- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 hours ago:
The average household income where I live is ~$80k. Excluding the top 5%, it drops to ~$50k. That’s (on average) two full-time workers per household, each making ~$12/hour. Their annual (pre-tax) income would be about $480 per week, or ~$2080 per month each. After taxes, that would be closer to $1450. So likely around $3000 for the household’s monthly budget.
The cheapest homes near me start at $300k. A 30 year mortgage with a 6.5% interest rate and 10% down payment would be almost $2100 per month. That’s assuming they’re able to save the 10% in the first place, and get approved for the loan. It also leaves them with only ~$900 for the entire monthly budget. That’s food, utilities, car payment(s), insurance, childcare, etc…
- Comment on Nintendo has sent a DMCA notice to Ryujinx forks 1 day ago:
IIRC, part of the argument is that Switch games are encrypted, and the emulator uses real Switch keys to read the games. So Nintendo claims that by using official Nintendo Switch keys, it is violating Nintendo’s copyright and is subject to DMCA claims.
The argument is shaky at best. But the problem with DMCA is that combating it actually requires taking the claimant to court. So that’s a prohibitively long and difficult process, just to be able to go “hey Nintendo doesn’t actually have any claim here. Restore my repo.” Especially when Nintendo has a known history of drawing out long legal battles to exhaust defendants’ time+resources.
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 2 days ago:
Yeah, my car shit the bed right before the election and I had to get a new one.
Looking back, I’m glad I got it when I did. It was manufactured in Mexico, like most cars in America. If my old car had lasted 6 more months, I might have ended up paying 25% more for it.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 days ago:
Yeah, my friend has this same issue. She has been playing The Sims 4 for like seven months now.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 6 days ago:
It’s also how flat earthers started. 4chan started satirically memeing about flat earth. Then idiots saw it, missed the satire, and picked it up as a serious thing. At that point, 4chan went “this is funnier than any satire we could make” and stood back to watch the crazies launch rockets into the lower atmosphere.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 6 days ago:
Doesn’t work on Twitch; They embed the ads directly in the stream.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 6 days ago:
Yeah, the issue is that if you don’t run ads, Twitch will just put their own in before your stream starts. And this absolutely kills any sort of discoverability for your channel; If new viewers have to watch 90 seconds of ads before they can even see your stream, they’ll just bail.
So for the sake of growing your channel, it’s actually better to run ads. Because then your viewers aren’t immediately blasted by a ton of unskippable ads as soon as they start your stream.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 1 week ago:
The first three Ratchet and Clank games (R&C, Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal) were phenomenal. The first feels dated by today’s standards, but 2 and 3 are peak. Deadlocked is a divisive entry; Some players loved it, others hated it. Try it first yourself and see. It’s definitely different than the first 3 games.
Final Fantasy X has already been mentioned in the thread, but I’d suggest trying the PC HD remaster instead. It adds a lot of quality of life improvements.
Final Fantasy XII wasn’t well received at launch, and I initially agreed. But that was largely because it didn’t fit into my idea of what a Final Fantasy game should be. I gave it another try a few years ago with a more open mind, and ended up loving it. The gambit system seems basic at first, but eventually opens up into a very versatile system once you start unlocking new gambit combos for it. The Zodiac version is the definitive version, (it enforces a rigid job system, where each character is locked into a specific ability tree) but the original is still alright too.
If you enjoy the Castlevania series, Curse of Darkness is an interesting entry. It features Hector, who has the ability to summon creatures to fight alongside him. They level up based on which weapons you use in combat, so it encourages you to diversify your play style to level up your creatures in specific ways. The gameplay can initially feel clunky by today’s standards, but that’s true of most 3D hack-n-slash games from that era.
Speaking of clunky hack-n-slash games, I see you already have Kingdom Hearts 2. Do yourself a favor, and play the other games (KH1, then KH Re:Chain of Memories) first. CoM has some radically different gameplay, which many players hated. It seems like one you can skip… You can’t. You will be horribly confused for the rest of the series without it. At the very least, go watch the cutscenes on YouTube. In terms of gameplay, KH1 feels janky by today’s standards. CoM is very different. KH2 is where the series really hit its peak.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening. It’s a prequel, so you don’t need to play 1 or 2 first.
Metal Gear Solid. Play 3 (Snake Eater), 1, and 2 (Sons of Liberty) in that order. Snake Eater is an early prequel. Then 1 is on the PS1. Sons of Liberty is the direct sequel to 1.
GTA: San Andreas.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 1 week ago:
Final Fantasy X unless you want to do the HD remaster, which is a great way to play tbh.
Yeah, I’d argue that the HD PC port is actually the definitive way to play the game. They fucked up Tidus’ face, but virtually everything else about the game is better. And you can just install a mod to change his face back to the way it used to be.
- Comment on This is Stupid. 1 week ago:
Yeah, OP is over here with like 4GB of RAM, wondering why their drive is getting hit so hard. It’s cuz you’re totally out of RAM, and the OS is using the disc instead.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
They’ve had years–decades–to get their shit together
Maybe you have had decades. Plenty of people just turned 18 and voted for the first time this year. As an above commenter pointed out, “conservatives” aren’t a monolith. They’re individual people, of all ages and backgrounds.
You’re not going to win by trying to convince a politician to change parties. Instead, you focus on the individual voters who put those politicians in office. And seeing “fuck em, they can stay conservative” rhetoric like yours doesn’t really help win hearts or minds.
- Comment on Common Ground 1 week ago:
I mean, my middle and high schools taught me that the civil war wasn’t about slavery. Like if you circled “slavery” on the multiple choice “what was the civil war about” test question, it would be marked wrong. This was in state-funded public school too, not some ultra-conservative private school or homeschooling. And that’s only one example of the conservative propaganda that was fed to us in school. For people who live in liberal areas, it can be difficult to even comprehend how deep the conservative lies go, and how soon they start.
Saying “just send them back to school” is reductionist, because they did pay attention in school. They simply never questioned what the school had taught them, and took the info at face value. And that is honestly a large part of conservative conditioning; Don’t question the authorities. Don’t question the church. Don’t question the leaders. Don’t question your teachers. If someone is a higher authority or social status than you, you take them at their word. A child’s place is to be seen, not heard. If someone has been raised to never question authority, can they really be blamed for failing to do so when in school? Conservative ideology is rooted in conformity. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. And questioning conservative authority is historically rewarded with a big fucking hammer.
- Comment on Nintendo applying for anti-Palworld patents in the US with a whopping 22 out of 23 rejected, but "they are fighting" 2 weeks ago:
If this is successful, it will open the door to a whole new level of patent trolling.
Hey buddy, remember back in 1982 when I came up with the idea for drawing triangles on the screen to make more complicated shapes? Remember when I came up with the idea for a meter that displays a virtual character’s current health level? Remember when I came up with the idea for using collectible coins as an in-game currency, and awarding extra in-game lives when the player collects enough?
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, a Sonic game with gameplay akin to Ori and the Blind Forest would be absolutely top-tier. Ori was largely focused on movement instead of combat, just like the side-scrolling Sonic games typically have been.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 3 weeks ago:
Yup, weight management is 95% diet and 5% exercise. A single snickers bar takes a 12 minute mile of jogging to burn off; Our bodies are incredibly energy efficient. So if you’re looking to lose weight, it’s better to just skip the snickers bar altogether.
Building muscle can raise your basal metabolic rate, (because you burn more calories to maintain that extra muscle) but even that is negligible when you consider how many calories you can consume without even realizing it.
- Comment on Elon Musk LIVE | Americans Erupt Against DOGE, Protests Outside US Treasury Building Snowball 4 weeks ago:
Here’s a reminder that the Black Panthers got started because cops kept violently busting peaceful unarmed protests. People realized that the cops would send in the jackboots to bust unarmed protests… But they would politely watch heavily armed protests from across the street. So they began arming protestors.
Turns out, firing into an unarmed crowd is super easy, but it’s not so easy when the entire crowd also has weapons. Maybe you take out a few with your initial attack, but you definitely didn’t get all of them and now they can return fire.
It’s also why republicans started modern gun control with the Mulford Act. It was (at least at the time) the most restrictive gun control law the country had ever seen. When politicians saw armed protestors on their front porch, and saw cops entirely unwilling to stop it? They got really fucking sweaty really fucking fast. Ronald Reagan (yes, the same Reagan that conservatives love to put on a pedestal as the paragon of conservative policy) enacted the gun control law to disarm protestors and give cops justification to bust armed protests. Now, instead of busting the protest directly when it’s happening, cops could wait and quietly follow the protestors home, then kick in their front doors while they were eating dinner… Sound familiar?
This pushed the armed protestors underground, and formed the Black Panthers.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 4 weeks ago:
A hot dog is 100% a taco. The real debate is whether or not a hot dog/taco is a sandwich.
To answer this, you first need to solve two other questions: First, what would you consider to be bread? Second, whether a sandwich requires two separate pieces of bread. Is a wrap a sandwich? Most would consider a tortilla to at least be a form of bread, but it’s only one piece. A gyro, made with flatbread? What if it’s one solid piece of bread that is totally sealed, like a hot pocket, calzone, or Asian dumpling? Is dumpling considered “bready” enough to count? Or do we not count it because it’s not leavened?
And that brings us back to the taco argument. Do we consider a taco a sandwich? If we consider a wrap a sandwich, I would argue yes. Because the only functional difference between a taco and a wrap is how big the tortilla is. And if a taco is a sandwich, then a hot dog would also be considered a sandwich.
- Comment on is this something you can say to a potential new manager? about giving report in a hospital when your shift ends 4 weeks ago:
do you understand how tiring and ludicrous it is to pretend something you are not?
Yes, I do it every day. My masking is so solid that I even struggle to drop it when I’m alone.
Should we advice gays to pretend not being gay?
Only tangentially related, because of all of the hard (being murdered, being trafficked, being kicked out of home by their parents, etc) persecution that gays have historically faced. In comparison, autistic persecution has been more of the “soft” (not getting hired, not fitting in, being seen as weird, etc) variety. It’s not really a good faith comparison, because “autistic pride” isn’t really a thing.
It’s not my fault some of my coworkers stopped growing up immediately after leaving high school.
And yet it would still affect your chances of getting hired and/or fitting in with your coworkers. It’s not your fault, but it is your problem to deal with. And (aside from uprooting the entire system and only hiring coworkers who will tolerate unmasked autism) masking is the most straightforward way to deal with it.
I’m not saying it’s healthy in the long term. But that’s not what your post was about. Your post was about whether or not it would be a good idea to tell a potential employer that you hate listening to coworkers talk amongst themselves. If your goal is to get hired, then telling them that wouldn’t be a good idea. Because it would exclude you from being hired for “not being a good fit for the team.”
I just want to work and go home.
And finding a job like that is absolutely feasible… But expecting it out of every single coworker in a face-to-face job likely isn’t feasible. If that’s the vibe you’re going for, then maybe look into a work-from-home position, or something involving things instead of people. People like to prattle, especially about themselves.
- Comment on womp womp 4 weeks ago:
Well shit, I need to call my wife. The diagnostic criteria reads like an exact list of everything she has experienced in the past two years…
- Comment on is this something you can say to a potential new manager? about giving report in a hospital when your shift ends 4 weeks ago:
Yep, I was going to say something very similar. To be blunt, this post sounds autistic as hell. Nothing wrong with that, but (just from the way they described their interactions in the post) if OP isn’t masking then neurotypicals will likely see OP as rude, cold, or robotic.
It will likely make teamwork difficult, because many people will likely try to avoid working with OP as a result. And a manager will pick up on that during the interview process if OP says everything they did in the post. When a manager is hiring, they’re not just looking at skills or training; They’re also looking to see if you’ll be a good fit for the team.
Neurodivergent people tend to get weeded out during this process, because managers don’t want to deal with employees not wanting to work together. Is it petty? Yes. Is it blatant ableism? Yes. Is it illegal? Yes, but nothing will ever be done about it unless they’re dumb enough to say they’re refusing you specifically because you’re autistic.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 4 weeks ago:
There’s also the chance that they’d just hunker down and outlast it. Giving them a definite timeline gives them a light at the end of the tunnel. After 10 days, it’s just business as usual again. A general strike without a posted timeline would lead to capitulation within only a few days. It wouldn’t even take all 10 days.
Kidney stones don’t suck just because they hurt. They suck because you don’t know how long they’re going to hurt for. They hurt until you have passed the stone, and you have no idea how long that will take. The pain is analogous to a muscle cramp. People can grit their teeth and bear it if they know it’s just a muscle cramp and will end soon. But when it has been six days and you don’t have any idea how much longer it will last, it makes you desperate.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
After being fat and sedentary for 15 years? Yeah, no. Maybe a trucker if he can manage to stay in training long enough to get his CDL.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
There’s a reason two of the biggest rules of online purchasing are “never use your real name” and “never accept a package you have to sign for.” Doesn’t matter if you just bought $5k in drugs; The seller won’t require a signature on delivery.
If the delivery guy wants a signature, they’re an undercover cop and you bought from a honeypot (or they sniffed your package in the mail sorting room and intercepted it.) The UC wants you to put ink on paper accepting the package as yours, to prove you bought it. Because otherwise your lawyer can go “how do we know my client ordered it? It didn’t have their name on it! It was probably a neighbor getting it delivered to a nearby house, and the prosecution hasn’t proved beyond a reasonable doubt that my client actually purchased the drugs.”
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
Just out of sheer curiosity… What’d you do to get respected right away? Aside from merc’ing a CEO or a pedophile, I can’t think of many other things.
- Comment on Sony removes PlayStation account requirement from 4 single-player Steam games: Marvel's Spider-Man 2, God of War Ragnarok, The Last of Us Part II Remastered, and Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered 5 weeks ago:
Ragnarok is fine if you’re playing on the actual screen. But if you’re gonna hook it up to a monitor, be prepared to see edge jaggies or get lots of frame lag; The SD can’t keep a steady frame rate on anything above Low settings. Low is fine on the built in screen cuz it’s too small to really make a difference. But on a large TV, it makes a big difference.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose vigilante justice. 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, Costco on a Saturday afternoon is the Mad Max of parking lots. Karens will prowl the lot a dozen times in search of a good spot, just to avoid parking behind the building. And god save you if you manage to be closer to an open spot than they are.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose vigilante justice. 5 weeks ago:
I can already hear the “I don’t want anyone to ding my doors” complaints.
- Comment on I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree. 5 weeks ago:
T text in the image is all wonky and full of artifacts, which had me wondering if it was made by AI.
- Comment on It's a good group! 5 weeks ago:
I prefer cans of soup for my family
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I remember back in the golden era of Reddit AMAs with Victoria… There was an AMA with one of the higher ups at PornHub. She was like a site admin, so she had some high level knowledge of how the site actually ran, and she could see stuff like the site’s user statistics, average watch time, etc…
Someone asked how often people actually use the “share to Facebook” button that is on every video. She said it happened more often than most people would want to believe. Like apparently there’s an entire subset of Facebook users who are just blatantly horny on main like it’s no big deal.