Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 21°C. 25% chance of at least 25mm rain
Rainy day today, bring a brolly!
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 21°C. 25% chance of at least 25mm rain
Rainy day today, bring a brolly!
Well, the sore throat and cough have not progressed too badly, but the fever is not good - I keep oscilating between shivering and overheating. I’m drip feeding myself panadol to try to keep it under control. Work tomorrow is not going to be happening. I just wish we could text in sick, for some reason actually having to pick up the phone and hold it while I say a few words seems like a major chore I have to work my way up to today.
rest and take care , try to sleep if you can 😘
I was getting uncomfortable in bed so I’m on the couch for a bit with Dr Meow working on purring me better.
Tonight’s beach adventure:
And the hyper bougie dins spread including only the finest of goon in the finest gatorade bottle.
Over all my years doing sunset dins at that beach I’ve never seen anyone else do it. I grew up with dinner expected @ 7pm and everyone watches the news. People got shitty if you spoke. That generation who were brought up with ‘TV dinners’.
I say outside, no TV, space and weather permitting is the superior way.
Nice view.
I grew up with the tv on and sitting where ever you like but in my house we sit at the table with the tv on mute, no phones at the table and we talk. If I had a nice view like you I’d be doing the same.
Should I ever have a family, that’s what I want, too. I can’t stand when I go to lunch with someone and they’re just off playing on their phone half the meal. I’m fond of dinner time chats
While it’s just me, myself and I, I don’t really like eating in silence, so I usually watch YouTube on my phone. Sometimes I eat in front of my computer watching prisoner or whatever other series I’m into at the time. Generally I’d avoid eating in carpeted rooms with anything that isn’t flaky, but unfortunately, this house is about 90% carpet, even the dining room
Al Fresco 🤌
I like me a hot dins indoors except when it’s hot out. Lunch otoh is great outside.
No tv I can definitely agree with.
I’ve started a thing, I’m avoiding Colesworth as much as possible. I’m interested in exploring new places, and I’ve been fed up with their nonsense for a while. So today took Miniest and went shopping at an independent grocery store a couple of suburbs from here (it’s a big store and worth visiting). Some things were a little more exy but the meat. was. fabulous! The ground beef delicious (we had burritos again for dinner, my kids are obsessed lol) and the steaks were half the price of colesworth and local butcher. There was only a couple of things we use that they didn’t have. I’m happy they didn’t get my money this time, and I’m going to try to do it more in future.
It’s definitely something I miss about my old place, easy access to good independent grocers. I don’t mind paying more for veg when it tastes a lot better and keeps for longer. And it feels great to not support the duopoly and their BS.
I don’t really have a good alternative for household items though. Aldi is a bit far and annoying to get to…
Today has generally been a bad idea so far. I feel like death, my colleague said my face was completely pale this morning as I was hunched over battling stomach cramps. The cramps have subsided but I just haven’t been feeling right at all since. Brain barely functioning, body exhausted, I’m at 5% productivity and just want to go home and sleep. ugh
Seriously tempted to chuck a sickie tomorrow to make up for today…
It’s a shit of a day. I may actually die from this migraine.
hugs to you both
it’s this awful weather
The sudden temp changes and all-day rain don’t seem to be helping… adds to the feeling of wanting to hibernate in convalescence. Migraine sounds like torture. Can you get home early?
I’ve somehow dragged myself through the day but if this keeps up tomorrow I really don’t think I can handle a full day of fieldwork. See how I go after an early night. 😴
I would absolutely take the day off tomorrow. You need rest :)
I’ll see how I feel. The field work we have on is actually really enjoyable ATM and some time in nature with fresh air and a bit of walking could be really good for me. But I have a backup med cert in case I wake up wanting to crawl into a hole
My garden is loving this.
mine too. Tomatoes need to turn those lowers into fruit and soon!
My lemon tree has been doing it a bit hard lately
My grass has had a golden hue to it for a minute now. Currently looks as good as all the others, despite two months of neglect.
“Morning buddy!” “No” Okay then.
As someone currently experiencing a very severe case of the Mondays, if someone morning buddy’d me they’d be wishing it was Tuesday already.
Only thing worse than ‘buddy’ is ‘champ’.
‘Pal’ is up there, but that’s usually confrontational.
Calling someone buddy is a cardinal sin of socialising
Champ is the worst thing you can call and Australian. Call me a cunt any day of the week, you call me Champ and it’s over
when hes old enough to complain I’ll stop
That’s a mood
he is SUCH a mood. Deffo my son.
Back to work crew represent 🖐🏻😭🚉
It’s my turn for a mini break. Worked all the way through except national public holidays, now I have Monday to Thursday off 😊
yep I’m back and already regretting it. this tea has a lot of hopes riding on it.
Present and correct - dammit.
🖐 😭 💻 meeeee
I really should chuck a sickie today, my stomach actually hurts and I’m seeing my dr later anyway so I could get a med cert… And I’m tired as fuck
We had Skeleton Staff, taking turns so that everyone got some time off (except the boss).
All back on board for today.
been working all along
Started back last Thursday, and it’s been hell. Somebody please put me out of my misery, feels like I’ve had no break at all :(
Rainy night in Tokyo so hanging out in the hotel to get some rest, do some washing and just recharge a bit. Twas a very fruitful shopping day in Shibuya though - Square Enix Store, Nintendo and Pokemon Centre and of course a little bit of Mofusand. Letting my inner child run wild this time.
Probably. Supermarkets are filling the gaps with other stuff so looks like they expect low shelf filling for a while
Apparently it’s not possible to buy eggs anymore. I have to go earlier in the day, the fruit / veg shops are better options, at supermarkets they’re gone early in the day.
I had no idea. I’ve just had a delivery of 5 dozen from Gippsland Eggs, do I need to increase security?
That seems like a lot of eggs, lots of baking?
Some local independent butcher shops sell eggs too.
The one I used to go to, Rainbow Meats in Caroline Springs does. Not sure about their other stores. They also sell some lovely pita breads, and are just past a fruit and veg shop that usually has eggs in stock as well. For anyone out those ways
Thank you for the information. I know a private egg dealer. ‘tis time I talk to her.
Ugh. I thought we were over this :/
I managed about three hours sitting up this morning before I headed back to bed and huddled up with the electric blanket on. Miss Meow insisted I get up again to organise dinner, but I don’t think it will be too long before I head back to bed. On a positive note though, even though I’m feverish and not feeling great I’m much better than I was with the covid vacs, so I am grateful for that small mercy.
Something keeps digging a pretty big hole in the exact same spot in the chilli patch every night for the last 4 nights.
There’s nothing there. Keeps on bowling over one of the chilli plants but not eating it.
I think it’s a deranged anti-establishment marsupial hell bent on hole digging just for the fuck of it. If there is something under there, it can have it. But the poor chilli plant is visibly becoming upset. So rude.
In other news seems like netting individual apricot branches has worked this year (so far). Left a fair few sacrificial ones un-netted for birds which are popular.
Man I’m having a rough day. I’m trying to keep positive, crack some jokes but Monday is Mondaying :’(
might be time for a 3rd cuppa tea. Feeling HEAPS better since ditching coffee again. Its so insidious! You have one after 2-3 weeks break and you feel alright, so you go again but the build up is gradual. Next minute you feel like your stomach is trying to digest a kitchen grater.
steroid cream for my eczema, fluoride cream for my teeth
be sure not to mix that up
I too felt blah today but I’ve shit, showered and shaved and feel a little more humany now.
Yeah that weather change fucked me up bad. Rest day then dive into action tomorrow i think.
On today’s episode of “Would you eat this?”
Protein powder with a best before date of Dec 2021.
FWIW I’m eating this already.
Well shit. Seems like I slept in a tiny little bit…
Under the weather today.
Got a headache today and it’s making my eyes and head feel heavy.
i got things to do before work but this rain sound forbids me to get up
sky pretty
Coffee Doritos at Savemore. I’m avoiding caffeine these days but I’m intrigued at how much of a mistake they might be.
Golden Globe winner for best original score: Reznor & Ross for Challengers. I saw the movie when it came out and the score is without a doubt, the best thing about it.
It’s a case of ‘is my throat sore because I’m getting sick or because we’ve had the aircon running two days straight?’
Marge 🌽
Night warm :(
Also me doing the wash is bringing the rain
Goodnight everyone ❤️
olive bread buns are made, some tidying done , but it’s just hard to do anything after this heat , it tired me out 1 month ago
Looks like we’re making an offer this time. Bloody terrifying. Awful timing, but what can you do? My brain is overflowing with paperwork Things. There will probably be an impressive meltdown at some near point. 1 month ago
gotta appreciate the cruel irony of how much life can happen in 1 week. 1 month ago
VERY! 1 month ago
Might be the best time for it to happen. Fingers crossed for you! 1 month ago
Thanks. Not if you mean in terms of extra money. That will take considerable time to sort out. He did something really daft in the Will. 1 month ago
Best of luck! 🤞🏼 1 month ago
Good luck! This is a massive amount of change in a short time, be gentle on yourself 1 month ago
Good luck, I hope all your plans go smoothly. 🙂 1 month ago
Feel free to melt down, after the offer then there’s the pantshit waiting for a response, possible back and forth bullshit then waiting final approval on loan…THEN you get the keys and then you properly start to shit yourself when you realise you owe a fuckton…but have a houuuuse
Takes about a year to settle down lol 1 month ago
Just got a bullshit email from the REA wanting to schedule an inspection just TWO months after I’ve moved in (because three months on the dot apparently would clash with her leave schedule, poor dear). Had to stand my ground and say the law states that it’s got to be minimum 3 months.
My entire being is ready to not deal with this rubbish any more. The scales have definitely tipped towards working on ownership instead, and all the accompanying shit that goes with that 1 month ago
Sounds about right. Why can’t I just look something up online, go me likey, and click a buy button?! 🫠 1 month ago
You have worked for it, you have EARNED it, do not let anyone deprive you of it.