Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure someone somewhere is worse and that makes this okay somehow.
A society’s greatness can only be measured by how they treat their most vulnerable citizens.
Submitted 11 months ago by to [deleted]
Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure someone somewhere is worse and that makes this okay somehow.
A society’s greatness can only be measured by how they treat their most vulnerable citizens.
You mean the worse they treat them the greater the greatness, right? Like Sparta, right bro?
People who say this are free to let the homeless sleep on their couch or in their yard, but they won’t.
what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?
I mean, I sure as hell wouldn’t do what’s shown in the photo. If I owned property lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Butwhatabout foreigners? No, seriously, what about foreigners? And stateless.
This window ledge is private property 🤓
Seating is not all owed.
This air is private property, breathing is not allowed
Ah, I see you are also VerySmart™.
Nice, anti homeless and anti disabled all at once (lack of streetside seating makes getting around challenging for mobility limited people)
And right below a “no human is illegal” poster
Also anti elderly. And anti kids. Although for kids EVERY surface is sitting surface.
This is not anti-homeless. This is anti-idiots sitting on the window sill of the house you live in, making it a gathering place and a nuisance of themselves. A window sill is not a bench in the park.
Great! If the spikes weren’t inclusive trans people might feel excluded from the ban of sleeping on them
We fell in love in a homeless place… We fell in love in a hooOoomess plaaace…
No human is illegal.
The irony
That, and the painting, might be put there by people protesting the spikes and not necessarily the owners of these spikes.
Ah yes of course!
“Women’s rights are human rights.” ** ** Doesn’t include homeless women.
LGBT identity is being exploited by assholes
insert BMW Nazi logo beside the BMW trans logo
This is a photoshop. It’s not real.
Cool, I didn’t know
Shit like this should be spray painted over
They think LGBT is benefited by having more visibility. In reality it puts them center stage for anti-LGBT rhetoric and the world is more antagonistic. In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.
It was illegal to be gay in my western country in the early 90s. Your opinion is wrong and sucks ass
In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.
I know a guy who was put in the hospital in 1997 because some dudes thought he was gay.
You both have a point and have a not point at the same time. LGBT is benefitted by more visibility, because it being denormalized harms people who are gay/trans/etc. In the 90s, gay marriage was illegal, participating in gay culture with other gay people means risking getting arrested with bullshit charges, and someone’s kid being gay was every parent’s worst nightmare (it still is for some people nowadays unfortunately). More visibility and pushing for more rights and the same integration into society that the “in-group” has naturally means that people who are higher in the hierarchy will throw a tantrum and start committing hate crimes and attacking the group. But making others angry is necessary if you want a disprivileged group to have the same accessibility and rights as the ruling group.
My trans homies and I would probably throw a brick through that window… just saying.
Okay, in reality we’d talk to the owner first and explain why this is shitty behavior. The brick is plan B.
You think they don’t know? The point was the meme.
I mean yeah, probably they would know, but it wouldn’t hurt to talk to em. Either way, specific negative feedback from potential customers gives them at least a small incentive to change… not that it’d probably be significant enough to make a difference in this case. But hypothetically, if enough people did get upset about it and it hurt the business’ bottom line, I’d want them to know the reason.
If nothing else, at least they’ll know what the brick is for. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*on the trans-inclusive anti-homeless spikes
Soon they will sell inclusive bullets in Texas
“We’re so progressive! We like the gays! FUCK OFF YOU DIRTY HOBO! PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOT STRAPS!”
The shop owners didn’t put the spikes there, the building owners did
Because it’s quite likely that the people who run the store also own the building or something?
Not a chance. This building (and the windowsill and spike strip) are owned by some real estate company and the shop owner (who owns the sticker) is a renter.
Be pissed off at the wealthy elite that’s shooing off the homeless, not the shop owner. Totally different people.
This doesn’t even have anything to do with homeless people. Homeless people don’t sleep on a window sill.
I personally know a few places in my city where people have resorted to putting spikes on their window sills like that. It has everything to do with anti-social people who think someone else’s window sill is a perfectly good place to sit around all night, make noise, drink alcohol, do drugs, leave their garbage, damage the property, …
The spikes are put there out of desperation when talking to people and talking to the police hasn’t helped.
Not to interrupt your hate parade against the wealthy, fully on board with that, but most store owners also absolutely hate homeless people around their stores. For somewhat understandable reasons but still.
I mean the reason is that most people will be a bit sketched out by homeless people hanging around your establishment. I’ve run into quite a few homeless people when living in the city and more times than not they are pretty sketchy individuals, not all but most.
This concept is liberalism at its finest
Specifically the NIMBYest of NIMBY “the solution is to fund the police” neoliberalism. 🖕
Is this one real at least? Because that’s a great concrete example of the kind of hypocrisy the op is alluding to
It pokes you if you sit on it?
This is California in a nut shell.
Defeated by 2" x 4"'s.
Free acupuncture.
Finally, UHC in USA.
A soul for a soul (and that’s not how it has to be).
Your link is geoblocked.
Man that’s a new low. 11 months ago
How can it be that people don’t realize how badly faked this is and what position it is trying to sneak through? 11 months ago
You mean you don’t believe that Hostile architecture exists? Or are you just saying that this specific example doesn’t? 11 months ago
This specific example is badly photoshopped 11 months ago
I mean that someone saw hostile architecture and then decided to add a trans flag for political reasons.
We, as strangers, will never know their exact motivation, but I think if their idea was a message regarding the unfair treatment of economically disadvantaged people, there would be much better ways to communicate the issue that doesn’t involve something that can easily be construed as an anti-trans messaging.
It’s a bit vibes based, but you know… People ain’t robots, and even if that wasn’t the original intent, that’s how the message comes across. So I’d rather have a better, more poignant one that’s worth repeating, rather than this, perhaps unintentionally, worse one. 11 months ago
You’re at the top of my comment chain, so I’m replying to agree with you and take this further.
Whoever photoshopped this and the other one with the park bench that’s floating around is trying to pit liberals against each other by making it seem like fighting for trans rights and fighting to house the unhoused are opposed to each other.
For anyone reading this, don’t fall for it. 11 months ago
Sure, except I’m in California where it is two very different fights. Try reversing any LGBTQ Rights and you’ll get tarred and feathered. Suggest the Homeless shouldn’t be hunted in the streets and you also get tarred and feathered.
It’s like living in reverse land where instead of “fiscal responsibility” and “traditional social values” we have “fiscal responsibility” and “progressive social values”. 11 months ago
people fall for this?
Damn, didn’t realize conservatives put that little amount of thought into their political statements.
Literally the best result here is someone goes “yeah, that’s politicians for you, pretending to do something, by displaying something, but actually doing something else” If anything, this is basically commentary on how shitty politics is. More than whatever the fuck anyone else thinks it could possibly be. 11 months ago
I mean I think it’s just meant to be a shitpost