- Comment on Are business cards still a thing? 8 months ago:
- Comment on Why is End of Life of an OS bad for an average user? 8 months ago:
I do, just wanted to know more about how bad stuff actually would be if you wouldn’t.
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 31 comments
- Comment on Yooka-Replaylee! | Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
3D models aren’t tied to Unity, so all 3D models could probably easily be imported to Unreal.
Unity also has a 3D model exporter, so they could have used that to get all 3D models into Unreal within minutes.
- Comment on Yooka-Replaylee! | Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
Just speculation on my part, but perhaps they are using a different engine. The original was made in Unity, this one looks like it was made in Unreal.
- Comment on Yooka-Replaylee! | Reveal Trailer 8 months ago:
Weird. As a die-hard collectathon lover I thought the game was “ok”. I played it after all the patches amd stuff. Some challenges were ridiculous and unfun, worlds felt empty at times.
From the steampage:
MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER – With an art and animations overhaul and enhanced performance and resolution, the favourite buddy duo has never looked or moved better. NEW AND IMPROVED CHALLENGES – Improvements to existing in-game challenges and many entirely new challenges to discover and undertake! NEW COLLECTIBLE CURRENCY – Capital B’s inept minions have dropped their hard-earned coins all over the place. Collect the official currency of the Hivory Towers to spend on video games’ most beloved sentient vending machine. NAVIGATING THE WORLD – Now you can get lost in the game, not in the world! A brand-new world map and challenges tracker helps you know where you are and what needs to be done. Hooray! VENDI HAS PLENTY TO OFFER – Tonics are back with all new flavours! With the option to equip multiple game-changing enhancements, you can truly customise your playstyle. And as if that wasn’t enough, Vendi has new lines of merchandise for the modern fashionable adventurer. REVISED CONTROLS & CAMERA – A new tweaked move set allows you to combine moves more fluidly while the new camera controls makes framing the action a breeze. A DREAMY ORCHESTRAL SOUNDTRACK – The original score from famed video game composers Grant Kirkhope (Banjo-Kazooie) and David Wise (Donkey Kong Country) returns but as a beautifully arranged orchestral score. Now seriously, clean out those ears
Especially like the addition of the map and the new collectable. We’ll see if the updated challenges get rid of/fix the terrible ones.
- Comment on Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity? 8 months ago:
Check out the Uplifting News community :)
- Comment on How do you get into wild camping, it seems so overwhelming and a lot of information to try and gather? 8 months ago:
I’ll echo the most given tip: start slow, with only an overnight at a place near you.
If you want a “longer” trip, you could also consider going to a campsite where they have all the commodities like water and showers, setup your tent there and do day hikes from that place. You’ll get a feel of what you need for food and cooking, but still have the safety and commodities of a public campsite at your disposal.
youtube rabbithole and gear Don’t get dragged down in the youtube rabbithole and all its gear recommendations. Gear is really, REALLY personal. before you know it, you’ll spend hundreds of pounds on gear. Although you could view reviews of what you’re looking for, most “top 10 things you need when backpacking” are just ads for specific brands and very much a personal preference. Accept that you will buy gear you dislike in actual use. And that (if you find out you like backpacking) you can gather your gear over the years to suit your need. Don’t buy everything all at once, it will most likely be a waste of money. The stuff you have lying around will be heavier than “backpackgear” but will be more than sufficient to see if you like backpacking at all. You’ll find out what type of camping/backpacking you like and can buy gear accordingly:
- You like hiking but not setting up all the stuff? You won’t need sleeping gear as you’ll go from lodge to lodge/hostel to hostel
- you like having one base camp where you’ll hike from? You’ll buy heavier, more durable gear
- you like walking many miles and only have the minimal gear to sleep and eat? You’ll be buying lightweigh gear that is less durable but super light.
- you’re a comination of any of the above? The gear will be a combination of the above
One more thing about buying gear(which again, I would try to minimize buying anything for a first trip)
You can (mostly) only choose 2 of the following 3 proporties: Weight, Cost, Durability.
- Gear is heavy but is durable and cheaper to buy
- Gear is lightweight and cheap but less durable
- Gear is lightweight and durable, but expensive.
Then, 2 rules for what gear to bring:
- You need less than you think.
- Always, ALWAYS test your gear at home if you’ve bought something. Have a tent? Set it up. Have a stove? Try it out. You don’t want to be out and about without a clue and a guide to setup and use your stuff.
food Check your local supermarket for products that can be easily prepared without needing cooling. Some types of bread have long expiry dates and are excellent for backpacking trips. Nuts and energy bars can be great too for snacks. Something like an apple is a great snack too. Try to see what you normally eat, and see if there is anything that would be practical to take with you on a trip without needing a fridge.
If you have a stove with you on your backpacking trip, special dried backpacking meals are lightweight, easy to make and (can be) tasty without being too expensive.
- Comment on What is the absolute max level of ear protection you can get? 8 months ago:
Thanks for the heads up. Non-native, always willing to learn.
- Comment on What is the absolute max level of ear protection you can get? 8 months ago:
I know nothing about this subject, but my instinct would tell me that anc would actually be protective. If you phase out sound, it seizes to exist, right? That is the whole point of it?
Again, pure instincts, don’t know shit myself.
- Comment on This automatic faucet that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn on. 8 months ago:
That is one hell of a gaslight.
- Comment on This automatic faucet that need the hands to be between the wall and the water to turn on. 8 months ago:
Or third leg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
- Comment on Massive issues with sleep and desperate for a solution. 9 months ago:
Not a doctor, but I believe people should be careful with selfmedicating melatonine. Each person needs a different amount and at different times to make it effective. Too much melatonine can actually make you sleepy during daytime, or have an adverse effect on sleep.
Rest of the tips are great.
- Comment on What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? 9 months ago:
I think because the 16-bit astethic (when done right) still looks amazing today, where true 8-bit is just a bit too limiting.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
I agree with you, and you worded what I was clumsily trying to say. Thank you:)
With naturalism I mean the philosphical idea that only natural laws and forces are present in this world. Or as an extension, the idea that here is only matter.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
Doesn’t that depend on your view of consciousness and if you hold the view of naturalism?
I thought science is starting to find more and more that a 100% naturalistic worldview is hard to keep up.
I guess my initial question is almost more philosophical in nature and less deterministic.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
The Chinese Room experiment is great! Thanks for reminding me about that :).
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
Interesting thoughts! Now that I think about this, we as humans have a huge advantage by having not only language, but also sight, smell, hearing and taste. An LLM basically only has “language.” We might not realize how much meaning we create through those other senses.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
Thanks for your thorough answer.
I’ll see if I can find that article/paper about the chess moves. That sounds interesting!
Could it be that we ascribe an LLM with conceptual knowledge while in fact it is by chance? We as humans are masters at seeing patterns that aren’t there. But then again, like another commenter said, maybe the question is more about conscience itself, and what that actually means. What it means to “understand” something.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
After reading some of the comments and pondering this question myself, I think I may have thought of a good analogy that atleast helps me (even though I know fairly well how LLM’s work)
An LLM is like a car on the road. It can follow all the rules, like breaking in front of a red light, turning, signaling etc. However, a car has NO understanding of any of the traffic rules it follows.
A car can even break those rules, even if its behaviour is intended (if you push the gas pedal at a red light, the car is not in the wrong because it doesn’t KNOW the rules, it just acts on it).
Why this works for me is that when I give examples of human behaviour or animal behaviour, I automatically ascribe some sort of consciousness. An LLM has no conscious. This idea is exactly what I want to convey. If I think of a car and rules, it is obvious to me that a car has no concwpt of rules, but still is part of those rules somehow.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
I commented something similair on another post, but this is exactly why I find this phenomenon so hard to describe.
A teenager in a new group still has some understanding and has a mind. It knows many of the meaning of the words that are said. Sure, some catchphrases might be new, but general topics shouldn’t be too hard to follow.
This is nothing like genAI. GenAI doesn’t know anything at all. It has (simplified) a list of words that somehow are connected to eachother. But AI has no meaning of a wheel, what round is, what rolling is, what rubber is, what an axle is. NO understanding. Just words that happened to describe all of it. For us humans it is so difficult to understand that something uses language without knowing ANY of the meaning.
How can we describe this so our brains make sense that you can have language without understanding? The Chinese Room experiment comes close, but is quite complicated to explain as well I think.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
Hmm, now that I read this, I have a thought: it might also be hard to wrap our heads around this issue because we all talk about AI as if it is an entity. Even the sentence “it makes shit up” gives AI some kind of credit that it “thinks” about things. It doesn’t make shit up, it is doing exactly what it is programmed to do: create good sentences. It succeeds.
Maybe the answer is just to stop talking about AI’s as “saying” things, and start talking about GenAI as “generating sentences”? That way, we emotionally distance ourselves from “it” and it’s more difficult to ascribe consciousness to an AI.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
I think what makes it hard to wrap your head around is that sometimes, this text is emotionally charged. What I notice is that it’s especially hard if an AI “goes rogue” and starts saying sinister and malicious things. Our brain immediatly jumps to “it has bad intent” when in reality it’s jus taking some reddit posts where it happened to connect some troll messages or extremist texts.
How can we decouple emotionally when it feels so real to us?
- Submitted 9 months ago to [deleted] | 79 comments
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 9 months ago:
Wait, the Dutch Optimel brand doesn’t have attached caps. I think? Or I just mindlessly rip the caps off so they are loose? It doesn’t make any sense to have those be attached with an angle like that.
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
- Comment on The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO 9 months ago:
You don’t meed to have any advanced meta knowledge to play most games. There are options like playing against easier ai’s or similarly skilled players.
Look at some Low Elo Legends from the game Age of Empires 2 on Youtube from T90. Most don’t use advanced meta.
Heck, I as a kid never used advanced meta and had loads of fun.
The internet TELLS you that the latest meta is necessary and that you play suboptimally. But they’re just optimizing the fun out of the game for you if you’re not that kind of player.
This mentality is even worse in competetive shooters. People playing the latest “meta” even though they don’t realize they don’t even have the skill to pull that meta off. I wish the “internet” would just let players have fun in their own way. And that playing games “suboptimally” can still be jist as fun and rewarding an experience.
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 9 months ago:
Not if your culture doesn’t value tradition. Yet there are cultures where tradition is ingrained in it’s value systems.
- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 9 months ago:
So are there stupid questions?
- Comment on Why there are 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam all of a sudden 10 months ago:
I find that with the roguelikes where you upgrade in between runs, losing still feels like winning.