They’re not wrong though
I love children's sense of humour
Submitted 5 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
Hmm, does it count if the animal (human, in this case) could be omnivorous, but chooses not to for whatever reason? 5 months ago
Herbivores can be carnivorous. I’ve seen plenty of videos of horses and cows cromching on baby chickens. 5 months ago
That’s how I see it. I’m a vegetarian omnivore, if my life depended on it I would eat meat. 5 months ago
I like to think of the distinction in a de jure vs de facto way.
If all the evidence we have of a species is them consuming autotrophs, then we do mental gymnastics and induce that they are 100% herbivores.
Of course this also leaves room for an herbivore’s potential to consume heterotrophs, in which case our knowledge would have to update and reflect reality. Maybe 99% herbivore, 1% carnivore.
And at that point, we may still do mental gymnastics and call species herbivores because that is their normal behavior, where their abnormal behavior is shown due to abiotic or biotic factors, perhaps from loss of habitat or removal/introduction of species in the food web, etc. 5 months ago
When I left my old workplace my colleagues organized a good-bye meal together. Standard office job, with regular guys. We had a great relationship and they knew I was vegetarian for 5+ years at that point and never had any issue with it.
So they asked which restaurant I would like to go and I was stupid enough to let them choose.
We ended up in a specialized Brazilian meat restaurant, where the servers go around with absurdly large pieces of grilled/fryed meats and would carve a piece to the guests. If you are a meat lover you can have easily 10-15 types of meats in a couple of hours.
Those assholes had a huge grin on their faces all evening, as I could only eat the sides from the buffet and had to refuse all meals from the servers about 12 time that evening. It was a truly memorable night, we even got drunk and laughed our asses off on our way home.
So yeah, not just kids can be assholes. We are still in contact till this day. 5 months ago
That’s pretty fucked up. I love Texas de Brazil but I wouldn’t bring a vegetarian friend there to watch me hurt myself on all you can eat meat. 5 months ago
To be fair the place had a great buffet with a large selection of sides and great cocktails, I ended up eating mac and cheese, curly fries and some salad. Even tried some grilled seasned pineapple so it was at least memorable.
This place was called Nabrasa. 5 months ago
I mean, that’s fucked up and hilarious. I’m a dirty omnivore and those places are no more appetizing to me. Those cuts at the all you can eat Brazilian places SUCK.
But surprisingly, when I want a predictable vegetable side while I’m traveling, I go to a steakhouse. Every other place seems to serve either microwaved bag veggies, fried bullshit, or something sad smothered in sauce. Go to a steakhouse and I can get a rare well seasoned aged filet and two steamed fresh vegetable sides plus a salad. The only reliable vegan places I’ve found are Indian, which isn’t bad, but is often not really to my taste. Obviously I’m no vegan, but I think it’s fair to say I love plant based foods even more as long as they’re not fake meat, fake cheese, or overly spiced mush. In a meat centric region that’s a hard palette to satisfy sometimes. 5 months ago
There are vegan and vegeterian-owned restaurants that are pretty good, but the omnis don’t know about them until they are dragged there.
One place I like has this house-made seitan pastrami that they use in a Reuben sandwich, and more recently a Reuben pizza. They also got this bomb mushroom quesadilla.
Same guy owns an adjacent vegan bakery, has awesome cupcakes and this jalapeño cornbread that’s just fucking amazing. 5 months ago
Can agree, steak fries and steamed veggies are usually great at steakhouses. 5 months ago
That’s 15-20 different types of meat not in a few hours,ore like in 30 minutes. They’re awesome restaurants if you’re not a vegetarian, your coworkers are dicks. 5 months ago
I hated school before, but getting trash thrown at me and I was the one called to the office to stop what I was doing. 5 months ago
I went to a private elementary school where I had the same teacher for 1st through 6th grade. Not only did the kids bully me, so did he. And he encouraged the other kids to do it, even my friends. I’m relatively certain, looking back on it, that it was in part because I’m Jewish.
He also once did something that would 100% have put him on a sex offender list today. Once I started crying because of how they were treating me and he put me on his lap and kissed me on the cheek and started calling me a little baby. But it was the 80s, so apparently that was okay.
I discovered he had an email address a while back and I sent him an email telling him that he fucked up my childhood and that he, as a professed Christian, now knows that he will go to his grave unforgiven because there is no possible way he could do enough to earn my forgiveness.
He replied, I deleted it without reading it. Fuck him.
The bigoted piece of shit also was in the Peace Corps in the Cameroon and because of that, thought it was totally appropriate to dress in the traditional clothing of Cameroonian people every Halloween. Unsurprisingly, the two Jewish kids and the two black kids in school were treated the worst by him. One of the two black kids was a girl who very definitely had dyslexia. Wow did he humiliate her over it constantly.
The funny thing is that he basically terrified me into not explaining what he was doing to my parents explicitly enough. They saw weird signs, but also always told me that I’d be treated worse in public school, which was proven untrue when I went to middle school, because as shitty as middle school kids are to each other, at least the teachers generally didn’t take the side of the bullies and encourage them to bully harder. They only knew when my mom ran into one of the people I went to school with in a supermarket who told my mom that she felt so bad for me when we were in that hellhole. 5 months ago
Wow. Im slrru that happened to you.
I had a rough middle years in public school, but the teachers were always supportive, and I cant imagine not having that while students were bullying. 5 months ago
And then they wonder about school shootings… oh well… 5 months ago
Are you suggesting that an appropriate response to someone throwing rubbish at you is to shoot this person? 5 months ago
The fact that 5 kids knew well enough about the OP’s vegan status to use them as an example meant that the person probably never shut up about it. 5 months ago
Or they saw him eating differently at lunch, and asked their parents why. 5 months ago
Makes too much sense, probably the victim’s fault instead /s 5 months ago
If they were classmates this info would be common knowledge after a few meals together. 5 months ago
Or you know he turned down meat offered or was asked why he ate different food? 5 months ago
They were literal children, and it wasn’t their choice. I’m pretty sure the “I’m better than you because I don’t eat meat” shit doesn’t start until at least junior high. 5 months ago
Does anyone actually say that? 5 months ago
There’s always a person who can’t just take the joke
Vegans bad, we get it. How dare they to live according to their moral beliefs 5 months ago
Living to their beliefs is not a problem. Them trying to impose their beliefs however… I still remember a guy who described my meal as disgusting and mumbled something about murder. 5 months ago
Unfortunate that you are downvoted to shit. This was my first thought as well. Kinda cements the " vegans can do no wrong" opinion about themselves. 5 months ago
From the Vegan Bullshit Bingo:
#30 How do you spot a vegan?
HAHA Donald, that’s hilarious! Mostly by what you also recognize human rights, women’s and all other activists by: They talk about the grievances they have discovered and want to fix. By the way: Often vegans can also be recognized by the fact that they peacefully eat their soy schnitzel at the barbecue until someone, driven by their own bad conscience, has to make a comment about it and is suddenly angry at vegans for some reason after they have calmly and kindly explained their motivations upon request.#54 Vegans think they are better than everyone While it feels good to know that you have questioned traditions and made your own informed decisions in line with values that reject violence rather than promote it, you should not get on a high horse, because almost all vegans were once not vegan and everyone can take this step. However, completely refusing to address the issue is a difficult stance to take. By the way: Just because a vegan once told you an uncomfortable truth, they were not being mean to you. And even if you didn’t like a vegan once, that doesn’t question the whole point of veganism or justify continuing to exploit animals. 5 months ago
Not like this would be any better in private schools tho… 5 months ago
Well they’re not wrong… 5 months ago
would this text land differently if “public school” were replaced with “school”? 🤔 5 months ago
Neurotypical here, i just find it funny without context. Its just a joke if its not malicious. The thing is, theres a line between funny nicknames and namecalling but sadly school kids often overstep it. Thats why school should teach them that its not okay. For example with my past waterpolo team it was a kind of “friendship language”. My nickname was bird or angrybird but we had all kinds of things like: microwave, hamburger, etc(all in hungarian tho because im from hungary) . 5 months ago
I wish we used Magyar nicknames in our American locker room. I was big delicious but I don’t know what that’d be in Hungarian. 5 months ago
Id say “nagy és finom” or “a nagy finom” are the best translations i can come up with. 5 months ago
They’re out of line, but they’re not wrong. 5 months ago
[deleted] 5 months ago
[deleted] 5 months ago
well, that’s good to know, i guess. 5 months ago
A 12 year old drew a recognizable picture of another 12 year old? Doubt it. 5 months ago
You just pick something obvious and over elaborate on it. Big glasses, bright blue hat, etc also kids are mean, so pick a flaw, same idea. 5 months ago
Or write their name on it.