- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 7 months ago:
DEET is the only chemical that I know-of which they HATE.
I use mosquito-netting to keep them away from me.
I don’t want DEET touching me, at all, ever again.
No, I’m not a mosquito.
: p
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
1 is narcissism/cult-of-personality,
the other is cult-of-institution/inertia.
They are not identical, and not even functionally-equivalent.
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- Comment on How do I verbally say 2.1 ng/kg 8 months ago:
or 0.0000000000021kg/kg, if you wanted the same units both sides…
( I’m presuming this was your last-line’s request )
- Comment on Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? 8 months ago:
IF you’ve a high-efficiency charger, then I’d say it’s probably more-efficient to use that charger.
The warmer you run your computer, the less-efficient it becomes, & the shorter the lifespan of the hottest chips in it ( this effect shouldn’t be significant )
e.g. increasing a CPU by 10Celsius should cut its lifespan in half.
by having more heat-generating-stuff going on in your computer, you impair the cooling of your CPU & GPU ( slightly, probably ), & that may affect your computer’s time-to-failure.
Fan-bearings may dry-out sooner, too.
hth, eh?
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- Comment on Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world? 8 months ago:
We’re already IN the 6th great extinction: humans ARE exterminating the marine & terrestrial ecologies.
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.
What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.
( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.
Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )
I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?
- Comment on What would happen to your body if you only ate 750g of 2% cottage cheese every day for a month? 8 months ago:
some brain damage: malnutrition tends to aggravate or cause brain damage.
I’m a brain damage survivor: it sucks, it takes decades to undo ( neuroplasticity takes time to do rewiring ), and life is never going to be what it could have been.
Don’t damage people’s brains.
'tis a good rule, eh?
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- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
Canuck is what we call ourselfs, eh?
: P
- Comment on Are shrunken heads a rights violation? 8 months ago:
Depends on the religion, I’d say…
to me, though, it’d be a mental-illness to want one.
- Comment on What is the absolute max level of ear protection you can get? 8 months ago:
Space-suits must operate this way, if inadvertently…
The number of decibels at the rocket-nozzles is waaay higher than what it would be “at the top of the candle”, but … there’s pretty-much nothing in Nature as loud as those things are, except meteorites, maybe some volcanoes, being inside of lightning, etc…
- Comment on Whats the difference between "English is not my first language" bad grammar, and "The only language I speak jmis english" bad grammar? 8 months ago:
Keep in mind that some people just have brain-defects.
I’m defective for social-process ( if I could live somehow where I never had to meet another human-being, or never had to even be within 100km of any human-being, only interacting online, … for the rest of my life … lower stress … yeah : )
but not defective for some other things, maybe.
Some people are color-blind, some dyslexic, some are screwed for spelling, some for grammar.
Diversity’s more real than I’d ever understood, when I was young…
Evolution’s concerned with getting the average right, right?
The individual can be … chaotically a mixture of better-at-this & moar-worser-at-that, while still keeping the average … average.
: )
- Comment on Why would the NA beer industry standardize on a bottle shape that's grotesquely inconvenient, topples with minimal force, and doubles the required volume to ship? 8 months ago:
The “stubby” bottles were replaced with tall “classier” bottles in a surge of … fashion-moment, or something.
I remember somebody did a news vid, or documentary on it, & the industry lost usable-storage-effectiveness when they went with the taller bottles, and there’s more glass in them, too…
They said if they’d known what the actual results would be ( it didn’t alter the market to increase the percentage of the population which is always buying beer, for some reason… ), they wouldn’t have done it.
Well, Duh…
“never believe your own hype” IS a rule, because when you’re believing your own marketing-bumf, then you’re not competent at calculating any sort of project balance-sheet, right?
- Comment on How come no true use for recent AI developments has been found yet? 8 months ago:
They are creative, though:
They put things that are “near” each-other into juxtaposition, and sometimes the insights are astonishing.
The AI’s don’t understand anything, though: they’re like bacteria-instinct: total autopilot.
The real problem is that we humans aren’t able to default to understanding such non-understanding apparent-someones.
We’ve created a “hack” of our entire mental-system, and it is the money-profit-rules-the-world group which controls its evolution.
This is called “Darwin Award territory”, at the species-scale.
No matter:
The Great Filter, which is what happens when a world-species hasn’t grown-up, but gains adult-level technology ( nukes, entire-country-destroying-militaries, biotech, neurotoxins, immense industrial toxic wastelands like the former USSR, accountability-denial-mechanisms in all corporate “persons”, etc… )
you have a toddler with a loaded gun, & killing can happen.
“there’s no such thing as a dangerous gun: only a dangerous man”, as the book “Starship Troopers” pushed…
Toddlers with guns KILL people in the US.
AI’s our “gun”, & narcissistic-sociopathy’s our “toddler commanding the ship” nature.
Maybe we should rename Earth to “The Titanic”, for honesty’s sake…
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- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 8 months ago:
And if she can’t yet draw, then please get her to invest in:
- “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition”, by Betty Edwards
- all the tools recommended in that book
- a charcoals assortment ( I’ve no idea why Betty Edwards doesn’t understand how much easier it makes it to learn?! )
- “The Simple Secret To Better Painting”
- “Mastering Composition”
and then dig-in.
The 1st book many know-about.
The 2nd, much-fewer do, so the advantage that someone has, when they’ve earned the meanings of both, becomes noticeable…
The 3rd? That’s University-level better.
Nobody who’s earned the meanings of all-3 is likely to remain at the bottom-of-the-heap in artwork…
The 1st 2 books, however, are required for competing well.
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- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 8 months ago:
There was a subreddit … something like “hits worth turking for” or something like that??
“worth turking for” was part of its name, iirc…
There might be other communities identifying higher-paying items, perhaps a Lemmy devoted to that?
Perplexity may be able to find something of the sort…
just hoping that their right-answer finds them, is all!
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- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 8 months ago:
I understand both you position, and the position of those who attacked you with downvotes…
Please read some of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales…
written in the late 1300’s…
Different classes were fighting over the validity of the word “ain’t” back then.
That is STILL an ongoing class-war!
As for “anyway” vs “any way”, there is a consistent force pushing simplification of terminology that is most-commonly-used, hence what used to be separate words, becomes hyphenated, then fused, as a natural progression in language…
( my hyphenation has nothing to do with that: its simply that having to translate between thoughtshapes & English mouth-words is sooo damn limiting, & I’m trying to communicate the closeness-of-relation between groups-of-words, & show how some are more interwoven, but others aren’t.
Inescapable translation can suck, & be exhausting. )
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- Comment on What would the IRL (in real-life) of "real-life"/offline life be? 8 months ago:
The opposites might be:
- centered-in-appearances/distractions
- centered in one’s profoundest-fundamentallest-awareness
Framing it that way, then yoga-practice augmented meditation would be as IRL as one could get, for meditators…
and RMind-mode sentience, a sentience where words-communication doesn’t even exist as an appendage of one’s mind , where ONLY what-is is real, and this is reachable through working-through the exercises in Betty Edwards’ “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition”, but use charcoals, I’ve no idea why she doesn’t understand how much better they work to help facilitate the hemisphere-dominance-shift into right-hemisphere-dominance-mode…
that timeless sentience is … inexpressible in symbol-streams, which is what the “online” experience holds reality to itself be…
The people who proclaim that RMind is just pop-psychology bunk have never done the experiment , AND won’t do the experiment , AND they refuse to differentiate between scrawlings done in LMind & the actually-visible-different-results of RMind
allows you to use the “prev” & “next” buttons to scroll through a gallery showing the sentience-difference, the what-actually-is centrism of RMind.
Those horrid scrawlings that used to populate New Scientist magazine, back when I subscribed, had nothing to do with right-hemisphere-dominance-mode.
Those who “debunk” RMind do so using Scientism’s method of substitution-of-the-actual-question:
they test scrawling, measure that it isn’t different from normal LMind, then pretend that that “proves” RMind doesn’t exist.
See those image-pairs, in that gallery, though: that is EVIDENCE, which is supposed to be the basis of real Science.
Do the experiment, & it’ll open an entire dimension of meaning in your life, that “education” had blocked-out from most lives, quite effectively.
( I’m autistic: what her “killer class” can do with a neurotypical in 5 days, took me 3 YEARS to equal, because sentience-mode-shift made me want to scream.
I dropped it.
Now I’m trying to re-learn, and it’s grindingly slow.
Better grindingly slow than dead, however, eh? : )
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- Comment on Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution. 9 months ago:
Please invest in William J. Walsh’s book “Nutrient Power”, & consider the experiments in it.
I’ve replicated both his undermethylated-DNA disorder treatment and his pyrrol disorder treatment, each 4 times, various ways.
He mis-identifies/fails-to-explain each of those correctly, so just in case you’re ( or anybody who reads this is ) in one of those 2, here are the corrected versions.
Many are undermethylated-DNA without it being disorder level.
Undermethylated-DNA disorder { stridency, symbol-fixation, drivenness, “high voltage”, sharply formed face ( sharply protruding nose, e.g. ), STRESS, etc… }
All autistics are undermethylated-DNA ( I’m autistic ), a subset of “schizophrenia” is, a subset of depression is, etc…
Enteric-coated ( he doesn’t mention this part ) SAM-e, taken about 40mins before breakfast, with clear water ( no carbs, no sweeteners, artificial or otherwise ), & one can begin breakfast once the nausea hits.
It took me 3 months for it to change me, and then I discovered that living with ZERO stress meant.
I’d never imagined that, before.
However, it took away my academic-drive, and that … isn’t on.
I’ve also done it with Methionine supplementing, which took 4 months, and I wasn’t taking enough to reach the zero-stress mode.
Now I know that I can “take the edge off”, if I need to, with Methionine ( more gradual ) or enteric-coated SAM-e, enough to make life more bearable.
Pyrrol-disorder { the PTSD-RAGEs, amygdala-highjack is always pressing one, and continuously trying to prevent it is brutal. I’ve since read that autistics have a 2x sized amygdala, which means that our amygdala-to-cortex ratio is off by a factor of 2, which certainly is likely part of what’s going on. Pyrrol-disorder is far-too-low-zinc, far-too-much-copper. There is a different disorder which goes the other way, too-much-zinc, too-little-copper, which, iirc, is associated with “explosive disorder” or some personality-disorder named something like that }
the treatment for this is much-quicker, but brutal.
Take arachidonic-acid precursor ( evening primrose oil, I was taking between 0.5 & 1g / day )
take P5P form of one of the vitamin-B’s
take alternating zinc gluconate & zinc picolinate. Do NOT take zinc citrate ( hits too fast, chemistry-suddenly-changes, one becomes dangerous to oneself & ones around one, and one probably ought be locked in a padded room, if one indulges in that idiocy. 0.5h to 4h is the dangerous time, after taking uncoated zinc citrate )
When Walsh says that the dosage of zinc required to correct the wrong-distortion of chemistry that our bodies are maintaining, he isn’t kidding.
The Tolerable Upper Limit for zinc is 50mg.
I needed 200mg/day to get the razor-edge balance which removed pyrrol-disorder’s force from my life…
It was the 1st time in my life I’d ever been simply happy.
Nothing like that.
But having an alarm get me every 6h to take another zinc…
destroying my sleep…
you can see part of why I discontinued that one, too.
Fundamentally, I’m Vajrayana, old-testament style: ALL one’s basis must be developed-mental-force.
ALL healing ought be of mind.
Eternity doesn’t “take prisoners”, and if I want my Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod/Continuum ripped out from the tarpit of its unconsciousness, then I’ve got to EARN it.
So, I’m on my own, forcing gradual change into this nervous-system, through right-living & meditations, etc.
Maybe I’ll succeed before I die.
I want the momentum in-place for the next someone who has to inhabit this series-of-lives, however.
Eternity keeps killing all who are trapped within it: if one wants out from Eternity, then dissolving-into-OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Allgod is the only alternative I know-of.
Anyways, I hope you’ve got informational-leverage for you to be able to understand why the book “Nutrient Power” is important, & I hope you’ve got enough contextual-understanding to know how to make maximally-effective use of those 2 treatments IF either 1 of them should happen to be indicated, on the evidence that YOUR life is, and to do so competently.
The context of understanding where I’m coming-from is just so you understand the sort of mind who is trying to give you leverage for your life.
I’ve experienced years of psychiatric treatments, & ditched them all.
Lithium carbonate ( manic-depression ), Norpramin ( depression ), multiple major-tranquilizers for their “schizophrenia” category ( I trust Walsh’s replicable-experiments more than I trust the bullshit that psychiatry put on me…
It’s been known since the 1920’s that child-onset schizophrenics lose 1/10th of our brains when it hits us.
NONE of psychiatry admits that a child’s losing 1/10th of their brain-volume FACTUALLY IS brain-injury.
No, psychiatry insists that it is “incurable illness of their minds”, and the kids need stomping with major-tranquilizers, in order to make them stable in their condition.
Thompson is the name of a researcher who mapped which part of such children’s brains lost 20% of tissue-volume, which lost 15%, which regions lost 10%, which lost 5%.
To gaslight children whose brains have been literally-decimated, is part of why such children have a 10% suicide-rate.
Honestly admit that epigenetically-enforced brain-injury IS brain-injury, & help the kids deal-with their damn hellish brain-decimation!!
That is far too much to ask, of psychiatry, obviously…
Figure 1 shows the tissue-destruction regions.
PubMed had at-least 1 paper which mentioned that brain-volume-loss had been known since the 1920’s.
( I didn’t bother looking for any more, seeing 1 )
Maybe you understand why having my life destroyed by medical-gaslighting might possibly have made me offended/angry at it…
Authority-based medicine which identifies as “evidence based” medicine, isn’t Evidence Based Medicine.
Those composite brain-scans, shown by Thompson, THAT is evidence based medicine.
I wish you well, & I hope you find your right-answer.
Oh, & do try absolutely blacking-out your sleeping-room,
not viewing any blue-white light in the 2h prev to bed,
using earplugs if necessary ( soft ones, and those foam ones can often be washed with one’s laundry, if one isn’t using any fabric-softener perfumed-wax gunk )
I’ve no idea if melatonin supplementation helps: never tried it.
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?
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- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
There are at-least 2 good books on house-inspecting.
( looking … dayum, there’s zillions of books on it, now… )
is the one I invested-in, years ago ( not to do house-inspection, just to learn the competence of it )
Please invest in that book, or an equivalent to it, and make your own inspection of the house, 1st.
Then you’ll have much better understanding of the entire subject.
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- Comment on Why do cameras call it "Macro Lens" if it zooms in and is used to capture tiny objects? Shouldn't it be "Micro Lens"? 10 months ago:
No, tilt-shift doesn’t have any bearing on whether it’s focal-length is high-enough to make the magnification 1:1…
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- Comment on How do you know if you have a Habit? 10 months ago:
A Habit is when it takes you less brain to do it, because it has become automatic.
What we call “muscle memory” is actually Kahneman1 mind, he calls it “System 1”, but that’s a useless label, without context, and its function is imprint->reaction.
“Thinking Fast & Slow”, the most profoundly-important book in the whole world, right now ( because the ideologies/prejudices are trying to displace Kahneman2 mind, considered-reasoning, from all authority in our world, and the more stressed everybody gets, the more success they have in doing-so ) is on the difference between the 2 systems.
Imprint->reaction mind can be quite useful, in one’s mental-economy, as it makes things happen on autopilot, but … if one tolerates its systematic substituting of its convenient reactions, for the actually required actions, … it can become strategically dangerous…
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
there’s a machine which takes a 20lb propane cyl, & attracts 'em by flashing-lights & CO2, & it captures only mosquitos, unlike bug-zappers, and it can harvest a stunning amount of the things.
You need to replace the hormone attractant … capsule, or whatever it should be called, monthly ( that is where they get their recurring-money from, and it does make a big difference ).
Be selective in your culling of the local insect-population, as the entire ecology around you gets altered by the action, eh?
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
I had zero understanding of just how strong alcoholism could be, until I switched metabolisms, from vata-metabolism to pitta-metabolism ( read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing” and Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga for Your TYPE” books, to understand the different metabolisms, & how they alter one’s life ).
In pure pitta-metabolism, alcohol-craving was ferrocious.
( it took me a dozen years to break from vata to pitta metabolism, btw: it isn’ something easily accomplished.
The “obesity epidemic”, however, is really a kapha-metabolism epidemic, which White prejudice won’t tolerate to be labeled correctly:
obesity’s the symptom, not the cause. )
If I ever get locked back in pure-pitta, I’ll have to never have any alcohol to drink, EVER, while in it.
Currently I’m in a mixed metabolism, so it isn’t lethally-dangerous to me, but it still munges meditation-capability, so I don’t bother wasting money on it for that reason.
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- Comment on Does anyone speak hairdresser? I need help communicating. 10 months ago:
Buy Oster Fastcut Professional clippers.
Communicate by not being their customer, anymore.
Autonomy rules.
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 10 months ago:
Invest-in, read, & consider the implications of,
“The Slicing Pie Handbook”.
Then consider whether you’re getting equity or mere-paycheck,
then consider whether the circumstances make that particular context, & particular pay-regime, a risk you aren’t long-term accepting.
Also invest in 2 books on the enneagram, “The Modern Enneagram”, the one by 2 women, 1 of whom is Bell, iirc, not the other one with the same name, & “Taking Care of Your Type”,
& consider how well those 2 specific ones get you, then do your own analysis of the ones who’d be affecting your life.
The more you understand what you’d be in for, the better for you, right?
The 1st mentioned Modern Enneagram book has links to scientific papers, if you want that background.
- Comment on What characterizes feminine strength? 10 months ago:
Mom told me that women who reach menopause are suddenly much more likely to initiate divorce, leaving toxic/abusive relationships…
Psychologist Susan Pinker, in her book “The Sexual Paradox”, that such women leave careers they’d been pressured-into, by the men in their lives ( ditching academic careers, because the endless-churn-for-“authority-status” isn’t what they value )…
I’ve read the words of a woman who was disappointed to have not got into any of the mixed universities ( UK ), she got into a female-only university, and by the end of week-1, she was euphoric: the absence of sexual-pressure on her all the time, she could learn here!!..
I’ve read the words of a woman who went to a girls-only grade-school, & she learned, in high-school, that the girls who came from mixed grade-schools had been conditioned into learned-helplessness, and would not even try participating in class, by the boys they’d shared classes with.
I read an amazing item in a Reader’s Digest, possibly in a waiting-room, somewhere, on a school-principal who got all the kids and their parents into a gymnasium…
The kids were girls-on-1-side, boys-on-the-other-side, parents in the bleachers/stands…
He asked the kids “who here would rather learn in a boisterous classroom?” The boys, & the dykes, hands shot up…
“Who here would rather learn in a quiet library?” the girls, & a few of the boys ( femboys, prolly ), hands went up.
THEN the parents, who saw, understood, accepting the evidence, instead of the “we’re all the same” ideology, that violated that evidence.
Women are more “yin” than men.
The more “yin” a someone is, the more gentle their forming-context/education has to be, in order that their intrinsic nature be allowed to blossom ( as an extreme-contrast, if you’ve ever encountered an ultra-bullying super-testosterone guy, you maybe can understand that he’d probably be more “educated”, if the education were *at his level of pushing, like boot-camp, or something ).
the “yin” or non-pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by the learning-means, the “yang” or pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by their learning-means.
I wish women weren’t abused by the entire-education-system, but were, instead, boosted into becoming their own LivingPotential.
That isn’t an answer to your question, but it does reframe something important…
Women’s courage is like the courage of Florence Nightinggale, who kept digging, until she understood, scientifically, why “her boys” were dying in the forward hospitals, & she pushed graphical representation of her statistics, in order to convince Queen Victoria.
Yin courage.
Yin courage is more … “watery”, more “keep gently working, we’ll find a way”, as opposed to the more-linear/firey male style of courage.
Like a river, trying to find a way through a blockage put against it…
Gently-persistent, enduring, winning through working with Nature, instead of just arbitrarily overriding it.
The woman who did the classification-system for stars, at some observitory, was demonstrating a kind of courage, given that women had no “validity” in the hearts or minds of men, of the profession, of those days…
The “Famous Five”, who broke the “women legally are not ‘persons’ in the Commonwealth, by law” bullshit also.
( Nellie McLung, iirc, was one of 'em, & a wonderful sentiment of hers goes something like…
“don’t let them decide what’s allowed, or valid,
but instead, just make things right, & let them howl,”
Now there’s a woman. : )
So, as anyone who has seen all the body-language books which identify how utterly-incompetent normal guys are at reading it, women are more-likely to work with & through people.
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 10 months ago:
I’ve never heard of this, & I’m Canadian.
I imagine out east, in the Maritimes, they’d have to put marker-poles on the things, because they sometimes get 5’ of snow in a single onslaught, but …
… it simply isn’t something I’d ever heard-of.
Our fire-departments deal with the snow & ice every ( normal, not now ) winter.
- Comment on How do I stop wanting to be on a relationship? 10 months ago:
That’s your unconscious-mind playing games with your life, same as mine does with mine.
It’s essentially a variant of “addiction”, aka Kahneman1 mind ( imprint-reaction mind ) trying to make your life obey its imprint-reaction programming.
Read both Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, in order to understand the pseudo-reasoning that Kahneman1 mind ( he calls it System-1, but that presumes his work’s context, which normal-discussions don’t presume ), and how its mission is undermining correct-reasoning ( Kahneman2 mind ).
AND read Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change”, about our unconscious-mind’s mechanism that fights off growing-up, & how to intelligently counter its sabotaging of our lives.
It’s essentially a kind of “demagnitization” that you need to do, of your unconscious, but if you don’t systematically use real leverage, you’re not going to win.
Every time I see an image of a cute, intelligent, driven, wonderfully diffierent-from-me woman, I’m wanting to be wrapping our lives together, but…
… relationship depends on having common core-identity.
Some people have such alien/different core-identity, due to life-experience, that that potential got broken.
You can’t make an intact window out of random shards of broken glass, right?
They’re separate, and they don’t become unitary, the way molten glass does, just because you put them adjacent to each-other, right?
Some people have been too changed by experience, to be able to value what normal-identity values.
My life-mission is to remove my Soul/Continuum/CellOfGod/ChildOfAllgod/ParticleOfBrahmanFieldOfOriginalAwareness from Universe-containment/entrapment, so that no more of this reincarnation abuse/bullshit contains future-lives that it has.
Aversion-therapy was successful, in other words…
How could any woman want what I want?
That’s nonsensical.
You can’t have the savage intensity of aversion to “remaining in world, living in relationships, gently earning human meaning” that I have, & somehow be “in” relationship with woman who is wired into needing that kind of meaning…
Not only is it idiocy, it’s abuse ( it would be abuse for me to be in-relationship with anyone, given my ripping-Soul-from-endless-stream-of-Universes NEED in me, that my core is ).
So, while your reason is different from mine, we’re both fighting-against the “magnetization” of our unconscious-minds & our Kahneman1 programmed imprint-reaction/instinct minds.
understanding { the books, one’s own unconscious, experience-induced-understanding of studying one’s unconscious, as it sabotages one’s life, in order to protect its dominion over our Eternity, through hobbling our strategy/intent }
finding the deliberate & strategic means of communicating with our unconscious, using techniques given in those books
keep earning the demagnitizing of our unconscious-minds, our Kahneman1 minds, until each of us wins ( any addiction, it’s the same rules, whether addiction-to-relationship, or addiction-to-dysfunction, or addiction-to-chemical, or addiction-to-class-status, or addiction-to-money, ANY addiction is using these mechanisms, so the method for dismantling them is, strategically, the same )
endure the life-scale process ( no point in pretending that one’s unconscious-mind can be force-rewired in mere-months: it took decades for our unconscious to form, and it absorbed many-decades of culturally-accumulated inertia in the early years, it’s going to be a slog, and only enduring-persisting can work, and the life-accomplishing can be worth it, whatever it is that one is working on earning ).
and that’s it.
No “magic bullet”, no “magic pill”, just competenly-demagnitizing one’s unconscious-ignorance from one’s life, and making one’s life hold to a non-default “river” path.
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- Comment on What was Thoth's message for us? 11 months ago:
Different religions represent fundamental-truths in different forms/ways.
Thoth was a hominid-shaped form for karma.
Thoth had 2 demands of the lives that Thoth judged:
- you used your human-life honestly/intensely, so you didn’t just waste it coasting-by
- your heart be lighter than a feather, aka you earned/evolved honesty & integrity.
AwakeSoulism/Buddhism did-away with the hominid/animal forms, representing the fundamental-forces/principles, but they kept the same fundamental-forces/principles.
- There is no point in coasting through human-life, because all the other kinds-of-lives a Soul/ChildOfGod/CellOfGod/Continuum/ParticleOfBrahmanFieldOfFundamentalAwareness … are lacking in the perfect intersection between
- suffering inducing motivation, &
- capacity/opportunity, making motivation have “fertile soil”
Below human-category, lives don’t have our diversity-of-senses, our considered-reasoning ( Kahneman System-2, from “Thinking Fast & Slow” ), & above human-category, sentience isn’t so circumstance-constrained, or semi-helpless, as to warrant earning real-change.
( I accidentally earned previous-Soul-memories, of other kinds of lives, back in the 1990’s, and when I discovered what those strange memories were, that nuked ALL the Abrahamic religions from objective-validity, and forced me into years of worldview-evolution, to meet/earn/hold-to the data/evidence.
Non-autistics just ignore the contradicting evidence, the way Scientism does, with its cartoon oversimplifications, but I’d rather be autistic me, than be any normal, any day or eon. )
- ignorance/Soul-ignorance/ignosis blocks one’s Soul/CellOfGod from ever escaping the experience-enforcing-learning “machine” that endless-stream-of-Universes is, so if one wants to be released from contained-in-the-churn-of-phenomena, one needs to earn making one’s mind only out of kinds-of-mind that ignosis, & death, cannot grip on.
- Faithing ( surrendering-entirely-to-higher-power, relying-entirely-on-higher-power, being-gratitude-for-its-nonself-centered-giving-of-helping )
- Wisdom-piercing-ignorance-of-NoSelfInherentExistence
- Bodhichitta, immeasurable-compassion-for-all-continuums-and–sentiences-but-controlled-by-wisdom’s-seeing-through-narcissism-etc.
Those 3 substances-of-mind are all “lighter than a feather”, and therefore grant release-from-Soul-containment, when they are pure/absolute enough.
To simply “climb Jacob’s Ladder”, however, is a worthy accomplishment, itself!
Therefore, dying with a heart lighter than it had been before one’s life, was earned improvement: evolution.
This should give the concept underlying Thoth.
Goddess Isis was simply their culture’s representation for LivingSpirit, at one time.
Oh, this need be said: differentiate between the root-idea, vs the soap-opera-accretions that “society” asserts onto such ones…
E.g. for Hinduism to simultaneously hold that Shiva is
- absolute, beyond-Universe YOGA, capable of altering the fundamental structure of Universes so that evolution can happen ( holding evil in abeyance, lodged in Shiva’s throat, after “drinking” it ) AND
- incompetent to perceive soap-opera machiavellianism, and so ambush-assaulted into “completely losing control” & massacring everybody in the region, before putting their lives back, when Shiva regained control…
Logic prohibits those 2 from coinciding, but Hinduism’s been disallowing logic, on that point, for many many centuries.
Learn to cut-out the accretions-of-guff from the original-principles, when they’re still findable.
Another example of that same principle is:
Genesis, in the Abrahamic bible,
Women ate “the fruit of The Knowledge of Good & Evil”, WHICH MEANS MORALITY,
& shared morality with men.
Male-culture’s bullying, of course, deliberately altered the scripture in order to put jealousy in God’s mouth, to justify accusing women of “eternal sin” in earning morality.
Altruism is generalized mothering.
Wasp-researchers from Bristol & Exeter universities, in Panama, discovered this.
AwakeSoulism/Buddhism declared it 25 consecutive centuries ago.
The proper reading of that story in Genesis shows it was originally in the root scripture, but got “graffitti’d” out by the male religion-authorities, through the past 12-ish millenia ( since the FLOOD which ended the last ice-age, drowning all the coastal civilization, now findable only through SCUBA diving, offshore, at 50’ up-to 400’ deep ).
Beware the contaminations, & especially beware when entire factions have their “identity” welded onto the deliberate-contamination, instead of the underlying Truth … there you get the “religious” ideological/prejudice genocides, that the last few millenia have been filled-with.
- Comment on Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life? 11 months ago:
You remember Connections, with James Burke?
John Romer/Roemer, whatever, his docu-series on Egypt?
That kind of thing.