- Comment on it really do be like that 1 week ago:
- Comment on I'm missing an entire hour of my life. AMA. 2 weeks ago:
Most people are not us-citizens.
- Comment on dirty 🦑 jobs 3 weeks ago:
Yes, he like fish sticks
- Comment on Finish your reds or you don’t get your camel crush for dessert. 1 month ago:
Is this an ad ?
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
You are still on the acid trip, just ride it until it’s over. It’ll be more fun if you just let it do its thing.
- Comment on Fluffy WTF 1 month ago:
Also: there was no WiFi.
- Comment on 💀💀💀 2 months ago:
Lookup “wild haggis” on youtube
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
What you describe is a mnemonic.
- Comment on PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery 3 months ago:
You meant “chocolate cigarette” for your analogy, I remember they used to exists when I was a kid, don’t know if they still do.
- Comment on PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery 3 months ago:
But poker is only a gambling game because when you play it you “give up” something of value in the hope of winning more through playing and randomness. What makes it gambling is not the cards or the chips it’s the gambling aspect. Balatro uses card and poker hands, and so does “yatzhee”, but it does not use any gambling mechanic. Lootboxes on the other hand use gambling mechanic.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
Yes of course, it was just a recent example to show that other countries aren’t perfect. I agree with the general message of the post, the us have a very fucked up system that is way worse than in Europe.
You can look at my other comment for more detail about why I felt the need to react.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
Yes of course,
I replied to this post because it is one of many making bold claims about healthcare in other countries than the US, most of the times claims about European countries healthcare made by US users are false and/or misleading.
Sure the US has a very bad system, I see it and recognize how bad it is, but it’s a tad annoying to see stuff like that, that falsely say we have “0” bankruptcy or that “everything” is covered by public healthcare, that our life expectancy is that much higher, etc… Most claims are unsourced and blatantly false or largely inflated for shock value.
In France for example we have many issues with our public healthcare, not everything is covered (dental isn’t for example), we aren’t covered for the full amount unless we pay for private coverage on top (called “mutuelle”) which often are linked to your employer, we have to pay up front and then get reimbursed later, geographically there are areas with very few hospitals, the poorer often can’t afford to be sick because we aren’t always automatically paid for sick days at work, there’s a shortage of medical fields’ workers, and our current political leaders have been making it worse for decades…
All that to say that from the perspective of a “European” citizen, these posts about the US system compared with ours feels like propaganda that “we should be happy with what we have” even though we really shouldn’t, using false information.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
She was too far gone to be able to go to the nearest public one.
It’s actually a huge scandal in France, we have laws preventing this, and the hospital is pretending that it was a mistake from an individual employee to refuse her.
- Comment on where's my damn plume 3 months ago:
Is this true ? It doesn’t feel true with my current knowledge.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 months ago:
I don’t know about the other countries, but In France there definitely still are problems, check this recent story…/on-lui-refuse-l-acces-a…
A pregnant women was refused entrance to a private hospital she was forced to give birth on the parking lot in front of the entrance.
Sure the USA have an awful system but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect everywhere else. There are people that are bankrupt because of medical treatment here too. And we also have are corrupt CEO making it worse
Every country needs a Luigi.
- Comment on A tense moment. 3 months ago:
Why ? (I didn’t understand the joke)
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 months ago:
Curiosity, so I observe. I believe we have control over nothing and that free will is an illusion. Consciousness is a mystery, as much my own as the one I suppose others have. In the middle of the chaos, I sometimes see glimpses of beauty, in many forms: music, images, people’s behaviour, fiction, maths, nature… So I observe , I try to find patterns, to understand how things work, why others do what they do. I have found beauty in the very little things, what used to be chores I now enjoy, they were chores because “I thought I had better things to do”, I wanted to be “later” but now I know what matters is to live in the moment, and I’ll be living the next moment later.
Social media, the news, they are trying to grab your attention and project you to the future, what is the next threat, when are you likely to die or suffer. The truth is: we are all going to be dead eventually, it can be for many reasons, it can be in the next hour, or in thousands of years, we cannot know when, but we all know it will happen, doesn’t really help to worry too much about it.
Don’t waste your life trying to prevent your inevitable death. Enjoy it while you can. The rest is mostly out of your control anyway.
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 4 months ago:
This really looks like shit.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
I genuinely feel the same. I keep telling myself that’s just growing up and seeing the world more clearly with time, but it really feels like one big stupid drug-induced dream and I’m going to finally wake up from it eventually, cause the real world can’t be that dumb and insane.
- Comment on Linux hits exactly 2% user share on the October 2024 Steam Survey 4 months ago:
I got rid of my dual boot arch/windows, and installed single boot draugerOS this week end.
- Comment on Linux hits exactly 2% user share on the October 2024 Steam Survey 4 months ago:
Proton for the win. (dows)
- Comment on Linux hits exactly 2% user share on the October 2024 Steam Survey 4 months ago:
I got rid of my dual boot arch/windows, and installed single boot draugerOS this week end.
- Comment on Proud globohomo 5 months ago:
I might be wrong but I think this is satire.
- Comment on To the center of the earth!📉 5 months ago:
I love that every comment focus on the math puzzle. Since the other stuff is clearly uninteresting.
- Comment on To the center of the earth!📉 5 months ago:
Haha, I love this.
Also nothing indicates the numbers are Arabic numerals.
- Comment on To the center of the earth!📉 5 months ago:
He is saying your shape might have 5 turns instead of 4 if the bottom line is not actually a line. Though if that was the case, the problem would not be solvable, so I doubt it.
- Comment on I love children's sense of humour 5 months ago:
Or they saw him eating differently at lunch, and asked their parents why.
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
I was about to say this, that movie is such a gem. Saw it in theater without knowing what it would be.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
No, vegans aren’t eating fish or seafood.
- Comment on Sorry 6 months ago:
Soy for the latte.