Interviews went ok. I’m so fucking tired though. Seems lots of us couldn’t sleep because of the wind.
I could honestly crash now till tomorrow.
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Interviews went ok. I’m so fucking tired though. Seems lots of us couldn’t sleep because of the wind.
I could honestly crash now till tomorrow.
Nothing like a methhead screaming to remind you the city is a shithole hey.
Methheads put the M in Melbourne
Don’t remind me have to go there for work tomorrow.
I read that as “meathead” and was about to ask what it referred to… duh.
This had our nine year old in fits of giggles. It has brought joy to our house. I hope it brightens your day also.
Classic Terry
😄 love it!
That’s awesome
Well that is hilarious. I like the cut of his jib. I love how they’re both eye bulging wtf-ing out.
I love that meme/picture. Always cracks me up.
The clouds were rolling past so fast they looked like a parallax scrolling background in and SNES game
I’m feeling a little better this morning, which hopefully stays that way. I don’t feel throwing up level sick, but my cough is worse than yesterday (although that’s possibly just because I only woke up not long ago and it’s cold). And my nose is all blocked up from my sleep. I still think I’m going to bail from the rest of the trip, I just want to go home and rest.
In more positive news, today is my 1st Lemmy cake day!
I think it’s a good idea to bail and go home and chill.
Happy Lemmy cake day 🎂
Happy b-cake day! 🍰
Man I don’t miss morning train rides 😔
Yesssss! Good stuff!
Terrible sleep last night (yeah we got the wind as well) blends into a terrible day (left the basket of washing outside because I’m a moron) into a terrible work day (people doing stuff they shouldn’t) and tomorrow my little one is having surgery and gotta drive to Launceston and be there at 7am. It’s a 2 hour drive. I’m considering seeing if I can get a last minute deal for a room.
and tomorrow my little one is having surgery and gotta drive to Launceston and be there at 7am.
Good luck to your little one!
Thank you. Should all be good. They know what they’re doing (I say to convince her and myself)
So many hugs for Little One.
Good luck for the little one!
Thank you!
Mickey says hello and hopes you all have a nice Tuesday, despite the bad weather. He says you all need to make sure you treat yourself and be really kind to yourself. Have a nice warm coffee or tea, or buy that little treat you’ve been eyeing off.
We love you Mickey. 💖
Thank you Mickey I’ll try my best
Mickey believes in you, and knows you got this! You are awesome!
Hey Mickey you’re so fine.
Landlords threatening to sell if they can’t be slumlords, water wet, yadda yadda
The whole reporting on it is hilarious. Pathetic attempt to cry and stomp their feet to have their cake and eat it. In the end they’ll just suck it up by raising rents higher…
Nobody wants to work anymore /j
Mr Woof really wants to go on a walk right now. I’ve tried showing him the incoming band of rain on the weather radar and he still doesn’t seem to understand why it’s a bad idea and that we will go later.
Did Mr Woof finally realise what was to come?
He was oblivious when the rain hit, but now that it has passed we have squeezed in a walk which made him happy. It’s getting dim again so it may have been just in time.
I’m finally back home and I’ve walked into a fucking shit show. There’s 5 cops out the front of my house, 3 staff from my organisation and my bedroom is 33°
Seriously, what the fuck.
my bedroom is 33°
This is genuinely impressive considering how cold it is outside. Hope you get things under control and stay safe
Honestly… Yeah. That’s over double what it is outside! I’d guess it’s been on for days and he’s just had his door or window open
Faaar out. Nooo.
I’m so sorry you went from being sick on your trip to coming back to this guy…
Do you have a complaints process? From experience complaints to government services tend to go into ‘the round file’ (ie. the bin) and I know this is a lot to put on you.
But it might be a smart move to buy a cheap A4 notebook and note the times and dates of any incidents. Put in complaints as often as you can for as long as you can stand it. Guy swears at you or damages something or clogs the toilet? Write down the incident, time and date. Cops show up? What happened, time and date (and cops names and station if possible). Unnecessarily high bill from something he’s done? Time and date. Something of yours goes missing? You know what to do.
It sucks and feels useless but it lays a paper trail demonstrating a pattern of behaviour that might get him kicked out, lay the foundations for an IVO if one is ever needed (touch wood it isn’t), or may hopefully protect you from liability for something stupid he’s done. I am so sorry you’re having to deal with this especially at your young age.
Ps. Definitely get the lockable toolbox for under your bed and bike chain it to the frame out of sight. Grab yourself a lanyard to keep keys on you and lock your door even just to go to the toilet.
Also - you probably know this already, and may have already been doing this in the old place. But since this kid sounds like a problem it might be cautious to not leave your own personal toiletries in a shared bathroom in case they get used up, stolen or messed with.
Maybe buy a wash bag or a beach bag to have your own toiletries in, keep them in your room and carry to the bathroom as you need them.
A few generic “shared” things in the bathroom as window dressing are all I would leave out around a person like this. (A bare minimum amount of basic things you don’t care about like a cheap bottle of hand soap, a few homebrand bar soaps and the cheapest brand TP.)
Ps. Sorry for if this sounds like a lecture. I’ve just lived with people like this in the past
Yeah, there is a complaint process (there’s several, actually). The program coordinator said she’s issued a 1st warning, but there’s a total of 3 warnings before there’s a strike. Any subsequent warnings automatically become a strike, and 3 strikes = being kicked out. If something like this happens again, I will complain. The program coordinator seems to think he’s probably going to be kicked out eventually, so that’s a nice sign…
Fortunately our bathrooms and toilets aren’t shared (seriously I went through almost 6 years of that, and never again.), so I don’t need to worry too much about toiletries going missing. Our utilities are included in our rent, and the bills don’t actually get sent here, they go straight to the head office. But I imagine if the 24/7 heating keeps happening, we’ll probably get a conversation about electricity usage.
Unfortunately I don’t think we can close the ducts we have in our rooms, they’re the older style 4 panel ones that are shaped like a cross and have 4 panels in each corner that can be adjusted to different directions that forms a square. Doing some Google, apparently they’re sometimes magnetic, and magnetic vent covers are a thing, but they look more plastic like to me, so it may be a case of needing to duct tape some cardboard to it. I actually did buy a heater from Kmart because my last one clogged up with dust and I couldn’t get it out without tearing it down, couriers please were meant to deliver it almost a week ago, but just kinda decided they didn’t want to. You probably know how they are.
I am actually considering buying a couple of appliances for my room. Kmart sell kettles and toasters for 7 bucks, and a 2nd hand bar fridge is only like $50 on gumtree or the marketplace, but I don’t know whether I should go to that extreme yet. It feels possibly overkill.
Theft and drug use wise, the program coordinator still hasn’t actually filled me in on the details and seems pretty set on keeping that a state secret. I found out through the lead tenant that moved out. Although it will probably affect me, she keeps talking about confidentiality. I can see that aspect, but it seems relevant and important for me to know what I need to expect, so I’m rather displeased about that
What the!!! What a way to end a holiday. Probably a good thing you came back when you did. Not just because of being sickish.
Yeah… It seems this may be the new normal. The cops are here for some shady characters the new kid decided to bring over who have warrants out for them. And I guess nobody’s told him why we don’t use the ducted yet
That sounds like… fun. Keep your wits about you Baku, and stay safe. It’s shit that someone like that can threaten your home environment because those at the top have forgotten why they went into the sector to begin with.
What a shithouse fucking sleep that was. Boo wind. Boooooo.
I feel very, very strongly about not wanting to get out of bed this morning. Desperately want to wfh…
Worked a shorter day to go home to the fully sick Miniest. A lot of people off work sick, some with bad colds and some with COVID. Forgot how much I enjoyed finishing at 2ish, with not so many people on the bus and fewer on the street.
I finished writing a new short story and even made the cover myself!
Tasmania, 1877. After a decade of hunting escaped convicts and bushrangers, Constable Charlie Harris has kept the peace in the quiet farming town of Ross, where the biggest crimes are drunken punch-ons. Then he captures Tommy Oliver, a member of a notorious bushranger gang, who offers him a deal he can’t refuse: passage to the mainland in exchange for revealing the identity and location of the gang’s enigmatic leader, Hannibal. Wanted for a string of burglaries and murders, Hannibal and the gang have eluded capture for years, and they won’t sit back and let Tommy Oliver give up their leader, and that puts the town of Ross and its constable squarely in their sights… Can Ross hold out until reinforcements arrive to take Tommy Oliver to Launceston, or will Constable Harris be forced to choose between his oath to protect the town and his word to protect a bushranger’s life?
Releasing in the next couple of weeks :-)
I’ve never had peanut butter and jam before. Holy fucking shit. I love that there’s still new things to experience lol
Cat weather report: verr wimbdy
The sound last night was horrendous! There’s maybe 5 bins still standing in the street. Putting you shoes on in my house is dangerous cause it gets the dogs excited thinking they might get a walk, but this morning they both sunk as far down into their beds and pretended to still be asleep.
Definitely picked up a sick. My throat is on fire. I did get within a metre or so of a toddler who was in front of me in line at the very crowded Beechworth Bakery yesterday and they are germ factories.
Cracked out the big jar of kombucha to process tomorrow. Been at it for a year now. It’s gonna make great vinegar. HMU if you want excess scoby/mother/culture.
Finally let the fluffy one roam the hallway after begging for like a week.
Opened the door for him. He did a burnout towards the door, did a failed handbrake turn and slammed into the door frame, then continued the burnout out the door.
5 minutes later, he asks to be let in again.
How!? How is there an equipment fault at Pakenham east?! Isn’t the whole fucking thing new??!!!?
Ugh. Sick of waking up at this hour… stupid bladder!
Love finding dried up hairballs hours after the fact.
Argh. Had a rough night’s sleep and only woke up half and hour ago.
Thank god for a day off with no work to do since I did it over the last 3 days but what a waste of a morning already :(
I couldn’t decide whether it was crumpet weather or veggie soup weather. So I had both for lunch.
These lingering cold systems are extremely annoying. I would very much like for this nasal congestion to fuck off.
Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
this sore back is making me cranky 8 months ago
Did my Coles shop online. At checkout-“enter cake for a free mud cake”
Type in cake.
Sorry offer not available.
Fuck you even more than usual, Coles. 8 months ago
The cake is a lie! 8 months ago
I’m sure they’re making a note here, huge success! 8 months ago
That’s beyond evil. 8 months ago
Being disabled and having to shop with them for delivery means I can’t boycott, so I was wondering whether I should at least try to screw them out of a chocolate cake. But then by accepting that sop they might think there was some kind of goodwill between us… 8 months ago
Now I’m wondering if it’s possible to grocery shop online or buy by phone and get delivery without colesworth. 8 months ago
Was this a two for one deal? Like, if you bought one cake you got two? 8 months ago
Nah it’s just a ‘free cake with your order’ deal if you spend over a certain amount, we got this too. ~~ We got our cake though.~~ 8 months ago
damnit now I want mud cake 😢