Great, now when will they restore the games for the rest of the world? They’ve been removed on Steam since forcing PS accounts.
Sony finally surrenders: PSN accounts will be 'optional' for games on Steam, but they'll give you free stuff if you sign up
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I’ve lost track, is Helldiver’s 2 still PSN optional but still unavailable in non-PSN regions? 4 weeks ago
As I understand it, there’s not currently a PSN restriction on Helldivers 2. Valve themselves blocked it because Sony was making no promises that it would continue to be a legal and playable purchase in outside countries.
I would guess Sony may still have to convince Valve to increase the game’s availability. To sell a product that will remain usable, Valve needs a better commitment/promise than “We’we so sowwy consumews, we pwomise we won’t do it again.” Probably some kind of contract. 4 weeks ago
Smart tbh, just give s deny decent skin and most people will not hesitate 4 weeks ago
I honestly don’t know how a company that’s supposed to know the industry took this long to figure it out. They’ve been giving people fortnite skins for a long time, they know the bar is super low for people to get super excited about changes instead of antagonizing them. 4 weeks ago
This happened with Helldivers, everybody forgave them and immediately rewarded them by continuing to play/buy, and then they turned around and stuck PSN account requirements on a tonne of other games. Looking forward to the same cycle happening again very soon 🫡 4 weeks ago
An account for PlayStation Network will become optional for these titles on PC.…/new-in-game-content-incent…
This is very explicitly not making any promises beyond these 4 titles. :\ 4 weeks ago
I was gonna try HD2 when I upgraded my machine, but swore it off when that shit happened. 4 weeks ago
Good choice. I haven’t really kept up with new releases for a few years as the mainstream of the industry started to feel more and more like a scam, but I wonder if anybody’s ever done studies comparing people with short term memory issues, and people who play video games - because video game consumers seem to forget getting screwed over and constantly get surprised when they reward bad behaviour lol 4 weeks ago
If there’s one thing that Sony’s transition from a quality electronics company to a copyright-heavy media-driven pro-DMCA-lobbying company back in then 00s has taught me it’s to “Never, ever trust Sony”. 4 weeks ago
Never forget when they put a rootkit on their CDs that automatically installed malware. 4 weeks ago
Having dealt with Sony for years as a engineer their non consumer hardware is a true pain. Trying to interface with some of their ccd image sensors was some of the most PITA integration i’ve ever dealt with. 4 weeks ago
To be fair Sony may have produced quality electronics but their tactics have always been anti consumer.
They always insist on proprietary everything and try to get first mover advantage for each new iteration of tech and then lock the market down. The problem is they hold out for so long with their proprietary formats that it makes their products unattractive. Case in point their memory cards.
Requiring a psn account is just another anti consumer control tactic by the company. 4 weeks ago
I’m surprised they did this. Would have assumed most people don’t care and we were getting a PC PSN launcher very soon. 4 weeks ago
I assume we still will and it will just lean more carrot than stick in terms of offering discounts and bonus items. 4 weeks ago
Hey wow, look what happens when we don’t buy their games and loudly organize to tell others not to buy their games over this bullshit!
There’s still nothing Sony puts out that I really think is all that good, but hopefully this serves as another message to the industry to stop with this dumb bullshit. Funny how Sony has been getting a lot of those kinda messages recently. 4 weeks ago
games are famously terrible at boycotts. if people didn’t buy spidey2 the most probable reason is that the reviews are full of thumb downs saying it runs like shit even on the best hardware. 4 weeks ago
I might just buy one of their games now to support their decision.
I just don’t know how much I can trust them to keep their word and not just brick the game in the future until an account is made. 4 weeks ago
I recommend waiting until they revert the restrictions on countries that can’t have PSN. That’s the indicator on how serious they actually are about making PSN optional. So far the restrictions are in place so fuck em. 4 weeks ago
And then they wait for everyone to buy their games before they bring it back. Not saying it will happen. Just that it might. 4 weeks ago
I’m not saying I will eat this double cheeseburger…but I might.
Pay no attention to my hungry stomach, or my staring gaze at this delicious double cheeseburger with just the perfect balance of meat to cheese ratio. Melting in almost a gooey waterfall down the sides of these patties. With just a hint of ketchup at the top, and topped with lettuce to give it a crunch.
I’m not saying if I will eat this double cheeseburger…but I might. 4 weeks ago
Patient gamers: look, this is what they need to do to emulate a fraction of our power. 4 weeks ago
That’s not exactly surrendering. It’s still scummy. But it’s less objectionable, at least. 4 weeks ago
Cool, I’ve been wanting to play the new god of war but passed on it because of this bullshit. Time to put it back on my wishlist and … wait some more for a sale, which is never much of a discount with Sony 4 weeks ago
Fucking finally. 4 weeks ago
It’s easy, do not buy games from the billionaire companies who do not care about you. They are gonna do whatever is necessary to make money off of you, that’s how they became billion dollar companies in the first place. 4 weeks ago
Awesome! I will actually consider purchasing them now.
Great job for those of you that took a stance against this! Voting with your wallet works.
#fuckanticonsumerpractices 4 weeks ago
Nice. Just in time for me to consider buying it even more.
Consider 4 weeks ago
I’m OK with buying now based on the fact they reversed this. They did what I wanted and the reason I waited to buy so I’ll hold up my end. They should be happy people are even buying the games. If they ever change this policy they are other options. I’d love to see what the sales numbers are from before and after the requirement. I’m guessing it wasn’t just the articles but actual decline in sales. 4 weeks ago
No such thing as free stuff. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
The thing is, the trust is gone. I still might not buy their games again unless/until they resume releasing them on GOG. 4 weeks ago
🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️ me with the new spider man 4 weeks ago
Hey, what’s this skull and crossbones flag doing here? Oh right. That’s my pirate flag that I fly high as I sail the seas…for no reason…no reason at all. Yep. Mods, it’s just a flag that’s being flown for no reason at all. Certainly not one that needs mod intervention…
flying flag 4 weeks ago
Personally, I don’t even like piracy as a form of protest. It means you’re spending time on their game when you could be spending time and money on a game that respects your values. Plus, if you like the game, you’re still spreading positive word of mouth. I don’t need to play Horizon when there’s so much else out there. 4 weeks ago
I already add most of their games to Ignored list on Steam, and I’m not undoing that.