- Comment on Anon tries to help 2 months ago:
I’M autistic in the literal sense. It’s pretty common for us ASD folks to read social scenarios incorrectly. “I just stayed away from girls after that” is an extreme reaction.
- Comment on Anon tries to help 2 months ago:
What a virgin. They were clearly flirting, mind your own business.
- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
We used to rent our farmland to the neighbors for their cows and horses. We would periodically have to go out there and do work on fences and the barn and stuff. I was always told that horses are not to be trusted, but the cows are probably fine.
Take that information and do with it as you will.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 9 months ago:
Did keto for a while preparing for some on-camera work. I’ve never looked more cut and never been so miserable. 9/10 doctors do not recommend. The 10th one has an eating disorder.
- Comment on Burrito 9 months ago:
I hate that I can’t tell what the truth is
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
- Comment on Meet my new puppy: Ass! 9 months ago:
Meatball 😁
- Comment on Anon figures out how dieting works 9 months ago:
I dunno man. My neighbor is a big ass boi and his wife is a smoke show.
Maybe try getting a personality
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
The concept of being vegan originated from a newsletter for vegetarian recipes in the UK, in the '60s, I believe. It was purely for recipes. Veganism was an offshoot of this newsletter that, from day one, was far more ideological. The people who ran this newsletter immediately succumb to much of the infighting common amongst the vegan community online today. It wasn’t about a diet, it was about who could be the better person by being the most vegan.
I hate to break it to you, but vegans have been preachy and annoying since the concept originated.
- Comment on Anon is vengeful 10 months ago:
First of all, snitches are scum. Second of all, that drug dealer needs to stay on people’s good side if any random dude in your neighborhood can out you like that
- Comment on Turn up the heat 11 months ago:
99% of the time, a fever kills the bacteria then lowers. You’ll be fine, go take a nap.
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
In Canada, all square screws are called Robinson. If you go into a hardware store and ask for square head screws, the worker will correct you and say “the Robinsons are this way”.
It’s just regional.
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Translated into Albertan:
Slotted = Flathead Square = Robinson 6 lobe = Torq
- Comment on Well?? Does it?? 11 months ago:
Now I can’t get the image of a pickle jar filled with lube out of my head
- Comment on What animal could you take in a fight? 11 months ago:
I grew up in rural Canada. A guy I knew was drunk in the woods with friends and tried to ride a young deer that came up to them(the deed got used to people in that area feeding them, something that is not recommended) annnnnnd it beat the shit out of him and his 6 friends. He got a bad concussion and lost sight in one of his eyes.
Don’t fuck with animals. They are built different.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
It doesn’t seem like you’re a sociopath, it seems like you have ASD. That kind of analytical, no nonsense approach to socialization is typical of high functioning ASD.
It might be worth looking into, of for no other reason than to better understand yourself
- Comment on Sophie's choice 70s edition 1 year ago:
Assholes will get big dogs, abuse ignore and isolate them, then act surprised when they act unpredictably.
Breed specific legislation isn’t the answer. The answer is for mandatory training courses predating dog ownership. All dog ownership too. Little dogs can be assholes too.
- Comment on Comment which one is your orgasm face in the comments. 1 year ago:
By myself bottom right, with someone middle left.
- Comment on You understand? 1 year ago:
Santa can see you when you sleep, knows when you’re awake, and visits every believer’s house at the same time. He’s not scientific. Santa is an egregorian God, created from nothing by the belief of his believers.
- Comment on Squidward 1 year ago:
Jokes on you, I blow dudes while listening to trance, not metal.
- Comment on Squidward 1 year ago:
You’ve obviously never lived somewhere rural where country is king. Hicks are violant as hell, there’s no comparison.
You just don’t hear about I because we fuck around in the woods and down backroads.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
I drive manual, it’s great for my ADHD haha keeps me from fucking around inside my car in traffic.
That being said, the person who made this needs to calm down. It’s not that serious.
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Seconded, for the Russian frost Dwarves.
- Comment on Choose wisely 1 year ago:
No coffee crisp, I’m out
- Comment on What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack? 1 year ago:
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lichking soundtrack is fire
- Comment on Why does “come here” bother me so much? 1 year ago:
I have a similar issue with a co-worker that I trained under for a while: when he wanted to show me how to do a thing, he wouldn’t tell me what he was instructing me on, he would just start walking me through steps so that he could reveal what was finished at the end.
I ended up having a blow up where I told him to tell me what I was doing before I started doing it, and that he isn’t a fucking magician