- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 5 days ago:
Yeh I guess. Idk I don’t really listen to the kind of stuff that has that stuff in it very much anyway. Musicians deserve to be paid tho.
- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 5 days ago:
It’s lazy and wienery, sure. But I don’t see how it’s any less so than using shitloads of auto tune or using a sample as like 90 percent of your song.
- Comment on I kinda do know but I'm posting this as a joke. 1 week ago:
Yeah I’ve never received that message yet
- Comment on Following the nightmare footage of AI-loy, Horizon actor Ashly Burch shares her stance on the whole debacle 1 week ago:
Wow crazy!
- Comment on Following the nightmare footage of AI-loy, Horizon actor Ashly Burch shares her stance on the whole debacle 1 week ago:
- Comment on Following the nightmare footage of AI-loy, Horizon actor Ashly Burch shares her stance on the whole debacle 1 week ago:
Okay but imagine an RPG like Skyrim that instead of just selecting choices you actually talked to the NPCs and they spoke back to you? Because that’s where this is headed and it sounds fucking awesome.
- Comment on The creator of upcoming life sim Inzoi says he was "recklessly brave to even think about creating a game of this scale" 1 week ago:
You have to understand that telling other people how brave and cool you are makes them think you’re an idiot though, right?
- Comment on I live in the basement of a methlab 1 week ago:
We’ve felt that for as long as I’ve been alive at the very least.
- Comment on Thanks for nothing 1 week ago:
“Big small” was my stripper name.
- Comment on TF do you mean "working"?? 2 weeks ago:
I mean that’s super cool, and I’m in no way superstitious or a magical thinker by any stretch of the word. That being said, I would not be touching that thing, just in case.
- Comment on Osgood Perkins says he wouldn't make a James Bond movie 'because f‑‑‑ Jeff Bezos' 2 weeks ago:
Yeah but that doesn’t stop you from shoving it into other peoples faces
- Comment on Osgood Perkins says he wouldn't make a James Bond movie 'because f‑‑‑ Jeff Bezos' 2 weeks ago:
Who fucking cares? Who actually cares about this shit? Jeff Bezos certainly doesnt. I don’t even know who this guy fucking is. Stop posting this shit. It’s absolute brain rot.
- Comment on Elon Musk proposes his own company replace Verizon in FAA contract 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
Same hahahaha
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
At least someone does
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
I’ve always used dude as a gender neutral term. I call my wife dude.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
I never tried to impress women at the gym when I was single. I go to the gym to focus on self improvement. I do not like talking to other people when I’m there. I do not like looking at other people when I’m there. I also know that women at the gym mostly loathe men trying to pick them up there. So basically if you’re at the gym you’re a dude to me. And if you’re a dude don’t talk to me.
- Comment on I'm a nomster 3 weeks ago:
“Slice of bread it is then”
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
Monster Rancher 3. The monster rancher games were favourites of mine as a kid.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 3 weeks ago:
snores through my asshole
I looove being a turtle!
- Comment on Microsoft CEO Admits That AI Is Generating Basically No Value 4 weeks ago:
I don’t use it because I don’t trust it to be accurate. Also I am old enough to remember y2k fellow old man.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO Admits That AI Is Generating Basically No Value 4 weeks ago:
Lol seriously. The personal info scams have to be hitting some kind of ceiling by now, like with these diminishing returns what else could they possibly want that can translate into profit at this point?
- Comment on Anon worries about Kojima 4 weeks ago:
The trailers looked so cool. Then I watched gameplay and I was like “hard pass.”
- Comment on Whatever it takes to get to solidarity amongst the working class. 4 weeks ago:
“Butt buddies”
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, I can agree with that. My wife likes playing smash bros with me and my friends, but she’s nowhere near the levels of me and my two buddies who are really good. She’s getting there slowly tho.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 4 weeks ago:
My wife played way more fallout than me. I didn’t even play New Vegas and she wrapped that shit like three times. Girls liking video games isn’t that abnormal, idk why all these gamer nerds have been lead to believe that video gaming is unilaterally a male hobby and that women who like games are unicorn levels of rare. Like at least a solid third of the girls I know are more into video games than I am. Given I’m no hardcore gamer, but this attitude is always silly to me.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 4 weeks ago:
Cons are fine with it as long as it’s their guy. They mostly just stand for absolutely nothing.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Get him to watch the hilarious old spice commercials that were on when I was a kid. Worked for me. That shit is hilariously hyper masculine and funny as fuck.
- Comment on Trump Suggests No Laws Are Broken if He’s ‘Saving His Country’ 5 weeks ago:
Every response to that tweet should be a variation of “free Luigi.”
- Comment on Trump Suggests No Laws Are Broken if He’s ‘Saving His Country’ 5 weeks ago:
“I’m trying to save my country from the working class”