Vampire Survivors devs launch official wiki "free of ads, banners, and all of the junk that gets in your way"
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Comments 22 hours ago 17 hours ago
Good to see we’re finally fighting back against Fandom 13 hours ago
Fandom is icky. A few years ago, my mom was getting scammed by some conspiracy guy from LinkedIn who offered her a “job.”
These dudes set up their own fandom wiki to try to make their bullshit seem real. I can’t remember the name of the people involved but one guy was claiming that he was owed 300 trillion dollars by the government. (Can’t remember the exact number but it was astronomically high. More money than exists kinda high) 12 hours ago
A lot of devs of “wiki games” have been doing this lately.
Digital Extremes/Warframe did it a month or two back. And a lot of people have speculated that…/WARFRAME_Wiki:Stakeholder_Ana… and the old fandom equivalent “explains” it but that is inherently tinfoil and biased speculation. 20 hours ago
Based dev. Fuck fextralife and fandom 18 hours ago
Sometimes it feels like fextralife is filled only with stub articles.
me: “Hmm, I wonder about [a thing] in [a game]”
fextralife’s entire article: “[A thing] is a thing in [a game]”
brilliant, thank you. 19 hours ago
Wat?! Fandom has ads?! Never saw these. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 21 hours ago
Best thing that happened to path of exile too, the devs provide the wiki platform for the community
Very based 21 hours ago
Same thing happened with too, people finally got fed up with fandom’s bullshit 16 hours ago
That’s not the same, Mojang isn’t affiliated with the wiki at all. 19 hours ago
Same with and a bunch of others. 16 hours ago
The Guild Wars 2 (and 1) wiki is also hosted directly by the devs. It’s even accessible via chat command. 9 hours ago
The fact that in GW2 you can just type “/wiki subject” and get taken to the wiki page for subject is such an amazing and obvious command I’m surprised more games don’t do it. 21 hours ago
Warframe just did it too. Fantastic move. 9 hours ago
ublock origin and firefox.
game wikis are a breeze to use for me. 4 hours ago
Breezewiki? 23 hours ago
I avoid using fandom like it’s contagious. It’s so cluttered, when my blockers on images don’t load half the time. It’s a slow site.
It’s really the worst, I’d rather scrub through a YouTube video to find the answer I’m looking for rather than go to a fandom site. 23 hours ago
You might like the indie wiki buddy extension, it can automatically redirect you to a independent wiki when you go to fandom (if there is one), remove fandom search results, and redirect you to a ‘breeze wiki’ page if there’s no fandom alternative
(Breeze wiki is an alternative frontend for fandom, much like invidious for YouTube. It guts all the ads and banners and garbage, and gives you a much simpler wiki page) 19 hours ago
If you browse a lot on mobile and cannot install extensions, all you have to do is replace the “fandom” in the fandom wiki URL with “antifandom” 20 hours ago
I’ve often been like “I don’t know why people complain about Fandom, this is fine”. And then I saw what the site looks like without uBlock. Sweet merciful heavens. Hey, there’s some ads. Let’s cram some ads in the ads. Some prime blank space? Shove some annoying video things in there. Autoplaying. See that navigation bar over there? Let’s make it pointless. (If you come to the article via web search, surely you want to read about some completely random stuff in another game!)
Fandom is garbage, Fextralife is garbage (and at this rate will probably be bought by Fandom one day). Indie wikis rule. 14 hours ago
Just wanted to point out that is out there as a replacement. There’s even a Redirect plugin for Firefox that takes you to the right place, if you hit a Fandom link. 12 hours ago
and then gets bought, as other wikis got. No thanks.
Write content in a community mediawiki maintained by the community instead. 11 hours ago
Instructions unclear.
Locked it behind a Discord community instead. 🤡 8 hours ago
For anyone looking for a wonderful example of this, check out the RuneScape wiki. It’s hosted by the game company (Jagex) and maintained by the community. It is the single most expansive and in-depth wiki I have ever seen. It is truly the gold standard for what a wiki should aspire to be.
It has everything you could need to play the game, all the way down to automatic calculators (with built in character lookup functionality, using the game’s high score leaderboard system) to tell you things like how many of [x] resource you’ll need to get [y] experience, or what your estimated return on investment will be for turning [x] resource into [y] product.
The game has over 250 quests, (and not just basic fetch or kill quests like most MMO’s have) and the wiki has in-depth walkthroughs (including in-game screenshots) for every single one. 13 hours ago
Relative to a fandom wiki: I guess? Although you are inherently going to have the same content theft problems where the vast majority of modern wikis are just ripped from the game guides that games media are still paid to prepare.
Relative to an official wiki with developer backing? No, it is not a replacement.
Also: I would generally be very wary of any of the plugins to redirect you since they have VERY broad permissions to… hijack your browser traffic. If you are keeping up to date and monitoring them you are probably fine but that feels like a great example in waiting to find out a bad actor pushed some code last week… 1 day ago
They have taken the domain.
I wonder if they are planning spinoffs with other themes? 23 hours ago
Accountant Survivors coming in October. 19 hours ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if the initiative comes from the OG dev of the game, who is Italian: the efforts we go through since 1996 (all I can remember) to avoid ads and popups are of biblical proportions.
I can remember my father taking the PC away from me as soon as he saw I was exposed to one, going “I can take that away, it will be a minute”. It wasn’t a minute. 14 hours ago
This pleases me. 22 hours ago
Love this, and the site looks great. Wonder what software that is. Is it just mediawiki? 21 hours ago 13 hours ago
Ah, perfect, thank you. I was particularly interested because I just recently dabbled with mediawiki and ended up going with dokuwiki. 18 hours ago
Very nice to see. Might start playing again to 100% it (yet again) now that there’s an actual useful wiki for it. Always love to see pure media wiki usage. 1 day ago
Very nice! This would’ve been helpful when I was platinuming the game last year. 19 hours ago
Another step was made to reclaim the free internet! I bought dlc inside the game and I’m glad I did. 21 hours ago
shouldnt this be built in the game anyway? 16 hours ago
It’s still a wiki, I.e. user/community written content. 19 hours ago
We did the same for The Talos Principle Wiki.
The community is hosting its own MediaWiki rather than rely on Fandom. 18 hours ago
The Monster Hunter community just did the same:
Folks finally got tired of the several horrible options and did it themselves. There’s also a discord for coordinating contributions if so inclined. 17 hours ago
Honorary mention of Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, which existed as a fan documentation hub since the mid 90s.