- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 9 months ago:
Never had a paid lunch
- Comment on Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it? 9 months ago:
Its a bit like the law that is on the books but not enforced. Until it is and the problem with using another credit card is now you are taking out of your regular savings when you specifically have saved for medical issues from a pool that is not being used for that. Its not great.
- Comment on Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it? 9 months ago:
Our hospital used to reduce it by 20% if you paid it within a certain amount of time. I was trying my damndest to meet the deadline and certainly had them at the top of my bill paying pile. They got rid of it so they get date order now like all the rest.
- Comment on Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it? 9 months ago:
I mostly do that but I have to tell you its a fight every time as even the reasonable places expect the bill to be paid like a week after they bill you. So they take 3 weeks to do the claim and bill you and they don't recognize the insurance company will take 3 weeks to process the claim formally and they certainly don't want to give you the curtesy of taking 3 weeks to compare the bill to the eob and send out the payment. Again this is the reasonable ones as many places insist on a credit card being put on file and maybe they have an agreement but I have literally been ghosted by providers if I refuse to put one down. So they technically are not requiring it but they are. Oh and to boot they mention if they charge you wrong it is fine because they will just refund you. Which means if you use an hsa debit card and they charge it and then refund you well they just basically acted as your money laundering agent for tax evasion. The US is wack.
- Comment on Medical Bill negotiation, how should one do it? 9 months ago:
Its pretty hard to get off with as low as a few k from the ER. Just going there would likely hit the deductible.
- Comment on Being anonymous is getting harder and harder 9 months ago:
yeah its just belief thought really. Its made me think on it more and its sorta a chicken and egg thing. like the whole basic things with cells. attracted to beneficial things like food and repulsed by dangerous things. so recognition becomes important but maybe just the like dislike is the thing and not the aparatus to identify it. shrug
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Maybe your local people need to be a bit more charismatic and they to could be on the internets!
- Comment on Being anonymous is getting harder and harder 9 months ago:
My second statement is certainly not comprehensive and rather offhand. Its just we have a ton of pattern matching behavior thats been optimized. Sometimes you may read things about it in why we see faces in everything and why we like certain sounds such that we have music and such.
- Comment on Being anonymous is getting harder and harder 9 months ago:
I don't believe they are intelligent now but I do believe we evolved as basically pattern matching machines.
- Comment on Technology Connections: Tilting, taking turns, and winning free games: the many tricks inside old pinball machines 9 months ago:
I had a friend who was such a master of how much he could abuse the machines.
- Comment on Would Trump win? 9 months ago:
I think this is going extreme the other way. He is not as stupid as he seemed but I would not say he is extremely intelligent. That being said there is a big difference between harvard and University of Pennsylvania and there is a big difference between stem majors and business majors. Being a pilot is no easy task either. It is way easier to accomplish these things of course with money and connections. So while he is not as stupid as he is caricatured as (much like ford is not as clumsy as he is made out to be) I would be surprised if he is much above average in intelligence. Im not sure what you even call things like decorm or whatnot. I mean the guy gave the german prime minister a shoulder message out of the blue.
- Comment on This automatic faucet that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn on. 9 months ago:
yes ad dhork mentions its related to a concept of 6sigma which is an airline/telephony thing about things that must not fail. My little quip is suggesting they work like 90% of the time which is not great.
- Comment on This automatic faucet that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn on. 9 months ago:
I have seen something like this a lot. Many more that work fine but but they certainly don't seem to be at the five 9's or two nines or maybe even one nine. maybe one nine.
- Comment on I check weather radar often times daily.... 9 months ago:
unfortunately no .......
- Comment on Double chocolate 9 months ago:
unless 40% is caocoa content of the chips.
- Comment on Minimum ! 9 months ago:
oh hey. great to see a comeback from the late 90's
- Comment on I check weather radar often times daily.... 9 months ago:
I built fences all around this town but do they call me dogsnest the fence builder. no. I built the town dock but do they call me dogsnest the dock builder. no. I built the town bridge but do they call me dogsnest the bridge builder. no,
- Comment on [US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options? 9 months ago:
yup. granted post obamacare its not as bad as before. Just like half a loaf is better than no loaf.
- Comment on Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system? 9 months ago:
I mean thats fine though in the sense it did not cost you. Maybe I am just lucky that I have scrap places that are not to far away. Im in a city to so if you put something like that you will have randos in trucks grab it to bring it to the yards and get the 50 cents although it must be more because they seem to find it pays their gas and enough more to be doing it.
- Comment on Why do people throw out old motors, bicycles, anything metal into rivers and lakes instead of a junk yard or the trash system? 9 months ago:
this is surprising to me. can't you get money for the scrap metal?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
there are one pieces that even have skirts. how unskimpy can they be? men don't have chest covered options no more.
- Comment on Why does being tall make your belly more vulnerable in case of an attack? 10 months ago:
I don't think its so but if I was to work assuming the hypothesis was correct the only thing I could point to is a bigger person is a bigger taget which would apply to all targets of the body.
- Comment on I struggle with depression and alexithymia. How do I write with emotion? 10 months ago:
Do you like or dislike a particular time or place. It may not be exactly what was asked but if you describe your what you like or dislike about a time or place it will appear to be emotional.
- Comment on Propose defederation? 10 months ago:
Ill say what I always say. I want users to be able to block domains (there is an option for kbin that I am on but it does nothing), urls, communities/magazines, users, basically everything. Honestly I would sorta like the system to look at your personal up and downvotes and be able to give you a personal order based on who/what has a greater rank for you as a user while choosing a time period (last hour, last day, last week, last month, last year). I want everything possible to be configurable at the user level. I would also like to have options to take people who I follows rankings to be included or sign up to block what another user blocks.
- Comment on What happens to my domain, website and email when I die? 10 months ago:
everything you describe would happen. unless you start a foundation to continue your blog only the internet archive would have it.
- Comment on Is there a website that collects Donald Trump's most incoherent speeches and tweets? 10 months ago:
There have been a few things like that but I think most have not been able to keep up with the extreme storage costs....................................................................../s
- Comment on McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills 10 months ago:
if done right thin is fine, but thick is better. We have a place where double is the standard burger and its made to order but fast because you can cook them fast. That being said the place with the thick jucy burgers has a line out the door constantly while they are open.
- Comment on McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills 10 months ago:
did not realize that myself.
- Comment on McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills 10 months ago:
man you guys live in some gross areas. im not sure a kid could even reach the nozle in places near me. They tend to be somewhere between 4 or 5 feet off the ground and a kid has to hold the bottom of the cup and use the top of the cup to extend his reach to activate the lever. now messy pop residue all over the counter. that is common.
- Comment on McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills 10 months ago:
I have literally never seen this but jack in the box is not a thing near me so likely pretty different area. All the same its easy to see why. One thing I have mentioned in inflation talks is how much the cheapest most base things have went up and soda is one of my poster children. Can still get 99 cents but only as a super loss leader which before was like 69 cents. buck 25 or buck 50 is still basic loss leader. 2 for five is a basic sale and they are 3 bucks not on sale. So it definitely doubled. Previously the cups cost more than the soda but I think that is changing.