Thank you everyone who replied to my query about puzzling fam behaviour.
All your insights were so good and helped me understand so much.
Thank you again. 😚😚😚
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Thank you everyone who replied to my query about puzzling fam behaviour.
All your insights were so good and helped me understand so much.
Thank you again. 😚😚😚
Any cat people have advice on how to feed a cat wearing a cone? Poor Tommy had a bleedy toe and he’s not allowed to lick it for three days.
He’s currently walking into things and complaining, and looking sad.
A small plate raised up slightly should help cone-cat eat. You could also try hand feeding him (disposable gloves, for food safety and because cat food is gross).
If possible, try and find a plate and something to place it on that is smaller than the diameter of his cone, so he can get to it. May not even need to raise it, just use a small, flat plate.
Thanks! I will try a raised plate first because yes, cat food is gross and I’d just as soon not deal with hand feeding. But if we have to we have to.
If you get some coban tape (stretchy adhesive manage stuff) could you cover the paw so he can have some cone free time to eat? And some of those dine squeezy treats could work as a supplemental thing, you don’t want him to go off his food.
Thanks! I’ll look into coban tape. Squeezy treats have already been administered!
Apparently because it’s his front paw, a soft collar will be too easy for him to get around. But it’s only a couple of days, and he’s already happier.
Poor Tommy :(
Perhaps a donut might prevent him bending down to his toe but still allow access to a raised plate of food? Granted cats are very stretchy so this might require a huge donut or just not work.
If you have the time perhaps the fuss of being spoon fed a little bit might distract him a little.
It is a bit cliche, but I just bought myself a typewriter. I am ridiculously excited to get it.
This is exactly what I’m going to write first up.
All work and no play make Homer something something…
I learned on one of those things, only it was a manual. Its amazing how strong your littlest finger gets after a bit. On the plus side, smashing the carriage return lever is such fun.
The OG of mechanical keyboards 💜
I’ve always been interested in whether they make a difference. It has to feel like a middle ground between writing by hand and using the computer
I don’t think it would be fast enough for writing a story (for me). But I hope to use it for smaller things. Give it a personal touch. Like thank you letters to schools.
Best of the best was the Selectric II - the best production typewriter ever. I got typing speeds in excess of 145 words per minute on one of those things with good accuracy. Mind you, copy typing legal briefs was an excellent way to train up my fingers. The actual keys were lovely - had a dip in the middle that really helped you not miss-hit it. No such thing as autocorrect, so fixing a mistake took a lot longer than getting it right the first time. Modern computer keyboards are nothing like as user friendly, so all the magic auto correct aids are needed to produce readable text. Actual speed I reckon is about the same as a modern computer keyboard. It’s finger dependent and brain dependent not mechanics dependent.
I guess it was only a matter of time before false spring was going to end and I’d be putting the heater back on.
In true Melbourne fashion I was freezing in the morning, overheated on the drive home, now freezing again. Damned if I’ll switch the heater on though, I’m having a shower and retiring to bed instead!
ok, I need the collective wise mind of the dt to help explain this weird behaviour
my MIL insists on visiting her sick son in hospital every single day, sick son, my BIL, has had terrible cardiac disease which required many months in hospital
So MIL would visit every day. She’s not a caring person, If someone is sick she says, "I don’t like that you/they are sick. " She doesn’t do any actual tending. She is narcissistic , diagnosed.
Her visits became a burden on the son and the doctors told her to stop coming as son needed undisturbed rest. She still went to visit.
I just can’t figure what she got out of it. Why did she do it?
She impeded his recuperation. Her visiting usually meant no one else could visit as visiting was restricted. She complained about going.
If the goal was to make people think she was nice and caring it didn’t work.
maybe she need reassurance from her son ( yes, that is fucked up )
I am at a loss as to why she did it.
It’s narcissism, that’s it. It isn’t rational to us because we don’t place ourselves at the centre of everyone else’s universe.
It is important to her that she feels she is right and doing good. Doing something she thinks she is supposed to, against Drs orders, means she gets to feel like a victim, a bullied mother being forced to stop seeing her sick son. She did it because she gets validation about the whole ordeal.
against Drs orders, means she gets to feel like a victim, a bullied mother being forced to stop seeing her sick son.
that never occurred to me
I am such a naif
I was thinking from the point of view of the patient
She would really think she was being bullied/is a victim ? I am gobsmacked.
Echoing others’ remarks about narcissism. Some people have such a shallow perception of goodness that they feel they tick the Virtuous And Hardworking box through nakedly surface level actions. They cannot see how those actions might not actually be what the other person wanted. That’s not a consideration. That might as well be particle physics, sure it’s real and governs every aspect of our existence, but too much intricacy for day to day life
My father was like this. It’s to keep up a charade maybe. Both for herself and anyone that asks.
She can convince herself and others how much of a martyr she is. How much it impacts her to go everyday, but by God she goes anyway!
You get the idea.
She can convince herself
yes, I got a strong sense of this
Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance…
Attention-Seeking Behavior…
Lack of Empathy…
Exploiting Others…
Ticks a few NPD boxes there. Very rough on the BIL. Have a few in my fam and it’s basically hitting your head against a brick wall :( Feel for you guys, not easy.
Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance…
So she is so important everyone must want her presence and she will bestow her presence on those she deems worthy ( or can exploit )
Her visit is more important than anyone else’s. Does not matter to her other people couldn’t visit
she know better than doctors or just doesn’t care
Surely BiL can ask for her to not be admitted?
BIL really did not have the physical or mental energy to ask for much of anything
and I think the doctors didn’t want a fight as it would have been extremely stressful for BIL, and she would have fought if denied entry or was asked to leave
that’s if her meek passive manipulation didn’t work
She sounds churchy.
It’s def important to her that people think she is spiritual.
To her not being spiritual is an insult, so she calls other people not spiritual is she doesn’t like them/is angry.
I am not wise but I’ll give this a crack.
The Martyr - someone who tries to get sympathy from others when he or she has a problem or too much work, usually when that person caused the problem or chose to do the work himself or herself:
I would bet my arse she has told EVERYONE how she must visit her son because nobody else has. Poor me.
Secondly. She doesn’t want to miss out on anything that is said by doctors or staff.
Yeah this is my vibe too. Sorry. That’s super shitty behaviour
I would bet my arse she has told EVERYONE how she must visit her son because nobody else has. Poor me.
No one else could go because he was only allowed one short visit a day 😡
she never brought him anything he needed, that was still left up to other people
Secondly. She doesn’t want to miss out on anything that is said by doctors or staff
And yet she ignored the doctors advice on what would be good for son.
Would like to think through this one in detail - does sound weird on first impressions. Will respond later.
Just for more context, has she been asked why she visits every day and what her answer to that is?
Yes, she has been asked.
She said she should, no reason given That’s all she said.
When told the doctors said not to she just ignored what we said, just like how she ignored the doctors.
I can tell from the answers who has suffered a narcissist in their life. It’s hard to get your head around, because their behaviour is so confounding to a normal person. The thing that finally clicked for me, is for every behaviour, you have to think how is this about the narcissist. It’s about no one else. They seek adoration, admiration, power, control, status, attention. Constantly. It’s never about you, it’s ALWAYS about them. They feel bitter inside if they don’t get these things. They seek to manipulate situations so they can satisfy their needs. ‘Woe is me’, ‘look how devoted I am’, ‘I’m the most important’ etc could all be motivators. And probably others, that I can’t get my brain to think of, because to a regular person it’s baffling that a person might do something detrimental to a seriously ill person, for their own flowery and control. Has nothing to do with the BIL. He’s just a convenient tool. I am so sorry this person is in your life. It’s hard.
I have suffered terribly at the hands of narcissists and I still have so much trouble understanding what is going on. Still naive.
You wrote “Constantly.” I think that is what I need to really remember, it’s 24 hours a day and every situation for them because it’s who they are, in a way they can’t help it.
Every word, every action. They believe in nothing except themselves.
Arts Tasmania have writing awards open for submissions and I submitted 3 stories (2 of my kids horror and one unpublished one). The likelihood of winning is slim, but I can’t help think about what winning might do for my bonafides. And then I start thinking about what I’d say as an acceptance speech.
I’ve always had that habit of thinking about everything that could happen if things turn out as desired (rarely ever do). It’s something I wish I could do and then forget about until the time comes up.
Does anyone else do this though? Plan for something and then get excited/think about the possibilities? I feel like I jinx myself by doing it.
Does anyone else do this though? Plan for something and then get excited/think about the possibilities? I feel like I jinx myself by doing it.
yes. very much so.
Also we expect a call out in your acceptance speech. “and to the daily thread, who have always been there to support me” 🙃
First up: good luck!!! Put out positivity!!
Second: yessss, I am a shocker for it. My bf casually mentioned it’d be fun for us to do some streaming last night and sure enough, I was then in the shower thinking about how fun it would be to be a streamer with, like, hundreds of people in chat and interacting and what we might do. Urg. It is great fun being a dreamer though, I wouldn’t change it!
Thank you!
I tend to be the opposite - I think of all the ways that whatever I’m doing is doomed to FAIL and all the possible consequences of that and how I’ll cope.
Very rarely am I wrong.
But that said, GOOD LUCK! Is there anywhere we can vote/help or is it purely based on judge’s decisions?
Thank you!
Winners are decided by judges from my understanding.
Of course I think about possibilities and get excited, that’s all about why I make decisions.
Possibilities are part of the reasons behind making decisions.
I guess I mean really going in depth. Like if I won this, I can add it to my credentials. I will be [x award winner], and I can use it to boost myself. And then how if lucky someone will notice it and it will go big and viral and I become world famous.
Rather than ‘it would be awesome if I won,’ and then forget about it.
I’ve finally installed a Lemmy app on the iPhone. Without an app I kept not coming here unless I was on a computer. I don’t know which one is the best so I picked mlem which looks pretty decent so far.
Ding ding coming to you live from the 11 tram!
I use Jerboa because of it’s lack of advertising.
I haven’t seen any ads on this one yet. Maybe they’re coming…
I use jerboa too. Sometimes it takes a bit to connect but that’s probably a mobile service issue rather than an app issue.
Voyager is my Lemmy app of choice on iOS, it mimics Apollo’s layout which was my go to Reddit app. Hasn’t failed me yet!
Finished work and was absolutely exhausted when I came home.
Had a wash and turned on the heater and fell asleep in bed for an hour and a half I think.
Tuesdays are so full on. Thankfully tomorrow will be a lot less eventful at work and I can focus on some light manual labor so to speak.
Tuesdays are often my big day too. Although I must’ve stolen your energy today as I surprisingly actually had enough to whip up dinner, even roasted some fennel. Sorry about that, I’d share my dinner with you if I could!
Good thing tomorrow lets you have some recovery time. It makes a difference knowing you have some breathing space after a big day.
The main thing though is we both got through it!
Now to think about some dinner as well and veg out for the rest of the night.
I might do that tomorrow. Get a cheap bottle of pink moscato and chill on Thursday and Friday in front of the footy.
Go cats!
I finally got the last document needed to complete my tax return today 🙂 It is now complete, submitted and I just have to wait for my return 💰
I am outside and I can just stand here without blowing away. I’m not even wearing concrete shoes. It’s quite nice. So quiet.
😭😭😭 😡😡😡
apple fucked up my music library, again, 😭😭😭
all the live albums, anything not bought with apple , all the special releases, everything moved to cloud which I do not use
fuck apple, so sick of them
I’m an MP3 man. iPods and the iTunes requirement kept me outta the apple ecosystem.
this is why we buy cds and vinyl
Nah fam, this is why we have Navidrome and internet
have you ever moved country? if you change address they ( internet services ) delete your library because of copyright
they can’t delete a physical album
I lost about 1000 albums
( i might do navidrome when i get new puters and stuff of my own, even then, so much of what we use is reliant on electricity supply 🤷♀️ )
Oh this is almost too good to be true: scary shit
If Nasa called you and said “We want to send you up, BUT we can only do it on a Boeing spacecraft” you’d say “No thanks!”
It’s like the beginning of an Arthur C Clarke novel playing out in real life…
apparently its stopped doing it. But man i woulda sealed the hatch and used the arm to yeet that thing outta orbit faster than you can say 737 max 8.
I hope they have an inanimate carbon rod for protection.
Stupid rod getting all the glory.
Alright. Experiment: running to the gym at lunchtime. Will I end up feeling good, or fucked beyond recognition?
I brought a towel so I can have a shower afterwards.
Let’s see how it plays out.
good luck! Gotta find time for this stuff where you can.
It’s 9 hours later, hoping you ended up feeling good and not fucked beyond recognition!
I really wish that fingernails and toenails weren’t a thing. Thankyou for coming to my TED talk
new achievement unlocked: The ability to give The Look over the phone.
^A lot of systems are offline in vic are we having issues gee boss I don’t know why would a lot of systems be offline in victorian sites would you like me to tell you about the fucking rabbits lenny?^
Morning everyone. I remember seeing no rain on the forecast for today, but it can’t get to warm today with how yesterday was, right?
Morning everyone. The birds are tweeting and the sun is up. 🐦🎶🌞
Good night everyone. Sweet dreams. 😘
Jobs that have a lower cognitive demand than uni but higher cognitive demand than retail?
I fear I need direct instructions but not to the point of monotony.
Pakige day! My new kitchen sponges are on board for delivery. I’m pretty sure I bought more interesting things too, I just can’t remember what.
I love the paraylmpics for their modified sports. I stayed up watching blind soccer. Argentina v Colombia. It was fast, aggressive, interesting. Scores 0 - 0.
Just me, or is the mobile network in the city kaput? Best I’ve been able to get is H+. Am on Telstra network
Ah Melbcat has licked a hotspot. It’s fair enough. Things have been intense with meds around the clock, wiping her clean, and interrupting/delaying cuddles to do a dose or chores. I’ll keep an eye on it and see if I need to shield the area. She’s probably finishing her antibiotics soon. Pakige. I shouldn’t have spent money on something frivolous, especially overpriced fast fashion microplastic fabric. And when I could theoretically have sewn one myself. But I’ve been feeling absolutely terrible lately and wanted a squishmallow so I bought one. I don’t have the energy for patterns and sewing these days. I also got some sneakers. They’re not amazing for padding, kind of hard, but that’s because cheap. The pseudo slip-on deal is weird but works for me. Miraculously they kind of fit - a little loose but long enough. The wonky shoe proportions worked in my favour for once. They’re white so that’s risky but for now they look clean and presentable. The 2 pack of wireless bras is probably going to the op shop with tags still on. The band is way too tight and even with a band expander just digs in uncomfortably. It’s very hard to find something that isn’t awful even when buying brand names and there’s no time to go to the factory outlet, so I’ve given up and have just been playing clearance roulette.
After struggling to locate eye(lid)primers I found Nude by Nature, Milani and Barry M at Priceline in Bourke Street.
As UD is usually my holy grail, this is going to be interesting.
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
How nice, Mr. Jingoism from last week is back again today, and is talking to our supervisor on the phone going on about how he has the chills and doesn’t feel really good and probably picked up something from the childcare (and this person has stacks of leave entitlements), thanks for making the rest of us sick too mate…
Yay. I have yet another key 🙄
Our old back gate in the backyard was on the same binding as our front door, so I could just use my front door key on it. But he changed that, and also installed a lock on the front gate in the front yard (and will install another on the side gate between the yards eventually, but the wood needs to be replaced first). So I now have another key for that.
I now have 11 keys on my keyring, although 3 aren’t needed anymore because the padlocks have been removed, and 2 are for my bedrooms which don’t currently have locks. So I can remove those for now
I think I pulled a muscle or something while I was under the house yesterday. My sides are super sore 5 months ago
I bought 200g of olives to make with pasta.
I got home and realised they were not pitted (they had been slit on the side - but seed still intact).
30 minutes of drudgery later I know I will not make that mistake again.