For anyone looking for a wonderful example of this, check out the RuneScape wiki. It’s hosted by the game company (Jagex) and maintained by the community. It is the single most expansive and in-depth wiki I have ever seen. It is truly the gold standard for what a wiki should aspire to be.
It has everything you could need to play the game, all the way down to automatic calculators (with built in character lookup functionality, using the game’s high score leaderboard system) to tell you things like how many of [x] resource you’ll need to get [y] experience, or what your estimated return on investment will be for turning [x] resource into [y] product.
The game has over 250 quests, (and not just basic fetch or kill quests like most MMO’s have) and the wiki has in-depth walkthroughs (including in-game screenshots) for every single one. 11 hours ago
It took many years and plenty of iteration to make it there. It feels like a fever dream remembering the days Sal’s realm and were king. Remember when the game map wasn’t even in game, they just had a image linked at the top of the webpage?