- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
and she should smile more too right? god you are a cunt
- Comment on this is a meme about me 2 weeks ago:
Maybe it takes more time because it allows more editing control over the finished product. The report of an enjoyable user experience for latex would back this up since users were able to produce what they wanted instead of being limited to using words jank as editing and just giving up or using a shitty template. Test against plain text entry I bet there is a positive correlation between limited features and total word count
- Comment on Anon watches some reruns 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon watches some reruns 3 weeks ago:
OP visited the “Friends zone”
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on It's Never too Late 1 month ago:
Lotta people showing a lack of serial killer knowledge
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
Man this is like 𝘢𝘭𝘭 food in Japan too. The food is dirt cheap and so much better quality
- Comment on Hold on! 2 months ago:
to protect his virginity obviously
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Big stuff? not much. You aren’t going to change the political trajectory in a hurry and there is only so much an individual can do.
However, change starts small and it starts local. Get involved in your local government and other judgement making entities. It may not seem like much but when even the school boards are full of Nazis it affects the next generation. Start by making small achievable goals, and by finding like minded people to organize with. Take every win you can get, and a win is one less voice in power telling kids they shouldn’t exist or making your parents afraid of Mexicans.
We can also minimize the fallout. There are going to be victims of the policies announced today. Do your best to help them if you can. Refuse to hurt people. Be kind to your brother.
In a bumper sticker phrase, Build community.
- Comment on Getting older sucks 3 months ago:
beeswax solves leaky bottoms
- Comment on Helth 3 months ago:
but this is a coin…
- Comment on Good News! 4 months ago:
oh its not that bad, they have at least four. Time travel, freaky friday, girl who went to big city goes back to small home town, and too many hot guys.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
There’s actually a video at the end of that playlist that addresses that issue, but yeah there isn’t really an easy solution
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
If anyone wants to learn to blacksmith Black bear forge has a good into series m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHta7NIJ9npbTNOR4JQW…
And lemmy has a blacksmithing community that could use more posts
- Comment on Why can't it just land double heads all the time 4 months ago:
Try Zapdos Ex , 4 heads is bliss Image
- Comment on aerodynamics 4 months ago:
Thats because its… www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_es… HYDRODYNAMICALLY DESIGNED
- Comment on How do you officially pronounce a possessive like: " Travis' "? 4 months ago:
avoid altogether. [object] belongs to Travis
- Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
“Your nose is your cutest feature, that’s why I chose it” is the correct response
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 5 months ago:
Balance? Fucked up my sour dough starter is what you did Grimace.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Fair enough, thanks for humoring me on this I appreciate the replies
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
right yes but that’s avoiding the question by contextualizing it within your own experience. When does it become unreasonable? Your answer seems to be never. Does that remove any moral obligation on the part of the store to provide cart returns? Why do they exist?
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Ok granted I was being too kind for a generalization there. The core of it is that I think that there is still a line that this absolute judgement skirts around precisely because there are so many extreme bad examples. When does the walk back become unreasonable? If costco eliminated all cart returns would you walk your cart to the door or rack it on the curb and become an animal?
- Comment on #goals 6 months ago:
It’s a strange thing, surviving an enemy. An old man accused me of hitting a japanese maple with my car (parked near it once) and said that it damaged the tree and made it grow green after. He was a dumb asshole because all japanese maples are grafts. The original larger green tree just wanted to grow and he didn’t trim it. He blamed and accused me of it for years while threatening to take me to court when I had to park even close to it. He died of course, a heart attack. I don’t feel less angry about the whole thing but now there is no one to be angry at. I have to remind myself it doesn’t matter anymore and enjoy the shade.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
hmm no this seems wrong. If the parking lot is a mile long and there are no cart returns it makes me a bad person if I rack the carts in a line with all the others in the boonies? If you are getting abandoned carts its probably because you don’t have enough cart returns, not because people are bad
- Comment on How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death? 6 months ago:
A straight fight when I am out hiking? Yeah 30 sounds reasonable out of a mob before you wear down, but I would definitely run away to get better tools for the squirrelpocalypse
- Comment on Anon goes to Long John Silvers 6 months ago:
My Feral barn cat won’t even eat Long John Silvers and she was born in a dumpster during a hurricane
- Comment on Cucumber 🥒 6 months ago:
- Comment on Shiny Bean 6 months ago:
It looks weird from underneath, way more concave than the view from the side would suggest
- Comment on So it begins... 7 months ago:
Just hemorrhaging Image
- Comment on Predator Vision 7 months ago:
That Looks like Sue, the T rex in the Chicago field museum Image