- Comment on What ever happened to QAnon? 1 day ago:
They went on about the “deep state” because their goal was to create a deep state.
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 1 week ago:
He was entertainment to them. He’s like the frat brother who suddenly says “Let’s do a road trip to Florida!” (from NY) and everyone just laughs and goes “Ok, sure”. Then they see him loading up the car.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 1 week ago:
It is a trade off vs scammers
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
It’ll take decades to repair it
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Unless you are a corporation.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Well then you can block them from investing in the US or owning property. That would put a serious crimp on them.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Lots of people fled England in the 50s-60s because the tax rates were insane. George Harrison even wrote “Tax Man” about it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Norway taxes your wealth if you try to leave
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
If there are timestamped records for things like name changes then you’d get “duped” SSNs
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Billionaires are stealing our dollars, tax or otherwise.
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 2 weeks ago:
I thought I left reddit to get away from this
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I cook a lot so I have never used DD and for pizza the place near me does their own delivery. I really hate extra fees.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Probably because the real trick is getting recognition. In the fog of a million voices on the internet all vying for your attention it is hard to make yourself a brand name. When people think of delivery now they automatically think of doordash.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
Yup. I’d make a tray of lasagna, in my bachelor days, and it would last me about 4 days. Of course I’d be really tired of lasagna by then lol
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
I don’t understand how all of these delivery services are so popular when everyone is saying how high the cost of living is. People have money to blow on delivery fees?
- Comment on To whomever invented LED bus advertisements: I despise you. 4 weeks ago:
Same goes for LED headlights. “Enjoy looking directly into lasers at night.”
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
You’d have to get people to buy into it and have the date set out far enough that a critical mass of people are ready and know the date(s)
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
The teamsters would have more of an effect
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 4 weeks ago:
Well by definition if you are born in someplace you are a native of that place.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Everyone just call in sick. Say it is because you didn’t want any vaccines.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I guess at the very least you announce you aren’t going to be nice and compliant.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
As with most protests by the left it will be 10,000 people with 10,000 different priorities.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I feel like the issue is with our fellow citizens who voted for him and the congressmen/woman. You can protest all you want but they’ll keep getting elected.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 4 weeks ago:
My stupid state has me blocked from many of the mainstream pr0n sites :( Too cheap to get a vpn though.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 4 weeks ago:
Maybe it would fill up their servers’ storage
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 4 weeks ago:
I was told horny moms in my neighborhood were available.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 4 weeks ago:
Like ants at a picnic
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago:
Write lots of scathing comments online
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Truly rich people just want you to be interesting. The nouveau riche, or wanna bes, are obsessed with crap like designer labels and cookie cutter luxury brands.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
This is the perfect time to dress fancy on the way in while smuggling in a bag of clothes. Change in the bathroom then come out in overalls, a dirty trucker cap, a “Marlboro Cigarettes” t shirt and workboots. “Too upscale?”