Discussion Thread: Sunday, 16 March 2025
Submitted 1 day ago by briongloid@aussie.zone to melbourne@aussie.zone
StudChud@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
Catfish@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
bacon@aussie.zone 21 hours ago
today has been a wonderfully relaxing day and i don’t want it to end, but tomorrow there’s another meet up i’m looking forward to, and tuesday too
StudChud@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Partner’s pc WORKS!
It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of a DT friend, who gave me the new mobo, RAM and SSD! And they helped me with the windows media installation so I can get Win10 onto the PC as well.
Thank you!!! You know who you are! 💜💜💜
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 20 hours ago
All this talk of survival on hard mode but I can barely manage what’s in front of me.
I’m now taking Panadol or ibuprofen every day for an unusual level of pain when I never used to, and am spending hours under a hot shower on the daily to try and cope with it. Can barely eat anything and struggling to stay hydrated. I’m not really able to move much. Waiting on more tests and procedures.
The house is a mess and my yard is covered in leaves from arsehole neighbour but non-urgent tasks will have to wait.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 19 hours ago
so many hugs
and get council help
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I’m practising competitive window staring with Gibson today.
We’re looking to win the national championship!
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Beware of cats wearing hats
just sayin’
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
Eagle@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
SituationCake@aussie.zone 19 hours ago
Looks delicious.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 21 hours ago
packing is being packed
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Why didn’t I buy mac and cheese this morning? At least one of the shitty side pasta pack things? Got a craving, but also the lazies.
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 1 day ago
If you have dry pasta and cheese this is very quick. whiteonricecouple.com/stove-top-one-pot-macaroni-…
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
Thanks Melba!!
SituationCake@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
This looks good, quicker than the baked one I usually make. Would be good if short on time.
SituationCake@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
For when you don’t have the ladies, this baked version from Nagi is very very good. Have made it several times.The crispy panko top is chefs kiss. Recipie Tin
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
Love me a Nagi recipe! Thank you!
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 1 day ago
The zombie outbreak begins and the DT bands together to survive. Where will we go.? What will we bring?
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
Okay. I realistically wouldn’t escape or survive long.
I don’t have a strong physical constitution and if not caught right away would die very quickly of bad water, injury or exposure. But to not be defeatist I would absolutely bring a few things if possible. Any of these.
A can opener. Possibly multiple for barter, a group, or in case one breaks. You can apparently rub cans on a rough surface to wear off the lid but I don’t know how and that risks losing the precious contents.
A knife or a hatchet. For splitting or shaving wood as kindling, self defence, hunting and skinning small game, cutting rope
Soap. Bad handwashing hygiene and dirty wounds will kill you. I also don’t know how to make the soap… especially in the wild with limited ingredients (I’d try lye from drain cleaner but apparently that’s not good) and limited ability to remember or measure proper ratios.
Salt. Whether it be maintaining electrolytes while vomiting from bad water, rinsing wounds, or preserving food. You want this.
Honey or sugar. Can be mixed with salt for homemade electrolytes or used for infected wounds in the absence of antibiotics
A container for storing and treating water.
Needle and thread. Tent repair, making improvised clothing, stitching wounds. Possibly some rags.
Iodine for first aid and water purification.
Isopropyl alcohol, methylated spirits, or any alcohol over 70%. For killing viruses on surfaces, disinfecting skin and medical tools, or as an emergency/smokeless source of cooking fuel.
A cooking pot. Cans may be used but there are so many reasons you will need to boil water.
Oil or lard for precious calories. Or to help waterproof shelter or clothing.
A solar charger to keep phone on for as long as internet and phone signal infrastructure stays up. Or even better one of those radios that run off hand cranking. Even better if it’s also a battery and a light, but you want to be able to pick up emergency transmissions or other survivors.
Rope. For tourniquets, holding up a tarp between trees or as a makeshift hammock to keep your body off the cold wet ground, or suspending food supplies out of reach of some animals.
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
You’re coming with me. Bring the warmest clothes you have.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 21 hours ago
wouldn’t it be easier to just raid supermarkets?
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I live near the Cat William Adams depot in Clayton. I’ll bring a low loader with a 30t excavator. I’ll then head to the savemore supermarket storage warehouse with my plex server. Fuck dem zombies.
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I’ve never used a chainsaw in my life but by God I’ll learn
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My place, lasagna.
just_kitten@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
I vote your place because of the excellent garden setup and friendly locals. and chillos to go out with a bang.
SituationCake@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
I have freshly shopped, so currently have a full 24 pack or toilet paper. So I can contribute it to the DT survival stash or trade it for guns. We can take vote.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
MVP ^^^
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I think about this WAY too often. Seagoon’s already nailed my suggestion of a skyscraper.
But for funsies, let’s face it, I’ll be the one bringing the wine!
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 1 day ago
You need to avoid high concentrations of people. A skyscraper is not ideal.
TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I will bring my expertise in rootin’ tootin’ & shootin’. If all else fails, will serve up massive quantities of crumbed brains fricasee. Which should weigh them down long enough to dispatch them humanely. Zombies can’t survive that.
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Well we could use some rootin and shootin so that’s ok.
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
I got dragged to a shooting club once and based off that beginners luck might not be bad as a sniper.
Zombies are terrifying though. It depends if my nerve holds
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
I have a wide variety of rudimentary skills that could be good for homesteading and foraging once shelter is found. But tbh I have no idea where to go and probably would die or be killed in the initial stage.
Also my cat is coming with me. If she escapes I will die trying to retrieve her
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
If I survive long term I’m trying to trap rabbits and if possible breed them in an enclosure. We need to add fat or oil though as it’s a lean meat and you can starve on rabbit.
I can skin and gut (and scrape the hides) but can’t bear to kill.
A chicken tractor might do but foxes will most likely get them without a proper secure cage. Even then they can dig under.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I suggest a skyscraper , get one with a helipad and bring a helicopter and lots of fuel
block. barricade the stair wells and lift shafts
we all bring lots of food, weapons , meds and other supplies and wait it out
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 23 hours ago
We then have no escape if the building is breached, and if there’s a problem with the helicopter or the fuel eventually runs out we’re treed. Also helicopters have a limited capacity and make a lot of noise
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 1 day ago
bring a helicopter?
just_kitten@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Bad gateway, BAD! Go stand in the corner. You’re not getting any breakfast.
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 day ago
My app (jerboa) is playing up too. Says my account is not in a ready state.
just_kitten@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Was not fine via a browser for a good couple hours this am except for intermittent bursts (like when I was able to post that comment). Seems to be mostly resolved now?
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Mine just wasn’t loading at all.
Force_majeure123@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Gate closed :(
RustyRaven@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Unknown errors 500 & 525 can join it.
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Last night was animated.
Ended up going to the jungle thing in the CBD.
First time at a nightclub someone trying to sell me a pen and ket at the same time. Kids are different these days.
Good jungle though.
MeanElevator@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Any pingers?
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
No pingers.
Those were the days :(
Just $16 pints. Was tempted by the horse tranq but I’m not a horse anymore.
Pilk@aussie.zone 1 day ago
What is a pen in this context?
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Quite literally a pen in a case lol.
CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Which bargain did you take up?
Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I asked them if they had their pen liscence (they were kiwi) and they said they don’t have that over there.
LowExperience2368@aussie.zone 21 hours ago
Asked my dad for movie suggestions yesterday and he suggested Red. I ended up watching Borat, and upon telling him this, he said he didn’t want to know.
RustyRaven@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Predicted top of 19 tomorrow. I’m scheduling a roast.
Catfish@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Ooh, I think I shall schedule stock as I have a handbag chook frame in the freezer
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Waffles with maple flavoured syrup and vanilla yoghurt
They’re wonky at the edges because it was the last of the mixture and I was pushing to get 3 out of it 😆 The others were more photogenic I swear!
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Oohh they look fluffy and yummy.
Eagle@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Alamutjones@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I was going to have adventures today, but I’m honestly okay with staying in and reading a nice book
imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I had an accidental Sunday session at a VERY local joint with fam. Now flopped watching grand prix. Very rainy. Very lazy. Very needed.
SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 1 day ago
This sounds like an awesome way to spend the day!
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 1 day ago
I could sleep from now till tomorrow honestly.
Maybe I will…
TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 1 day ago
The 1 am wakeup though is a bit painful. Been there, done that. Postponing sleep until at least 10 pm and wake up at a ‘normal’ time is preferable.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 22 hours ago
Fair point. I’m staying awake till at least 9pm. Do a bit of reading, then crash out.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
just made an offer on a nice vintage drexel desk , 🤞
dumblederp@aussie.zone 1 day ago
If you wanna send me the link I’ll put it a shitter offer to make yours look good.
PeelerSheila@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Just came back from shopping. I found it strangely not cold, despite how it looks out there, just wet. I’m loving it actually.
Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 20 hours ago
Hello cheesecake shop stuff I forgot about!
Duenan@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Too warm last night but the rain was a nice touch for sleeping in a little.
Time for peanut butter toast and a coffee.
SituationCake@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Well I’ve done sweet FA all day so far. Rain is nice.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 1 day ago
So I am here.
What’s going on with the site?
just_kitten@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Days like today have made it obvious how dark my south facing living room gets… depressing. At least I’m not looking at a grey brick wall like the ground floor apt.
Forgot that S2 of Pachinko came out a few months ago. That’s my afternoon sorted. Was scrabbling around for a tv show that didn’t involve mind games or violence or anything too out there, this is just what I needed.
It’s a bit morbid but I LOVE eating lunch/dinner while watching this show, because all the WW1/WW2 era scenes — where food is scarce and everyone is living a hardscrabble life — make me appreciate my food and modern comforts so much more. To freely enjoy white rice and an abundance of vegetables and spices and oils. Kind of reminds me of my mum’s generation watching Oshin and enduring the years of civil war and rationing at home. Did they ever show Oshin in Australia?
Catfish@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Up awake yet again, having a good giggle about the packing boxes thread yesterday. 30 for a full house? Given I own over 800 books before counting Boyo’s, it’s no wonder our removal guys expected to win their weekly competition for the office staff not passing relevant information to the crew 😹
useless_modern_god@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Blomkamp is doing Starship Troopers. Now, I imagine, for the sci fi heads, this movie is sacred ground and rightly so. It’s a classic.
However, I’m hyped at the prospect of seeing Blomkamp’s interpretation of the book.
Would you like to know more?
eatham@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Aussie.zone having issues today :(
Catfish@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Knock off blu-tack is about as tits on a fridge
MeanElevator@aussie.zone 1 day ago
Rain good, humidity bad.
Hope the cool change gets rid of this muckiness.
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 20 hours ago
Ted sleeping with his eyes open
melbaboutown@aussie.zone 20 hours ago
He’s making sure his own bum doesn’t get bitten
Seagoon_@aussie.zone 19 hours ago