Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD 3000: min - 13°C, max - 22°C. 90% chance of no rain)
Sky is pretty
Finger is sore
I don’t want to do
This assignment any more
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD 3000: min - 13°C, max - 22°C. 90% chance of no rain)
Sky is pretty
Finger is sore
I don’t want to do
This assignment any more
Make sure you don’t start getting suss deliveries over the next few days.
If you do you know whose fault it is.
That explains a lot.
She used to be so tiny lol
Ah yes. Hello “I didn’t do anything to provoke it” random back pain from just walking normally.
Ah middle age.
Teach kitty to make biscuits on the lower back.
I’ve taken the dodgy finger to the doctor. I expect a tetanus injection and antibiotics are in my near future.
Had a nasty infection in one finger once from pruning a rose bush. Including the red streaks up my arm. Ended up having to have the hosepipe penicillin shot in my butt and another tetanus shot in my arm. Could neither sit down nor lift anything for at least 3 days. I think this was actually the start of my needle phobia.
My worst infection was from a coral graze on my leg. I had a lovely biro outline drawn around it to measure the spread of redness, and antibiotic and tetanus shots. I think any pain from those was overshadowed by the badly sunburnt butt I got while snorkelling, which made sitting down a rather painful affair on its own. Queensland holidays are such a delight.
youse guys are scaring me
Just don’t jam dirty things into your finger and you’ll be fine. And if you do, don’t assume “she’ll be right”, because fingers have lots of intricate moving parts that can get messed up.
Hope it clears up quickly.
I’m glad you’re getting it checked - finger infections can get nasty very quickly
Dr Google predicts a long stay in hospital followed by amputation. I don’t think that’s likely, but it is one possible outcome if not treated promptly.
Ugh, another long work day. I worked so hard last week but we just got more work poured down the pipeline (probably will tomorrow as well - before it becomes 2 weeks before Xmas and I hope to hell we don’t get anything more). Plus laptop still doing its random sleep BS. Blah :(
I’m super, super grateful I don’t have to throw a shitty commute with train delays into the mix though.
Now I need to cook (, Jesse!) For tomorrow’s lunch. Waah. Not feeling it. Zucchini slice would make sense… no cheese but I have nutritional yeast… doooo eeeet, body…
OMGosh happy Sydney day!
If you’re catching PT, don’t forget to gaze in awe at how more high tech parts of it are than here. Oh, and I guarantee unless you’re moving there, sitting on the 2nd floor of a train never gets old
I did a thorough clean up of my kitchen today. Swept, mopped, cleaned the dogs mat and bowls and temporarily replaced them with some plastic ones because he might get thirsty or hungry. Cleaned out the fridge, dropped some deli meat in the bowl.
What did he do to show appreciation? He didn’t like it in his bowl so he slapped it up and down my freshly mopped floor including my foot, deciding what position he was going to inhale the slab of silverside.
They’re precious creatures! Ours refused to go to bed last night because I took her out to the back yard for her wee, not the front yard. Apparently the front yard has all the right sniffs for bedtime rituals.
I got a banner popup (in the app) that my term deposit account has some unspecified problem and I need to call them. So I call them. Then they say “thanks for calling. One of our online support agents will be assisting with your enquiry today. Please see your app or web banking for more info. Thanks for calling!” And hung up! You arseholes. Why would you do that? Why can’t I just talk to a fucking human you stupid piece of arsehole robot thing
I’m having deja vu to when those unauthorised transactions happened a few months ago and after sitting on hold for 2 hours they told me I had to do it through the app
What’s the fuckong point of having a phone number if its only purpose is to hang up on people you scumbags. I guess bank of Melbourne is now on my shitlist, right along with CommBank
Ok, apparently I had to go through the app and click a bunch of buttons to find a number that works. For some reason it seems the number they publicly list and the app demanded I call is the number to open an account or like a HQ number or something
This other number was better. 15 second hold, 1 transfer, another 13 second hold, problem solved in about 30 extra seconds. Apparently when I signed up they only needed me to verify 1 form of ID but for a term deposit they require 2? I don’t know. I’m not sure why the app couldn’t have told me that instead of just saying “there’s an issue with your account. To resolve call us or go into a branch”. Would’ve been a lot better if it just said “We require you to verify your identity again. Please go to the service tab to verify”
I maintain that’s poor user experience and they should do better, but both of the customer service people I got were efficient and very polite. Maybe BoM can go off my shitlist again. Hanging up on somebody is very disrespectful though, and their robot should be publicly shamed
Had a great class tonight. The actual class wasn’t the most interesting, it was all about ethics and legislation. Bleh. But we finished about an hour early around 8:10, but I stayed back and had a nice chat with the trainer and another classmate. I’m fond of them both. I don’t know how to describe it, but they’re both the sort of people you look at and can tell they are shallow, and are genuinely kind people in their day to day lives
I also had many questions to ask which made a change. I like to ask questions in these classes, and like to check my knowledge and understanding, but sometimes we have to move on too quickly, or I just don’t have anything I can ask. Probably sounds like a dream, but I actually do enjoy learning, if it’s something I’m passionate about and is delivered in a digestible format
Been struggling through a box of drumstick ice-creams that clearly had both been dropped and melted at some point on their journey to the supermarket. Had to put this last one in a bowl lest it crumble in my hands. Thoughts and prayers.
I call them “pre-chewed”.
Could be worse. This is how one of those mini drumsticks I got in a HJs meal a few years ago:
Mmmm pasta bolognaise
F me. D day for this project I am working on is approaching and folks are only just starting to take a look at the email that was sent back in october.
Too bad the project manager quit otherwise I’d be having a go at them cause all this work somehow falls to me.
Was a bit of an idiot last night and now I’m hungover. Thankfully working from home, but because of a house inspection. Thankfully it happened at just about bang on 9am so now I don’t have to spend the whole day waiting for it!
This is Gertrude, I think she’s a Isopedella victorialis (Victorian Huntsman). Or she’s a juvenile male lol.
She’s been keeping the top floor of my building clear of insects for the last week or so. Until this morning when the cleaners came - I think she got sucked up 😭 anyway, in possible memoriam, Gertrude; the finest pest controller on level 4
Today was a bad day for boost to not support spoilers.
Huntsman tend to wander a bit, she may have decided her work there was done and moved on. But if she did get sucked up that is at least a cleaner end than the gradual leg reduction that they often endure at end of life.
gradual leg reduction
:( I did not know that.
Poor Gert.
Forever in our hearts.
RIP Gerto
RIP Gertrude. Will be much missed until the next one moves in.
Might be male as I think the females have relatively bigger abdomens
Aww, poor Gertrude. Hopefully just gone for a walk and not to spider heaven
Now that she’s dead shes going to haunt you for stealing her moth breakfast. Isopedella victorialises never forgive, and they never forget.
Advised cerys last night if she didn’t stop being such a little turdholster i was going to drop her in the toilet and repeatedly hit flush. This did not appear to have the desired effect
You just gave her ideas of what to do to the other cats 🙀
Weight the lids shut
I think I’m going to have to be quite regimented about my eating times for the next week. The antibiotics need to be eaten at least 30 mins before and 2 hours after food, and have to be taken four times a day.
just 2 weeks left. But DAMN if they arnt gonna drag.
I feel this.
Have been doing life admin today, and I’ve got a new item to add to the list of ‘what I’ll buy when I win tatts’, and that is someone else to sort out the insurance
I’d get a chef. Much prefer to eat than cook.
That’s 1st on my list (after the obvious things like paying off debt and helping people)
I recently called my internet provider and asked them nicely for their new customer offer. It worked! 😁
Nice one!
Some movies I have watched recently:
Margin call (financial thriller drama) for fans of The Big Short 5/5
Longlegs (Horror) Excellent Nic Cage performance as a the deranged killer 3.5/5
Black coats daughter(Horror) supernatural, psychological horror. One of those slow burns 3/5
Election(comedy) Reese Witherspoon is a gem. 3/5
Goin South (comedy/western) a quirky little movie directed by and starring Jack Nicholson 3/5
The lost city of Z(biographical adventure) based on the experiences of British surveyor Percy Fawcett.4/5
Blackberry (biographical drama) charts the rise and fall of the Blackberry smartphone device.4.5/5
Nocturnal Animals(psychological thriller) a tense neo-noir written, directed, and produced by fashion designer Tom Ford. Great cast and story 5/5
Twisters(action) a fun sequel to the Twister movie from the nineties . 3.5/5
Kinds of Kindness(black comedy) 3 films in one. Yorgos Lanthimos writes and directs. Expect the unexpected with him and the great cast he used for all three stories.4.5/5
Maxxxine(horror) third instalment of the X series. Not my bag really 2/5
Gladiator 2(action)sequel to Ridley Scott’s hugely successful Gladiator film. Bit of a letdown. A carbon copy of the first film with a forgettable lead. I will revisit this one though 3/5
Deadpool & Wolverine(comic book action) I enjoyed the first two Deadpool movies immensely but this one just leaned too hard into the meta references More is not always better. A hugely financially successful movie thoug, so good for Disney I guess. 3/5
Alien Romulus(horror/sci-fi) the original Alien is a slasher film set in space. This current iteration really leaned into that. I was pleasantly surprised how good it was. A great young cast as well. I would probably rank it fourth in the franchise. 4/5
The Substance(2024) and The Fly (1986) double feature night (body horror) wow what a great pairing of the new and old(er). The substance is great a “Black Mirror” style of story with excellent gross special F/X and of course Cronenberg is the master of the genre with The Fly remake.4/5
Juror #2(courtroom drama) Clint Eastwood latest film. Very heavy 12 Angry Men vibes. Leaves you in thought well after the movie ends. Toni Collette always sensational. 5/5
Alien Romulus
MASSIVE disapointment. Not a single warbird in the whole film, nor a reference to the neutral zone!
What you did there, I see it… you mustn’t have been cloaked.
I saw Alien Romulus at the cinema and went in worried that it’d be yet another butchering of one of my favourite franchises, and was very pleasantly surprised. I’ll definitely be grabbing it on Blu-Ray.
Ooo, The Substance with Demi Moore? I think I missed theatrical release. Was super keen to see.
It is available to stream.
I have a question DDT fam…
When you have things to do, like you know, a list of tasks say for the day or next day, do you visualise yourself doing them (when you think about the task)?
Yea. In the biz it’s called hyperphantasia. Pretty common. For me I visualise things that can go wrong heh.
Ooo, I was waiting for someone to mention what it was called.
I do the same (what can go wrong). I totally see and visualise the whole thing.
Yep, definitely
sky very pretty
Beep Beep 🚚
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Been doing physical work in a body not made for it. Ouch 😢 The coming days/weeks are going to suck.
The tomatoes are potted out but one of them looks extremely wilted and unhappy compared to the others so may or may not survive
I miss having employment that paid for an Adobe CC subscription. I do own CS5 from uni days, which kinda sucks now relatively speaking, but at least the jump from modern CC to CS5 is a lot smaller than the jump from CC to Affinity. I just can’t get used to Affinity.
Imma trying to organise a few days away with the seagoons, maybe somewhere on the coast 🙂
Been watching some tv and movies lately but not much.
husband has been watching House, it’s just another detective show but it’s ok. I watched Poker Face. It’s pretty cool. Happy Valley. English police show, very good. Spy with Melissa McCarthy. It’s ok. La Brea. First episode. It stunk. Passengers, again. A very good movie. A Kind of Kindness. Good strange. I like movies that have new and original ideas . Voyage of the Demeter. Well made, well spooky, but I don’t think there was enough story. 2 months ago
I’ve already checked out of work for the year. These next two weeks are going to be a slog. 2 months ago
I hear you. And there’s a mad rush to get a bunch of projects done. 2 months ago
I have a tiny window to work with after UAT is signed off and before the change freeze comes to deploy the next release to Prod. No pressure, but if you don’t get this change through this week Nath, it isn’t happening until late January. 🤞