I’ve realised how much of my life I’ve dedicated to work needlessly.
I’ve been home all day and I’ve lost touch with the things I do for enjoyment. All I want to do is grab the work laptop and keep working.
Don’t end up like me. Draw the line.
Submitted 4 weeks ago by briongloid@aussie.zone to melbourne@aussie.zone
I’ve realised how much of my life I’ve dedicated to work needlessly.
I’ve been home all day and I’ve lost touch with the things I do for enjoyment. All I want to do is grab the work laptop and keep working.
Don’t end up like me. Draw the line.
I think there are times when dedication and long hours are needed to learn and advance, and then when the rewards of that are attained then a person can relax a bit.
but working all the time? not generally a good idea
Thank you :)
Ask yourself where the habit comes from. And then try to think back to a time when you didn’t have that habit, and how you felt. I do the same thing. For me it came from a place of validation.
My father never worked a day in my life so working hard to me, means being different than him.
New manager texts me for a meeting.
I’m on leave dipshit.
Right to disconnect!
That’s fucking gold 🤣
what did you reply with?
I’m unavailable as I am on leave. I will be back on Thursday.
Cannot be stuffed cooking tonight. Would anyone like to join me at The Pinny in North Fitzroy for Taco Tuesday? I’m thinking 6 pm ish but am flexible. The trivia comp starts at 7.30 I think, but I’m not up for that.
Too far away from me for a weeknight 🥱
I can only do tomorrow 😔
My mate is the quizmaster there
Ooooh, connected! We might have to have a DT trivia night there sometime!
I’d love to, but have to take my kid to an appointment
Goodnight everyone. Nice early night to be rested for tomorrow’s interviews.
Sleep well ❤️
Good luck with them!
Cheers man! I’ve done my best to prepare. Let’s see how it goes :)
last day before His Lordship hits 40. Much hilarity and old fart jokes.
BUT i did build an assistive frame for his ADHD brain (his spatial awareness ranks somewhere around a golden retriever puppy), as he’s planning out the rail spacing for our pull out drawer clothesline. bit of 3D printing, bit of t-track and voila, he’s got a solid three dimensional frame to play with, including full slide capabilities.
Wow! Don’t let ikea see this - just too useful.
that’s just a shitty mini mockup, but yeah, a pull out drying rack shall be ours! Somewhere to toss our pants and towels when it’s pissing outside
From the other account manager:
They’re going on a hiring spree lol
Also, my co-worker believes that if something is on a PowerPoint it’s legally binding.
Ladies and gentlemen, my team mate…
PowerPoint it’s legally binding
That’s a first lol. Had to have a quick squizz on the ol’ googs for that. Turns out that question is asked a fair bit… yikes.
Favouritism basically.
my co-worker believes that if something is on a PowerPoint it’s legally binding.
You can see how there was an imbalance of workload…
This weekend is looking positively chilly. I was sweating when out and about, now under the AC again.
Maybe a hoodie in something light and diaphanous, in lace maybe. With pockets of course, but definitely a hoodie for hot weather. Call it a sunburn prevention hoodie … This could catch on.
I wish that you could still get proper long sleeved kaftans to cover your skin without overheating
Hoodie gang 🫶
Wait til Saturday, Melbourne weather got you covered.
That seagull looks like it’s plotting something.
Fuck I hate this weather.
I’ve given up and accepted the electricity bills are going to be shocking.
Aww man I don’t wanna cook!* Pouts* Got an early start tomorrow because hot. After pizza day and the shower I had when I got home, I just want to flake. Elder was really upset because he thought his father shitted in the shower… I had to refrain from laughing as I told him it was the Lush Posh Chocolate body wash that his dad got randomly smeared in the bath tub 🤣
Classic “is it poop or chocolate?” moment right there.
I think we should start a petition to rename America Dumcuntsville
when ever I hear that I am reminded how pathetic trump is
A gang of lorikeets have been feasting on a nearby fig tree. There is much tweeting and chattering, and the occasional screeching dispute over a desirable branch. They are very pretty though.
Waaaake uuuuuupp! It’s Tuesday. Get going everyone!
It’s going to be a two-coffee kind of day. I can feel it
when one spends time with a killjoy one’s joy is killed
sometimes it seems to me that happiness is an act of rebellion
I found a pack of speculoos cookies in the back of the pantry on the high shelf, ate 6, now I feel sick, am throwing the rest away . No more cookies for this year.
Toxic people are so pervasive. Remind yourself that the issue is with them. Normal people don’t go around tearing other people down or trying to make them feel like crap
it’s hard to remember that toxic people are toxic 100% of the time
Gonna make some cold brew coffee today before it gets really hot. Is it still supposed to get up to 35?
aww great, already in trouble at work due to a stuff up due to some communication issue.
This won’t be fun today.
Goodnight all ❤️
Left a half drunk berocca on the bench this morning. It’s evaporated and the house smells like sweaty Vegemite. It’s not fantastic.
1500 bucks to fit a half decent tow pack to the car. Thanks to I think it was Thornburywitch who suggested Hyman Reese? double the down ball weight of the stock kia one. Impressive!
New Meep pics on reddit, Meep is the cutest cat I have ever seen 🥹 www.reddit.com/r/…/meep_glamour_shots/
Catching up with one of my old bosses for lunch today. I’m kinda nervous. I must come across as much better off having left their organisation that wronged me towards the end and set up on my own (which is the truth anyway). I’ve only ever burned bridges with past employers so this is a new situation for me to be in.
back from camping. technically back sunday cause the weather saturday was crap then sunday night none of the adults slept a wink. Howling wind, smashing rain and then a thunderstorm rolled in around 6am. We all got up and went “nope, done with this” and bailed early. Spent the last day cleaning and drying and putting everything away. trying to convince the mrs that its time to ditch the tent and upgrade to a campervan or something. Be a bit less at the mercy of the weather.
I had a restful positive day today . I feel can face tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone, love you all. 😘😘😘
Coles was out of watermelon when I went to the shops earlier but they had “yellow watermelon”. I’ve never seen yellow watermelon in my life and it was the only option, so I purchased. It’s quite nice, refreshing on a hot evening. Tastes pretty much the same.
Good night
I don’t think I eat too much junk, but I’m trying to eat healthier. BUT the ‘bad’ stuff tastes good! Sometimes in look in the pantry and the chips or chocolate or biscuits or icecream is calling to me. We live in a world of food engineered to hit the sweet/salty/fatty sweet spot in the brain. It’s hard to resist. Anyway, today was not a day of resistance, looking at you salt and vinegar chips.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 4 weeks ago
Another intwrview down, 2 more tomorrow. Yeeha!
tombruzzo@aussie.zone 4 weeks ago
That’s great. Interviews can be taxing work
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 4 weeks ago
I don’t mind them. My whole job is client facing so the difference between my normal job and an interview is that I’m selling myself instead lol