and central gaza hammas brigades were obliterated. So someone is making up numbers. We also have thousands of movies of confirmed militants with weapons blowing up. So again something doesnt add up with the 35k civilians killed.
The way to fight terrorism in my opinion is to bomb the terrorist organization’s members to smithereens wherever they are, to catch as many as many of them alive as possible to get more intelligence of them. And with all that said to minimize as much as possible colateral damage, like make thousands of phone calls a day to civilians to warn them to run away. To knock the roofs of buildings to warn them, to let them pass to safe zones while screening them with technology. To have a robust intelligence system that identifies civilians and filters them out as much as possible.
All of this is already happening and should happen more.
This is war against the most brutal terrorist organization in the world. An organization that deliberately hides among civilians. And thus its going to be brutal. But necessary.
Hopefully no more civilians die and Sinwar and all his accomplices end up in pieces. And all the hostages are returned alive and well. (We know most of them are already dead)
- Comment on Palestinian Solidarity Encampment Protests Explode Around the Country (But will they be effective?) 9 months ago:
You do know that a lot of those 35K are a lot of terrorists, or freedom figthers or militants, right?
The best to do it is to be very careful to hit as less civilians as possible with the situation that Hammas deliberately created. Theres a reason IDF invented the roof knocking technique.
- Comment on Palestinian Solidarity Encampment Protests Explode Around the Country (But will they be effective?) 10 months ago:
None, but we should fight the terror group that hides behind them and within them until they get the hostages back, especially the women and children they still hold for almost a year.
- Comment on Why do we castrate animals instead of giving them vasectomies? 11 months ago:
And your dog humping everything that moves
- Comment on Why do we castrate animals instead of giving them vasectomies? 11 months ago:
Because you want that hormonal changes in your pets.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
FTL, Rimworld.
I have about 5000 hours just on these two
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
Maybe you’re undiagnosed autistic
- Comment on 66% of Americans say they want extended European-style vacation policies at work 1 year ago:
All those 66% might be left wingers. You Just dont see it in general elections because of electoral college and gerrymandering. If you cancel these two you might find out america is actually normal and sane.
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
Im a left leaning landlord and im not like that at all. Im fixing everything thats needed and improving stuff from time to time but basically staying out of their lives.
- Comment on "Sponsored recommendations": I pay for Spotify Premium, and yet somehow I'm still the product? 1 year ago:
Apple music
- Comment on Divinity Original Sins 2: An unbelievably awesome game 1 year ago:
I really wanted to like this game. But Man it was too linear for me and also too hard. I had to google every quest to know where the fuck is X to finish it. It was just too daunting. And I like hard games. But this one was frustrating for some reason.
Otherwise its probably an awesome game. Not for me.