The bottom half is proof of why the top half was a bad idea.
Submitted 9 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Your parents got married young because they wanted to fuck. 9 months ago
And within a few years, they grew up, separated, and divorced. 9 months ago
Doesn’t add up, younger millennials and zoomers are having less sex than any of the three generations before them did at the same age. 9 months ago
Being in a relationship makes it easy to have sex. 9 months ago
Learn this one trick God hates… 9 months ago
You can do both. 9 months ago
Meh, my cousin didn’t have his first kid until he was in his 40s, ya got plenty of time to figure out, for example, if you even want a partner and kids, or if you just see those as milestones ya gotta tap to not disappoint people around you. 9 months ago
I had kids young, cause the last thing I want is to be raising teenagers in my 50s. By then my kids will be on their own and the wife and I can enjoy the hell out of our child free life when we have more wisdom and money 9 months ago
Statements like this make me believe a lot of people have kids because it’s some item they can check off their list to live up to what society expects from you. Why even have kids if that’s your mentality? 9 months ago
I mean my parents raised me and my sibling when they were that much older and I’d say the two of us are a sight more well adjusted than a significant number of highschool sweetheart honeymoon babies that are running around.
The point is that it’s not the age, it’s the character of the parent that matters most. 9 months ago
I had a boss who got married when he was 40 as well. Same as others, I’m also unmarried and in early 30s, but I don’t feel the need to keep up with the Joneses either. I still have many things to do before I feel the need to settle down. There are plenty of people who marry late and don’t regret it. It’s best to figure out first what you want before jumping the gun, simply for the sake of social conformance and then regret it. I’m sure we know of people regretting marrying early, or stick to an unhappy marriage out of insecurity or for whatever reason. 9 months ago
On average, getting married early is a bad decision. 9 months ago
I would imagine it’s no worse than people who marry older. My wife was 20 and I was 25 when we got married, that was 15 years ago 9 months ago
Why’s that? People grow a lot with maturity and knowing what they actually want out of life between 25-40.
Of course this process never really stops but between those ages you’re going through a lot of transitions and new experiences. You’re still doing a lot growing up during that period.
It’s not unfair to say that marrying young is a bad idea because you don’t really know who you are yet and there is a lot of opportunity to grow away from your spouse.
By the time you’re much older a lot of this is out of the way. You’re lot further into your career and in a more stable place.
Anyway just my experiences but I don’t think marrying young is a great idea. 9 months ago
I’m not saying it’s always bad. I’m sure you’re very happy. But anecdotes don’t mean much. People are still growing up when they’re 20. 9 months ago
Still plenty of time to get divorced mate! 9 months ago
Hey I was the bottom guy when I turned 25, by the end of that year I was married, and back to my nerd shit, as she does her own nerd shit. We game together, and have a kid now who games with us. 9 months ago
What a bunch of nerds. What you gonna do nerd? Do what you love with people you care for and be happy with it? What a nerd. 9 months ago
So I was disappointed with how underutilized did of the characters were in Naruto, and with some of the really bad thought processes they had. Controversially I actually did like Kaguya as the final villain though. 9 months ago
I know it’s a meme to talk about my boy rock Lee, but literally one of the most hype fight scene powerups of all time, and one of the most compelling characters of no natural talent/bloodline just effort and heart, and they sidelined him hard!
Rock Lee for hokage 2024! 9 months ago
Rock Lee only uses tae (Thai?) jutsu but is one of the few characters I’d expect an entertaining fight from if he went toe to toe with anyone in the series. He wouldn’t necessarily win, but his secret power was that everyone underestimated him, even those who knew he was strong didn’t appreciate just how strong he was until he surprised them.
It was always hilarious to watch the dynamic between Guy and Lee with Tenten and Negi helplessly watching on as the two worked each other up. 9 months ago
15-28: I did nerd stuff and played a lot of videogames. Now 39: Married and have four kids, no time for games and nerd stuff is now called: “having a job”
If I look back, I would do it again in the same way. Time to teach the kids some nerd stuff and videogames. 9 months ago
After looking at the production process of Dragonball Daimo I’m very excited. Toriyama played a big role before his passing and the directors are an all star cast including the person who directed One Piece Red. I’m always down for more Dragonball. 9 months ago
That’s horribly unfair. I still argue about Dragon Ball with strangers on the internet at the age of 36. 9 months ago
You mean 38. I’m 38. 9 months ago
I feel you brother. That’s my hand, actually. 9 months ago
Discussing DBZ with my beautiful trad wife and children. 9 months ago
25 bah! As an older millennial allow me to say they peaked at Dragonball Z. YOU HEARD ME. 9 months ago
As the oldest Millennial (just scrape in), I insist they peaked at Dragon Ball. A half beaten to death pre-teen launching himself through the bad guy to defeat him? Epic stuff.
(Married at 22. You can marry young and be in your 40’s discussing Dragon Ball with internet strangers!) 9 months ago
Yeah but when Vegeta told Goku to enter the domain of the gods was epic 9 months ago
peak life 9 months ago
My parents at 24: oh shit you’re pregnant better get married
Me at 32 living in sin and child free: is another plant too much responsibility? 9 months ago
Hello fellow childless 32 year old. You get that plant!
Signed, Another childless 32 year old that just planted day liilies and strawberries 9 months ago
I’m a childless 31 year old and I look up to you fellas as my elders 9 months ago
Depends on if you can smoke it… 9 months ago
I have yet to find plants that do well in darkness. 9 months ago
Fake plants will do just fine. And guess what happens when you forget to water them? They’re still fine.