Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Sa, So geschlossen
- Comment on The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit 8 months ago:
Not going to happen. Nobody can afford promo trolling because then people are simply not going. Word to mouth propaganda doesn’t bring the masses needed to pay the bills nowadays.
- Comment on Check mate, creationists 10 months ago:
Same. Cannot unsee it.
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
I cannot tell you why, but I can tell you it works. They just let you do it.
- Comment on oWo 11 months ago:
Seating is not all owed.
- Comment on Avoiding Traffic Tickets with Ghost Plates 11 months ago:
You too can easily trick these shitty little towns out of their ticket farming money. Just follow the rules like everyone else.
10/10 people who feel the need to say that the rules are for others are exactly the kind of people the rules are for.
- Comment on Why is there no true Progressive party in America right now? 11 months ago:
Thanks. But no thanks for the downvotes. When asking to be questioned, expect to be questioned.
And mob-rule is not a just a term invented by the liberals. But because a group of vigilantes took matters into their own hands - by arming themselves.
- Comment on Why is there no true Progressive party in America right now? 11 months ago:
The defense of the revolutionary government will be organized on the basis of the armed, organized working class. All foreign military bases will be closed immediately.
- Comment on Anon overestimates their mass 1 year ago:
AITA for thinking most people who say “$1000 would change my life” would certainly not have their lives changed by that money? In this example, with the new phone being pointed out (4000 for tuition aside), I cant help but imagining he’d just buy a new computer or a pile of games.
Realistically what can $1000 buy (in the US) that actually changes a life?
- Comment on Every time 1 year ago:
I really tried to pack this into a witty joke comment, but… that’s Christy Mack. I don’t think she’s been into space yet tho.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I finally got around installing OpenMW and started playing.
Feels good to be relive my first “serious” RPG experience.
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
When I wrote the comment I put them in separate lines. Apparently the app I’m using doesn’t get the formatting right. Sorry for the confusion.
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
Gladiator Kingdom of Heavens Tron: Legacy
I could watch them backwards and still enjoy them.
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
One of these is not like the others. Seriously, why The Revenant?