- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 5 days ago:
And it’s not creepy in the slightest that this handsome, successful, rich middle-aged celebrity stops dating these young women right around the age the brain fully matures…
- Comment on I don't know how it stays on. 1 month ago:
I may or may not have been involved in an incident where a certain deserving individual ended up with a big black dildo suctioned and glued to the hood of their vehicle like an old hood ornament… they ended up cutting off the bulk of it, and I never heard how or if they removed the remainder.
- Comment on Instant heart attack. You are doing work in the kitchen and this arm comes out 2 months ago:
You’ve got a raccoon in your walls. As cute as these little bandits are, their urine and fecal matter are on a whole different level. Breathing that in on a regular basis can lead to a slew of respiratory issues/infections. Once it has been removed It’s important to seal that area in killz primer or other similar type product.
- Comment on Have an avocado. 2 months ago:
What if having avocados forced upon me is what’s ruining my morale?
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
I created an epic account solely for the free games, which I claim and never play. Fuck Epic. I still haven’t forgiven them for ruining Rocket League.
- Comment on Perfect Christmas Gift for your boyfriend or husband 2 months ago:
Asking the real questions.
- Comment on Automated switchboard 3 months ago:
It doesn’t work on all systems, but you can try spamming the zero button. My bank has the most annoying robot assistant I’ve ever had to deal with, but I’ve learned if I hit the zero button everytime it asks me something after about 4-5 times it gives up and just transfers me to a person… I have had this work for other companies, but it’s hit or miss.
- Comment on Bless 🙏🏻 4 months ago:
Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
I actually prefer being able to choose my own produce and meats.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
Stealing is wrong.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
If it was up to me, they wouldn’t be forced to stand all shift or be underpaid, but since I’m not in charge of shit I can’t change their company’s policies.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
The lines are usually minimal (1 or 2 people) during the time of day I typically go shopping, and I drive an electric that is charged in my garage.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
Yup. There’s no reason they couldn’t have a stool.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
I don’t think, nor did I say, they needed to do more. I’m also not particularly fond of small talk, so I dont typically chat with them. They’re paid to do a job, so why would I offer to do that job for free?
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
I agree with the boomers on this one. I’m not in the habit of providing free labor to a corporation I don’t even work for.
- Comment on Home Depot 4 months ago:
What, like the back of a Volkswagen?
- Comment on Meatspin 5 months ago:
The parents not caring is bullshit. Once my Dad came over and explained, we were doing it wrong and demonstrated for the kids a better, faster, more dangerous method before then ignoring us and heading back to the other adults.
- Comment on Billboard 5 months ago:
- Comment on msi 5 months ago:
Genuine question: Can I ask why?
I’ve had several components and even had a complete msi PC build in the past and never had an issue with them. I’m not a msi fanboy, nor am I saying buy their products, I’m just curious as to what’s the reasoning behind why you tell people not to?
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 5 months ago:
I’ve tried it a dozen or so times, maybe worked 2-3 of them. I keep it in my arsenal of tricks because it’s quick and easy to try with no negative repercussions if it doesn’t work.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 5 months ago:
Old life hack that occasionally works for this is to use a rubber band. Grab a rubber band wide enough to cover the screw head, push the screwdriver into the screw through the rubber band, and pray it has enough grip to twist the screw loose. Good luck with whatever method you use.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 5 months ago:
This is my current dilemma with the new Star Wars outlaws game. Epic has exclusivity on release (or can buy direct on ubisoft), but I have 29 other Star Wars games all on Steam. Do I really want one odd game on a different platform, or do I just accept that I won’t be playing it at release and wait the months for it to come to Steam?
- Comment on Swooped in with the quickness 5 months ago:
Ben Affleck, and Pete Davidson.
- Comment on Minecraft. Family guy, even. 6 months ago:
Because that’s not a smile, he’s just showing his teeth. His eyes are dead and joyless… definitely off-putting.
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
Are you sure about that? My cholesterol has been looking mighty high lately.
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
Neither are coyotes, at least not by nature. They may live in a pack, but they typically travel and hunt solo or in pairs.
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 7 months ago:
I’ll take it one step further and say potato salad CAN be downright delicious when made well… I have also had potato salad so bad that it caused me to have an existential crisis about how I ended up where I was, eating what I was, and I had to pause to reconsider my life’s choices.
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 7 months ago:
TIL hard boiled eggs can explode in a microwave and that the explosion can be as loud as 133 decibels. For reference sake, a gunshot is about 155 decibels depending on caliber, so that’s one loud ass egg.
- Comment on Get sorted... 7 months ago:
Top right is accepting of all fetishists. Hell, we probably invented a few you haven’t even heard of yet.
- Comment on My tortured soul is thimble deep 8 months ago:
Well, who doesn’t enjoy a good chin scritch now and again.