- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
And I’m from the other end where I came from Morrowind and couldn’t get into Oblivion because it was so generic compared to the earlier game. Monsters leveling to the character made it so safe.
I remember when the monster that was spawning everywhere changed type I knew I had leveled up.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
Ah yes. Land Skyranger, open door, sectoid throws grenade into Skyranger. Evac with one survivor. Good times.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
There is a lot of truth to this old commercial.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
I cut my teeth on Space Quest 1 and Kings Quest 3. Not only was the very spefic vocabulary a pain but so many solutions were a dead end trap.
I remember in Space Quest if you typed use [item] it would give you a message about not being a simple 2 word game and tell you to say use [item] on [thing]. It required that format.
Then halfway through the game the solution to one puzzle is use glass. Not use glass on laser. I has figured out the puzzle right away but it took me days to get the right wording.
Those games have not aged well.
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 4 days ago:
I enjoyed the space adventure parts but every time they broke out the stones I lost interest.
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 4 days ago:
I also liked the show. However your comment about " [it] was really starting to go somewhere by the end of the season" is a good example of why it didn’t get another season.
- Comment on What would happen if the Supreme Court sent a US Marshall to arrest a member of the executive branch? 1 week ago:
Fyi the us marshals are the enforcement arm of the Federal judiciary. There is one marshall and one cheif deputy marshall per us district court.
The marshals are the group that would most likely do the arrest in this hypothetical situation. For example the FBI is mostly investigation and usually when they get enough information for an arrest they pass it off to the marshals if it’s a federal crime.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
blade runner 2049. It’s a crap story with crap acting and direction. The visuals are just bad. I have no idea why it’s so liked.
- Comment on that about 1/1000 of your phones RF power output, and the distance is 384400km 2 weeks ago:
There was a NSA program that listened to soviet messages by collecting the transmissions that bounced off the moon.
- Comment on Oscar worthy performances in Oscar phobic movies? 2 weeks ago:
Mia Goth in Peral.
- Comment on Actors who always improve a movie 2 weeks ago:
Christopher Eccleston.
His turn as Destro in GI Joe and The Rider in The Seeker are the only good parts of those movies.
Even in Dr Who he managed to make some week scripts into decent episodes.
- Comment on Anon wants to watch an anime 3 weeks ago:
You can watch it again in a different order.
This is mostly about minimizing the number of viewings. So for a 3 episode series you can get order ABC and order BCA in 4 viewings instead of 6 by watching in order ABCA.
- Comment on Which movie do you feel has the most wasted potential? 3 weeks ago:
I think that’s intentional and setup nicely in the dialog.
“You never understood why we did this. The audience knows the truth: the world is simple. It’s miserable, solid all the way through. But if you could fool them, even for a second, then you can make them wonder, and then you… then you got to see something really special.”
It’s hammered home that the secret isn’t interesting but what the magician goes through to maintain the secret is the interesting part. You are supposed to figure it out but reject the idea because nobody would go through that for a trick.
It sounds like you were like the boy in the beginning who figured out the bird trick and wasn’t buying the more fantastic explanations in favor of the truth that the magician is just willing to be that cruel.
- Comment on Which movie do you feel has the most wasted potential? 3 weeks ago:
Every Michel Gondry film other than Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I think Charlie Kaufman saved that one.
He has such fun premises but the execution is just dull and lifeless. Be Kind Rewind could have been fun and silly but just feel flat.
- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 3 weeks ago:
So on 9/11 the fighters scrambled to intercept United 91 had no weapons installed. There were no orders but one of the two pilots sad the plan was to ram the cockpit bringing down the both their plane and the passenger plane.
I’ll add that very few fighter pilots will ever scramble a plane. There is a large checklist pilots go through before taking off particularly a fighter. When a fighter is scrambled that’s all skipped.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
Yeah the amount of hours I’ve clocked because of 1 hour of play, pause to do task, get busy and then go to bed, next day after dinner sit down to game and unpause. Bang 20 hours for 1 hour of play.
- Comment on Marco Rubio reveals that what Zelensky did before cameras started rolling is reason why he should apologize 3 weeks ago:
The Daily Mail song.
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 4 weeks ago:
Partially. ACA is mostly based on the compromise plan to appease republicans when Clinton was trying to do health care reform in 1993. It failed and led to the Republicans taking control of the senate for the fist time in 40 years.
It set the stage for the pattern of Dems ignoring the left portion of the party for a compromise proposal with the Republicans. The Republicans bail on the compromise and nothing happens.
Voters are pissed at the Dems for not doing anything and put the Republicans in power the next election. Basically the template for the pattern we still see today.
- Comment on 'Dune 3', With Timothee Chalamet & Zendaya, Aims To Shoot This Summer 5 weeks ago:
Just FYI they weren’t testing Paul to see if he is an abomination. They are testing to see if he is a human (self control) or a animal.
His sister is an abomination as she has access to the genetic memories like a reverend mother but without a formed personality being a child. It’s why the Baron is able to possess her.
But yeah Paul was a child playing god. Leto II was a god. Being a abomination did make it possible for him in a way Paul couldn’t achieve.
You must remember that I have at my internal demand every expertise known to our history. This is the fund of energy I draw upon when I address the mentality of war. If you have not heard the moaning cries of the wounded and the dying, you do not know about war. I have heard those cries in such numbers that they haunt me. I have cried out myself in the aftermath of battle. I have suffered wounds in every epoch - wounds from fist and club and rock, from shell-studded limb and bronze sword, from the mace and the cannon, from arrows and lasguns and the silent smothering of atomic dust, from biological invasions which blacken the tongue and drown the lungs, from the swift gush of flame and the silent working of slow poisons… and more I will not recount! I have seen and felt them all. To those who dare ask why I behave as I do, I say: with my memories, I can do nothing else. I am not a coward and once I was human.
Leto II, The Stolen Journals
- Comment on "Captain America: Brave New World" has received a B- on CinemaScore, the lowest score for an MCU film. 5 weeks ago:
He’s been doing some interesting low budget stuff on the side. Synchronic, Io, a bunch of others I haven’t seen.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 1 month ago:
The DS9 writers would sometimes write a script that they knew would be approved and then give the actors “suggested improvised lines” for what they actually wanted.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 1 month ago:
I always took his reluctance being about the report he was going to have to make about the incident.
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 1 month ago:
Yeah the problem isn’t the ideals being in there but how bad the story is makes the ideals seem like a cheap crutch.
Compare Brokeback Mountain to Ben and Arthur. Both movies about the relationship between gay men and society. Both say gay people should be treated fairly by socity but aren’t. The first does it in interesting way with great storytelling and ideas. The later is a hamfisted mess.
I’m not going to say modern Trek is Ben and Arthur bad but it is much closer to Ben and Arthur writing then it is to Brokeback Mountain.
- Comment on Sony finally surrenders: PSN accounts will be 'optional' for games on Steam, but they'll give you free stuff if you sign up 1 month ago:
Having dealt with Sony for years as a engineer their non consumer hardware is a true pain. Trying to interface with some of their ccd image sensors was some of the most PITA integration i’ve ever dealt with.
- Comment on How do shares work? How does musk control twitter if he only owns 9% of the shares? 1 month ago:
Your right. I thought the shares had be dissolved but they have not it’s just a privately traded company now.
- Comment on How do shares work? How does musk control twitter if he only owns 9% of the shares? 1 month ago:
So Musk owns twitter so there is no stock anymore. He does have loans for the purchase which are probably backed by his twitter ownership and his Tesla stock.
However there is another way to not have majority ownership and still have majority voting power. Google has class A and class B shares. Each class A share gets 10 votes and class B shares get 1 vote.
Only the founders of Google got class A shares and if they are transferred to anyone but another founder they revert to class B shares. So they have a minority ownership and a majority vote.
- Comment on 2025 Razzie nominations [Full List]: 'Joker 2' up for Worst Picture, Lady Gaga & Joaquin Phoenix nab nods for Worst Actor & Actress 1 month ago:
I like musicals and still think it was pretty bad. It’s a jukebox musical which are usually bad anyway.
Almost none of the songs move the story forward. Most of them are just we are in love numbers. You get one maybe two of those a musical.
Joaquin Phoenix is a good actor and a terrible singer. Lady Gaga is a good singer and terrible actor. So every scene with them both has one of them doing a bad job.
- Comment on Having a snack break while filming a porno 2 months ago:
As you wish.
- Comment on Thanks 2 months ago:
This feels like a condensed version of what a teacher must go through when reading a lazy students 3 page paper.
- Comment on TW: suicide 3 months ago:
Pills in blister packs instead of a bottle also reduces suicides. Just having to open a bunch of pill blisters instead of downing a bottle makes a noticeable difference.