Picture for nutritional info.
Only 960 kcal/day is a starvation diet.
Submitted 8 months ago by hellofriend@lemmy.world to [deleted]
Picture for nutritional info.
Only 960 kcal/day is a starvation diet.
Based on the label in the post, it’d be even worse than that, 750g would only be 720 kcal
If you have 0% body fat, lol.
Worst that will happen is you’ll lose some weight and probably recomp a bit but 4 weeks really isn’t enough to do anything. 8 minimum to even start to see changes in my experience.
Ymmv depending on bf %
Cottage cheese is not a significant source of vitamin C, and scurvy symptoms begin to appear between 1-3 months of vitamin C deficiency.
some brain damage: malnutrition tends to aggravate or cause brain damage.
I’m a brain damage survivor: it sucks, it takes decades to undo ( neuroplasticity takes time to do rewiring ), and life is never going to be what it could have been.
Don’t damage people’s brains.
'tis a good rule, eh?
_ /\ _
That’s basically the Atkins diet (Keto) without enough nutrition. It’ll function like a very short, very uncomfortable, malnourished crash diet.
You’ll spend the first two weeks craving carbs and sugars like your life depends on it. It’s awful. After that “break in” period, the cravings mostly go away.
But that’s not all. So much as lick a piece of candy or chew on some bread, and you’ll get a large dopamine rush followed by carb-craving mode again. If discipline and deferred rewards are a problem for you, this might feel like one of the hardest things you’ve ever tried to do.
Did keto for a while preparing for some on-camera work. I’ve never looked more cut and never been so miserable. 9/10 doctors do not recommend. The 10th one has an eating disorder.
I lost 40lbs on keto and after the first week of keto flu, I felt great. No sugar crashes, no energy level drops and overall, more energy than usual. I stopped after six weeks as I couldn’t deal with the lack of flavour and texture in the food I was eating. I reached a good weight that I’ve maintained, 7 years later.
One thing it taught me, was to reduce the amount I eat and to balance things out if I eat more carbs than usual.
I agree on those stats. Don’t forget: Atkins himself died from heart disease. But hey, at least you have the pics to prove it.
Were it me, the potential for humor would be impossible to ignore:
Me: “This diet is miserable, don’t do this.”
Also me: shows pics looking more shredded that a bowl of mini-wheats
For real, back when I did keto, cottage cheese with hot sauce was half of my diet.
I feel you. Hard cheese, bacon, and pickled eggs were my go-to. Anything with strong flavors. I did that for about a year and then stopped once I hit my weight goal.
In the middle of all that, I noticed that vegetables started to taste sweet as they do contain small amounts of sugar. Especially cabbage. I kind of miss that.
A workaround I employed was to eat lots of kimchi. Fermented foods like that contain sugar alcohols which taste sweet(ish), but are not digestible as such.
Been on keto for a decade with breaks here and there. Currently two pounds below goal weight. Feel great and blood numbers are excellent. Changed my life.
That’s awesome. Glad that’s working for you! If you have any tips on building willpower for the rest of us, please share, and thank you.
I actually tried keto some years ago on a lark. I quickly learned to avoid supermarkets since I could smell all the sugar in the baking aisle halfway across the store. Before posting this, I didn’t think such a high-protein, low-fat dirt could result in ketosis but I was educated by another user on how the process actually works.
I forgot about the smells. My sense of smell shifted to be way more sensitive to sugars and starches too - it was tough.
I didn’t bother trying to track fat intake and wound up losing 2+ lbs a month that way; not bragging, but my goal wasn’t all that big. I probably could have done things faster by cutting more fat, but it was already hard enough.
I was educated by another user on how the process actually works.
Fascinating, isn’t it? It’s like each of us is just full of survival mechanisms.
You’d become anemic from the lack of iron plus the blood loss from hemorrhoids due to lack of fiber.
Hemorrhoids is a preventable condition, you’re not supposed to sit there and push. Just get up and do drink water or eat fiber. Try hot coffee or warm milk or a yogurt drink. No one needs to suffer from hemorrhoids at all, I am surprised there are still people who do. Should be a unit in middle school health classes to not force shitting
You are not permitted hot coffee, warm milk, or a yogurt drink. You are permitted 750g of cottage cheese, each day, for a month.
Got mine along with my first baby. Another example of blaming women for legitimate health issues?
Agree about fiber, but more specifically, psyllium fiber like metamucil, and vegetable fiber have positive effects whereas nuts or seeds, especially flax, tear it open and cause bleeding even if it’s been healed for months. Yogurt can also be constipating, despite the claims of probiotics.
More to the point, there’s zero fiber in cottage cheese.
Some people just randomly get hemmroids for no apparent reason
I have done something like this. You will feel like hell and depending how vitamin deficient you are you could end up in the hospital. When I did it I just bounced back within a few months so it was not worth it.
If you are trying to lose weight counting calories over a long period helped me lose about 50lbs. Just try to stay in weight loss range and exercise for 30 min a day to burn some calories
Nah, I’m more looking for a way to eat cheap for a month (maybe two) while still getting enough protein that I don’t start wasting. Food is expensive, and dairy here is also expensive, but a months worth of cottage cheese is cheaper than a months worth of any meat. I’ll see if I can move some things around in my budget to get a more wholesome diet, though.
Dried beans. Their cheap AF. Nutritious AF. I make up a pot of soup every couple of days. Soak you beans the night before. Boil next day.
Start a new pot off with butter. Sauteed up onion, carrot, and/or celery(all cheap AF, all optional). Add In meat if you like. Sear outsides but don’t worry about cooking all the way through. Add chicken stock (or water). Simmer covered 30 min-ish. Add in frozen spinach, cook another 5. Salt and season to taste.
Congrats! You just made a pot of bomb ass soup. For like 3$! You can eat for days off that pot. Delicious AND nutritious. Your gut likes variety, give it to it.
Try potatoes. They’re ridiculously cheap (where I am) and loaded with nutrients.
someone just won a month’s supply of cottage cheese.
Can’t wait for chubbyemu to explain what happens to OP.
So I can’t answer your question exactly, but, as many here know at this point, I have been suffering through an illness where I have not eaten any solid food since last August (please no medical advice). Before I got, with the help of doctors, settled on a liquid diet of 6 Ensures and 4 V8s a day, I lost 80 pounds- 260 to 180, I was dizzy and lightheaded all the time from the lack of electrolytes, and while I still don’t have much energy and have to rest for a while after walking the dogs for half an hour, I couldn’t even walk a couple of blocks.
That said, my blood panels show everything is normal, so I’m clearly not dying. It’s not exactly a great quality of life, especially since our entire society is based around food in every conceivable way, but it is survivable. In fact, one good thing came out of it- I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, so I don’t have to take pills to counteract those anymore.
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through that. I can sort of imagine what you’re going through, and it’s certainly not fun, but it’s probably not a 1:1 situation. I really hope you get better though.
Thanks. Definitely not 1:1 but maybe sort of put you down the path?
Why not just drink Soylent?
Because, as I said, this was settled with the help of doctors.
And, again, please no medical advice.
It’s a scientific fact that you are what you eat. So following that logic, you would become a cottage cheese slime.
New idea for a Stardew Valley mod :))))
You’d become severely deficient in key nutrients
Aside from the malnourishment others have already mentioned, you’ll be spending a lot of time on the toilet…
Or you’d never poop again
Oh, I’ve had a few cottage cheese binges, only for a day or two at a time though. Unlike more solid cheeses, cottage cheese tends to go right through you.
Many flushes will be had…
do you get any supplemental liquid?
Obvious lack of many vitamines and some minerals. And obvious lack of energy / calories (depending on your need).
The impact after 1 month depends very much on your state before. For a healthy person I guess it is not dangerous at all, but you would feel weak.
Why is there no serving per container? How many servings in this tub?
750 / 125 = 6
Couldn’t fit the weight and nutrition data in the same image. Other comment is correct: 750g is 6 servings.
www.youtube.com/channel/UCKOvOaJv4GK-oDqx-sj7VVg – either this channel may visit you, or you visit the channel.
The episode will begin with a dramatically narrated, HF is a <XYZ> years old <gender identifier>, and had <food> for a month! This is what happened next!
Hmmm… potential payout?
And if your doing a high protein diet make sure to watch your kidney function, make sure your doc does a kidney panel with every physical. I do love carb high protein for several months and my kidney numbers went from good to not terrible but not good either.
eran_morad@lemmy.world 8 months ago
You’d become malnourished. You’re missing C, folate, iron, etc. you’d live, but you’d be sick and you’d have damaged your body.
Chocrates@lemmy.world 8 months ago
It would probably take more than a month to show signs of malnutrition though, assuming OP is eating reasonably healthy currently.
rhombus@sh.itjust.works 8 months ago
It might not be to the point of permanent damage, but you certainly wouldn’t be feeling good. You probably wouldn’t be iron deficient, but a lot of vitamins are only stored in small amounts in the body.
SendMePhotos@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Can I just eat a multivitamin with it
eran_morad@lemmy.world 8 months ago
No. You’re not getting any fiber, this is a really shit idea.
Dkarma@lemmy.world 8 months ago
Not in a month…lol