- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 2 days ago:
AI consumed the original paper, interpreted it as a single combined term, and regurgitated it for researchers too lazy to write their own papers.
- Comment on Vampire Survivors devs launch official wiki "free of ads, banners, and all of the junk that gets in your way" 2 weeks ago:
Warframe just did it too. Fantastic move.
- Comment on Stared at it for 10 minutes and still can't figure out why 2 weeks ago:
It’s an actual movie.
- Comment on No, Phil Spencer, Having AI Mock Up An Old Game Is Not The Same As Preserving It 3 weeks ago:
I’m honestly somewhat offended at the mere suggestion that this could be acceptable.
- Comment on Bawitdaba 4 weeks ago:
AURORA came to mind immediately as a trio candidate.
- Comment on Doom is playable on PDFs (at least in Chromium-based browsers) 2 months ago:
Pretty sure that was already a thing years ago.
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Nah, AudioGalaxy. Or DALnet.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 3 months ago:
Honestly, I hate the CRT aesthetic. I grew up with CRTs. Leaving them behind for LCDs was one of the greatest transitions of growing up. By all means, enjoy them if you do, but I don’t.
- Comment on New report claims gamers spend more time watching videos about gaming than playing games 3 months ago:
Steam Deck LCD models are on a significant sale right now. Just sayin’…
- Comment on US Senator Warner Presses Valve to Crack Down on Hateful Accounts and Rhetoric Proliferating on Steam 4 months ago:
Just a quick correction, this is Mark Warner, not Elizabeth Warren. Otherwise I agree with you though.
- Comment on Why do I throw up after smoking weed? 5 months ago:
While CHS is the likely culprit, it could also be an allergy that’s built up over time. Most people don’t realize it’s possible to be allergic to cannabis, but it is indeed. Source: I’m allergic to cannabis.
If so, look into desensitization methods. Not sure if they work with an acquired allergy or not though.
- Comment on Steam will let you sue Valve now 5 months ago:
Honestly, that claim sounds like garbage.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 6 months ago:
Steam deck’s controls hands down if that counts. If not, surprisingly I’d have to say my stadia controller. Got one for $20 and it’s fantastic.
- Comment on im contributing 7 months ago:
*slow clap*
- Comment on Aftermath: Valve’s Baffling Deadlock Decisions Don’t Need Defending 7 months ago:
I actually enjoyed Battleborn, so that doesn’t sound bad to me.
- Comment on Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer 7 months ago:
Yup, I run it on my Linux laptop and use steam decks as clients.
- Comment on Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer 7 months ago:
Palworld has a dedicated server accessible through steam tools, no license required. I use it myself for my family’s instance. The game is still in early access as well, and small improvements keep rolling out.
- Comment on It's basic science 8 months ago:
While I agree with you, Gatorade released a Pedialyte competitor called Gatorlyte recently. Similar benefits but half the price. I’d recommend that (or a similarly cheap option if another exists) to keep from breaking the bank.
- Comment on New unit of measurement 9 months ago:
Maybe those five hour energy and similar shots? That’s all I can come up with though.
- Comment on [|(-,) 10 months ago:
Lenny face
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 10 months ago:
As someone with a shrimp allergy, I have to be careful with my coffee too. Certain regions, such as Colombia, are notorious for high cockroach content in their coffee.
- Comment on weed 11 months ago:
Does it count as a lawn if it’s all sagebrush?
- Comment on Current state of Reddit 1 year ago:
It didn’t succeed.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
I’ve encountered this because my domain has a hyphen in it. Very irritating.
- Comment on It's like they know... 1 year ago:
To be clear, “specific equipment” is a $20 reader on amazon, so while true, it’s not exactly a problem to user service.