wow it’s so nostalgic to see Ricky Gervais form a couple sentences back to back without whining
Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
The core of humor is exaggeration. The joke is that it only took 3 hours, and not the usual 3 years past their 18th birthday. 5 weeks ago
actually ☝️🤓 its 25 that is his max, not 21 5 weeks ago
And it’s not creepy in the slightest that this handsome, successful, rich middle-aged celebrity stops dating these young women right around the age the brain fully matures… 5 weeks ago
It’s one of the categories of humor. You can also be funny by timing, reference earlier works or common knowledge, etc. Best jokes combine multiple things. In this case, exaggeration and reference to common knowledge (DiCaprio likes em young) 5 weeks ago
At least he’s self aware 5 weeks ago
Idk, it seems worse that he’s self aware. Before it could be dumping these women because he gets some “ick” about them that he can’t explain. It turns out the ick is a deeply misogynistic fetishization of youth, but if he didn’t put any thought into it at least you could say he’s a toxic product of his culture.
If he’s aware of it then it’s something he could be working on and changing and he instead makes the active choice not to do anything about it. 5 weeks ago
This title reads as passive aggressive. You good, OP? 5 weeks ago
I think it was a dig at how Will Smith reacted to Chris Rock. 5 weeks ago
From like three years ago? Why post about it now? Especially without providing additional context. 5 weeks ago
He’s ok OK ? it was JUST a joke 5 weeks ago
My it’s just a joke shirt has people asking me a lot of questions alreadt answered by the shirt 5 weeks ago
Tom Hanks did not enjoy this speech at all lmao. 5 weeks ago
Ricky Gervais is transphobic garbage. 5 weeks ago
“What too challenging for ya!”
I fucking love James Acaster 5 weeks ago
I believe it. What happened? 5 weeks ago
His last special SuperNature had some jokes making fun of trans women and the people who defend them.
I won’t lie and say I didn’t laugh at the final punchline. But yeah these jokes are pretty counterproductive and just reinforce bigotry. 5 weeks ago
Here’s Louis CK’s joke on it:
Yes, I know he’s cancelled and all that but I don’t know I still love his comedy. Like … I cut out a lot of comics like Joe Rogan (just kidding, he’s barely a comedian) so I dunno I just remembered this joke. 5 weeks ago
Remember a time when something was just funny and not viewed through a political spectrum. 5 weeks ago
Hot take, but with so many actual sexual assailants and literal pedophiles in the world, I will just never be able to give two shits about what Leo does or does not do with other legal consenting adults, sorry. 5 weeks ago
Leo’s relationships are also transactional and both parties understand that. He gets arm candy and the women get access to high level movie executives/producers. 5 weeks ago
And another point, as a man a lot younger than say Salma Hayek. I’d happily be her young handsome piece of action. I would also get to be with an extremely attractive woman.
The same goes for these women and Leonardo Di Caprio. He is objectively an attractive man. It’s also bragging rights. I was in a relarionship with x-celeb. Of course many women dream of being with him, and of course a lot of them are gorgeous.
I think they are both having a great time, and see no reason to judge.
I fully agree let’s care about the things that actually matter and actually hurt people. 5 weeks ago
It’s sexist but an older man and a younger woman is judged totally different to an older woman and a younger man.
Ideally we’d just ask if both are happy and everything is healthy. 5 weeks ago
Hotter take: This shit perpetuates women as sexual objects though, which, in some cases, might even make it easier for someone to rationalize their violence against a woman 5 weeks ago
What shit? Allowing adults to make autonomous choices rather than infantilizing and pre-ascribing victim status to them?
Again, y’all can’t pretend we’re talking about children, we are talking about full legal adults with rights to autonomy.
If there is coercion or abuse, absolutely demonize and mobilize against that. But until there is, all you have is suspicion and suggestions that infantilize the real adult women in the scenario. 5 weeks ago
the thing is, you know he’d go younger if it was legal 5 weeks ago
Do you? Because that sounds like an assumption to me. 5 weeks ago
Hollywood can and does go younger. Do you think Epstein Island was the only place where the power pedophiles go? Laws don’t matter to these people.
Has anyone even accused DiCaprio of SA?