This and most washroom faucets have too little space for washing hands. The space from the spout to the back and bottom of the sink doesn’t allow for rinsing whilst scrubbing without touching the sink. Infuriating.
This automatic faucet that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn on.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
They’re not actually intended for washing your hands but rather for ticking the ‘customer hand-washing facility available’ box and providing jobs for interior designers nephews. 6 months ago
Mildly so. 6 months ago
You should be scrubbing before you rinse, not both together. 6 months ago
Okay, you tell me how to wash my hands…
I wet my hands, get soap, scrub, and continue to scrub as I rinse. Not going to stand there for 2 minutes for all the soap to rinse off on its own. Your way is actually worse because you end up having to maneuver your hands a lot more to get all the soap off to the wrists. And good luck trying to wash your forearms. 6 months ago
at the office we have the ones you have to push down--and hold for the water to run. i've encountered them elsewhere and you get 10-20 seconds before the water shuts off... ours doesn't. by the time you get your hand down to the water, it's shut off. 6 months ago
What’s the problem? Just use your third hand to keep the button down 6 months ago
Or third leg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 6 months ago
Hold on, inventing psychic power 6 months ago
We had “sink bricks” to solve that problem, somebody was tired of those so they went to the hardware store and bought a couple bricks to hold the buttons down. Eventually the faucets were replaced with proper ones with normal valves. 6 months ago
LPT: For faucets like this (or if you just want running water to wash something) get a paper towel. Wet it under the water and then put it over the sensor.
Toilet paper also works but it’s messier. 6 months ago
Just use clean toilet paper off the roll damn 6 months ago
I have seen something like this a lot. Many more that work fine but but they certainly don't seem to be at the five 9's or two nines or maybe even one nine. maybe one nine. 6 months ago
five 9’s or two nines or maybe even one nine. maybe one nine.
This is the first time I hear this expression, what does it mean? 6 months ago
“Five Nines” typically refers to something that works 99.999% of the time, which still allows for 1 screw-up out of 100,000. 6 months ago
yes ad dhork mentions its related to a concept of 6sigma which is an airline/telephony thing about things that must not fail. My little quip is suggesting they work like 90% of the time which is not great. 6 months ago
It means HubertManne had a stroke while typing. 6 months ago
So that you can wash your wrists/arms?
Lol 6 months ago
Ah! I see so it was user error all along. I was supposed to wash my elbows! /s 6 months ago
It’s a pretty common problem, honestly. 6 months ago
Still mildly infuriating. 6 months ago
Yup. I definitely ding off points for it when I do my mental restroom reviews. 6 months ago
You just need to loosen off the grub screw, which is now in a data center in Ireland. 6 months ago
I usually just put some soap over the sensor so it just stays on. 6 months ago
Stick too long, make shorter 6 months ago
That’s what she said 6 months ago
Perfect to get your long sleeves wet! 6 months ago
How else could it work? Otherwise it will detect the water flowing and never switch off. 6 months ago
“How could this badly designed thing work if it wasn’t so badly designed?” Sometimes, if you can’t make a thing work, the solution is to use something else that does. And sometimes the solution is just to make it better, like directing the IR detection beams just to either side of the water stream. 6 months ago
Is this at a hotel? Just hang a “do not disturb” tag on the pipe to keep the water running! 6 months ago
At work. 6 months ago
I think they intend for you to wash not only the hands but up to the elbow as well 6 months ago
I hate the ones with such a short spigot that you can only wash the tips of your fingers. 6 months ago
This automatic faucet
that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn 6 months ago
No, it works under the faucet. You’re just impatient because it didn’t turn on after 1ms, so you move your hand closer and it turns on so you think it’s nearsighted. 6 months ago
Incorrect. It detects motion. waving my hands under the spout doesn’t do anything no matter how long. Waving the hand 1.5 in further makes it work only while I shake my hands. It stops immediately after I love my hands. I need to have one hand further activating the sensor while I rinse the other then swap. 6 months ago
That is one hell of a gaslight. 6 months ago
Yeah that’s because you gotta was one hand at a time! 6 months ago
Clean the sensor lens 6 months ago
Ha, looks like BWH. 6 months ago
Big Water Hubris 6 months ago
I fucking hate motion-sensing faucets so much. We can edit the human genome, but are unable to make a motion sensor that actually fucking works?! Fuck outta here.
I actually prefer the old-school “push-down and have limited time” type at this point. 6 months ago
I just want a foot pedal to press. Public toilets should also have those just for hygienic reasons. 6 months ago
I really miss these hand washing stations we had in elementary school.
Image 6 months ago
I’m not sure if this is ADA compliant. It might be the reason why we don’t see these very often. I had one of these at work though. 6 months ago
I’m on team Foot pedals. 6 months ago
Why not both? Automatically sense when to start your limited time. 6 months ago
Isn’t that how every automatically sensing faucet works? 6 months ago
You have correctly identified that it’s not a lack of technological advancement that is holding our society back.
Now go solve social sciences, economics, psychology, and neuroscience. Come back and we’ll talk about how to design a world where nobody happens to install a motion sensor with a wrong range. 6 months ago
no u 6 months ago
I’ve actually encountered a properly designed one once in my life. The sensor was in the faucet spout instead of in the base.