- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
I think there’s a food bank in the town near to me. I’ll have to inquire about if they serve the surrounding area, but I’m guessing not due to a large low-income population.
As for brands, the only brand of food that I’ve ever stuck with unequivocally is Philadelphia cream cheese. Not out of loyalty but because nothing can stack up to it. I’ll eat own brand for everything besides cream cheese.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Oh no, it’s not a gastro thing. I can tell you that for certain. The taste and texture makes my stomach do somersaults. Normally you see that type of thing when you’ve eaten something and became sick recently after (my neuro prof back in the day had a funny anecdote about whiskey and his inability to drink it after a particularly rowdy night) so I’m wondering if that’s what’s happening. Or maybe I just really can’t stand potatoes.
I’ve never heard of potato bread before! I’ll give it a go. As for eggplant, I’m not the biggest on it and it’s actually a bit expensive here. But zucchini? A m a z i n g. Got some growing right now. Unfortunately that doesn’t help me for a wee while, so I might pick a couple up if I have the money. I like to eat em chopped up with a Greek dressing. Can also shred em and put em in baking (chocolate zucchini muffin :> ) but I can’t quite afford anything so extravagant right now.
As for what’s cheap - basically nothing, lately. I really should move to somewhere that doesn’t have an oligarchical food industry, but that’s a long term thing. Either way, I do appreciate the offer but I’m not sure I’m comfortable accepting. It’s endlessly kind, but I feel I should try to work with what I have before I take from someone else.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
I actually tried keto some years ago on a lark. I quickly learned to avoid supermarkets since I could smell all the sugar in the baking aisle halfway across the store. Before posting this, I didn’t think such a high-protein, low-fat dirt could result in ketosis but I was educated by another user on how the process actually works.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
New idea for a Stardew Valley mod :))))
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
I don’t mind the advice! I already take a B complex, though. I try to take vitamin D but I always forget that one. Probably because I don’t take it with a meal.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Unfortunately, "cheap meat’ is an oxymoron in my country. “Cheap veggies” almost is as well, but it’s getting a bit better on that front (shoutout to Odd Bunch; I wish you’d expand west). I’ll see what I can do about incorporating tatties into my diet since multiple people have recommended them. I’m aware that they’re cheap, but they generally make me feel sick to my stomach. Happen to have some good tips on how I might “hide” them in meals?
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Ugh, I wish I was in the States. Aldi won’t come to Canada due to “price fixing” and “manipulative” grocers. Who are, unsurprisingly, a large contributor to my inability to afford quality food.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
There’s more nuance to it than that. Beans do have a lot of protein, but the specific proteins they’re high in are less digestible than animal protein, and still not as plentiful as in animal protein. And that’s fine provided that you eat multiple sources of plant protein and are able to eat a lot of it. But then the issue becomes an excess of fibre and, in the case of legumes, oligosaccharides.
Disclaimer: I’m saying this as a well-muscled individual. For the average person, deriving all protein from plant-based sources is probably fine.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Well, that’s kinda the chief problem. Last time I did that I suffered brain fog the entire time. Same thing happened when I tried vegetarianism. And on top of that, I lost a surprising amount of muscle mass on beans and rice. I think I need more protein than that diet can offer. It’s just a shame that it’s so bloody expensive…
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Oh yeah, true. I’ve already decided based on feedback that this isn’t a good way to meet my dietary needs without breaking the bank. I’m just proud to say that the extreme measures I’m considering aren’t due to an ED this time around. Just poverty this time.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
That’s a non-exhaustive list and does not reflect my actual dietary habits
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Not entirely sure what you mean. Could you rephrase?
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through that. I can sort of imagine what you’re going through, and it’s certainly not fun, but it’s probably not a 1:1 situation. I really hope you get better though.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
That’s actually where I draw the line, unfortunately. Potatoes are cheap here as well but everything about them makes me feel sick to my stomach. I might start baking bread though. If I were to make my own cottage cheese it should be cheaper than storebought and I could use the whey in place of water for added protein in the bread.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Nah, I’m more looking for a way to eat cheap for a month (maybe two) while still getting enough protein that I don’t start wasting. Food is expensive, and dairy here is also expensive, but a months worth of cottage cheese is cheaper than a months worth of any meat. I’ll see if I can move some things around in my budget to get a more wholesome diet, though.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Hmmm… potential payout?
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Uhh, well, it sounds interesting I guess.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Couldn’t fit the weight and nutrition data in the same image. Other comment is correct: 750g is 6 servings.
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
Anything non-caloric. Water, tea, coffee, diet soda, so on.
- What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month?lemmy.world ↗Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 98 comments
- Comment on Justice for Sid 8 months ago:
Yikies, I imagine adult toys have seen some shit
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
Cause then we’d be thinking we’re monkeys on a spherical rock in a vacuum instead of calibrating clocks to a radioactive element to make sure everyone tunes in to wheel of fortune on time while this oblate spheroid tumbles around
Just a little sodium chloride
- Comment on It just keeps going 8 months ago:
Ehh, self reports are unreliable. Get me an objective study and then we’ll talk
- Comment on No, I don't want to design a logo for a coffee shop in fucking skype. 8 months ago:
I’m surprised anyone still uses Skype tbh
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
As someone who can see the flaws in the capitalist model and doesn’t agree with it in its current form… This is just silly. In any socioeconomic system there will be limited resources. People will still have to convince those that control the resources to give them the resources. The biggest difference between science in a capitalist system versus in a socialist system is that the end result of the science might benefit the common person more.
For instance: Superfest. Near unbreakable drinking glasses made in Eastern Germany that didn’t sell well internationally due to lack of profit potential. Basically, the entire glass industry revolves around the principle that glass can be broken. When your glass breaks, you buy a new one. But if your glass doesn’t break then you don’t need to buy a new one and therefore you do not. So if everyone buys Superfest then the industry dies since no one needs to buy glass any longer. And this is great for the people, great for the environment, but terrible if you’re a profit driven company. But whether it’s a state-owned endeavour or a for-profit organization, you’d still need to convince someone to invest in your work.
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
Same reason why we name amps and volts after Ampere and Volta. It’s about recognition and legacy. Imagine you discover some new form of matter, a specialized region of the brain, a key component of time travel, or some algorithm that accurately describes any human interaction. Something revolutionary. Would you be content if it wasn’t named for you? Ormr Matter, Ormr’s Area, Ormr’s Theory of Inverse Relativity, Ormr’s Equation for Social Simulation. This is really just the extreme case, but I think it works well to demonstrate the point.
- Comment on Hero 8 months ago:
At that point it should become a problem of educating, not politicking.