- Comment on He's just eccentric 16 hours ago:
I had to clean out my uncle’s house when he passed away suddenly. Among many other things, this man had a box full of gum wrappers perfectly folded into little triangles. But don’t worry, I’ve been assured he wasn’t autistic, he was just a little antisocial and odd.
- Comment on Good vibes 3 days ago:
Probably wouldn’t work very well if you’re talking to a terminal patient
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 3 days ago:
In Canada we see a lot less of that due to rules around news and reporting on social media, but there’s a push for better regulation still. I worry it’s not enough to keep us clear of the conservatives this election.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
I really hope you’re right. I’m actually very scared that they’ll take over our social media this election season and we’ll get fucked as well.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 6 days ago:
I’m less worried about the banana + cheese combo than I am about the colour of those bananas. All I can taste is the disgusting rubbery pucks that bananas turn into when precut.
- Comment on SHUT UP ABOUT NICOLE 1 week ago:
I got a message from her yesterday and I had never talked about her before so I don’t think you can summon her that way. I can forward you the message if that’ll make you feel better. I’ll be your Nicole.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 1 week ago:
The material is significantly better than other memory foam pillows of similar shape that I’ve had, but I suspect part of it is the gimmick too of like a medically approved custom sized pillow. I’ve had it for about a year now though and unlike other memory foam ones I’ve had, it’s kept its shape very well and is still as comfortable as when I first got it.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 1 week ago:
I’m not super sure but I think they just give you a different size that’s better fitted for in between. Mine is just a tad bit too tall if I sleep on my back, but I had requested a side sleeper only.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 1 week ago:
It’s one of these bad boys. Mine is specifically for side sleeping but they have back sleeper ones too.
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 1 week ago:
Does it? My partner has learned some very strange words I have never heard used in mexico. But I guess the rest of Latin America also uses different dialects.
- Comment on I recommend you don't watch this 1 week ago:
What a dopamine hit, I need more of this.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 1 week ago:
I suffered for so long and then finally caved and bought a custom-fit pillow for side sleeping. Literally had to go to a physio to measure the space between my neck and the end of my shoulder. It was some of the best $200 I have ever spent, I cannot recommend it enough.
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 3 weeks ago:
I think Western society/individualism has erased a lot of this but for centuries before colonialism and still in a lot of indigenous and non-western societies, it’s expected to respect your elders and take care of them. In turn, they should be aiming to build that respect for themselves and to be a good ancestor for those preceding them. You see this all across indigenous belief systems - your society/nature will take care of you just as you took care of it.
The reason nobody did shit for us is because that’s been overridden by colonialism and individualistic mindsets. Humans aren’t meant to be as selfish as we’ve become, that’s why we’re so unhappy.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 weeks ago:
Damn, sounds like a familiar story now
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 weeks ago:
I think that 4chan started a lot of this apocalypse that way.
- Comment on It works for anything 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Idk what rice hot dish is but it looks just like my vomit from last week.
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 4 weeks ago:
Outside of Western religions there are plenty of other cool non-male deities. There’s lots of pagan goddesses.
The only “feminine” or female deity that is maybe as well known as “God” would be like nature as it is often referred to as “mother” nature and in she/her. Though I’m not sure pantheists or other religions would refer to her strictly as a goddess.
Western religions talk about a male god because western societies are patriarchal; they need it to support a male-dominated societal structure.
- Comment on I miss myspace 5 weeks ago:
You can still watch cat videos, they’re just sandwiched in between hell and sadness to keep you scrolling.
- Comment on She would be proud 1 month ago:
Here’s a fun fact I never needed to know: my grandmother had eight children in her life and never had a single orgasm.
You’re welcome.
- Comment on Bad luck for everyone involved. Even the kid. 1 month ago:
I wonder if me accidentally kicking over a table full of mirrors in 7th grade caused this timeline to go the way it has
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
Stop gaslighting me, doctor.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 1 month ago:
That’s a heck of a lot more than mildly vulva
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
My RMT today was going through the initial questions and asked “pain?” With regards to my physical pain, and then went “stress?” And my brain short-circuited and I said “isn’t that the same thing” so I’d say 10/10 for both in these times, thank you.
- Comment on AI slop 1 month ago:
These interactions bring me more joy than they have any right to
- Comment on Makes your jaw drop in amazement 1 month ago:
While this execution is gross, I had a coworker whose husband worked at the dump and he got his hands on a portapotty (like the construction ones). Cleaned it out, took it home and built a nice little outhouse around it. It was perfect for when they were in hot tub or just hanging out outside and didn’t want to wet/muddy the house.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
I feel this without the alcohol so maybe I should try this diet and lose some weight at least.
- Comment on Chloroform 🌸 😋 💕 💕 2 months ago:
In small amounts and mixed with things it tastes good, but straight up vanilla extract would make me puke. Love the smell though.
- Comment on Hey, you're an ass man. I have this problem with my bum. Could you take a look? 2 months ago:
In my brain it was just “piles of shit”, but I guess hemorrhoids is worse.
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 months ago:
It’s definitely a country by country thing. BK in Mexico is (or at least was when I lived there) pretty awesome. BK in the UK also pretty decent. BK in Canada is garbage.