- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 3 weeks ago:
People have kids that can move out? And they have money for retirement? I’m guessing this isn’t in America…?
- Comment on tetrapods 3 weeks ago:
But the whole point of rice is to bulk out more expensive food. Even the expensive Japanese sticky rice is just there to stretch out the actual food.
- Comment on tetrapods 3 weeks ago:
Why are you trying to keep your rice out of your curry, who eats them separately, that’s insane
- Comment on Sony finally surrenders: PSN accounts will be 'optional' for games on Steam, but they'll give you free stuff if you sign up 1 month ago:
No such thing as free stuff.
- Comment on "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" hits PVOD/digital on January 21. 2 months ago:
I still don’t understand why people pre-order digital/streaming content.
- Comment on Evil 3 months ago:
What happens is that engineers look at a technology and say, this is too complex, I just need something simple. So they invent and/or adopt something simpler than the popular technology of the day.
But as they build more and more things using the technology, they realize that it needs more features, so those get added on. This happens over and over again to the technology with more and more features being added to it, until a new set of engineers look at it and say this is too complex, I just need something simple…
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.
- Comment on Trick OR Treat 4 months ago:
And butter
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?
I tried this once when I was probably about two or three years old. It did not go well.
- Comment on Lemmy is self sufficient 5 months ago:
Sounds like an argument against democratically elected leadership to me.
- Comment on Do you want to go to Ohio? 6 months ago:
Here I am, trying to find Saddam Hussein
- Comment on Bet y'all are very familiar with this 8 months ago:
Loosen your grip right before it hits, not enough that you lose control but enough that you’re not going to take much of the impact. It might take an extra hit or two, but it also might mean that you can push it down a little bit harder as well knowing that you don’t have to absorb the impact
- Comment on Emerald Treasure 9 months ago:
Familiar looking, it is.
- Comment on What should I know about buying / replacing a garage door opener? 10 months ago:
You may just need to adjust the sensitivity of the safety reverse on the door, but to reiterate what everybody else is saying, working on garage doors tends to fall squarely into the camp of “if you have to ask, you need to hire a professional”. I do a lot of DIY around my home the garage doors are something that I won’t touch for anything but the most basic adjustments.
- Comment on Can I lick it? 11 months ago:
It tastes like pain.
- Comment on Can I lick it? 11 months ago:
I would avoid licking zinc. It’s a necessary nutrient but it doesn’t take much to me your stomach up.
- Comment on Found in the wild 11 months ago:
Backing up all the data is just good disaster recovery. I don’t have any insider information either, but I would be more surprised if they don’t have at least one off site backup of everything ever on the site. At least anything textual, but probably media as well
- Comment on Caption this. 1 year ago:
The Aperture Science Intimidation Plates are protected by the Aperture Science Intimidation Plate Gates. Testing protocols require me to inform you, for your safety and the safety of others, do not attempt to manipulate ,enter, or annoy the Aperture Science Intimidation Plate Gates.
- Comment on Yes, I'm a rancher 1 year ago:
I mean, that would just be adding a little meant to your salad. How bad could it be?
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
I completely missed the letter f the first time through as well…
- Comment on walkie talkie 1 year ago:
If you are taking enhancement requests, dropping the title of the video into the comment would be handy