- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 2 hours ago:
He looks like he was drawn by Rob Liefeld.
- Comment on WHY 2 weeks ago:
The word for potato is my favorite. It’s so fancy and English just calls it a potato.
- Comment on Disney+ Lost 700,000 Subscribers in Final 3 Months of 2024 3 weeks ago:
I watch Futurama every night at bed. Hulu is the only app that plays when I leave the TV on but turn off the screen.
- Comment on Disney+ Lost 700,000 Subscribers in Final 3 Months of 2024 3 weeks ago:
I only have D+ because it was cheaper to get HBO and Hulu in their bundle rather than separately.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
I realized this during the 2016 election. People always say they are voting against their own interests, but their only real interest is to spite someone else. Hurting other people is a win, for them.
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 3 weeks ago:
Birds can make two sounds at once! They harmonize with themselves! I think that’s incredible. Sometimes when you hear a some birds calling to each other, it’s actually just one bird.
I learned about it during this podcast!
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 4 weeks ago:
I first time I see an ad on my ad-free subscription, I will cancel like I did with Prime Video.
It’s like they want us to become pirates.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
Not exercising doesn’t mean you’re obese. I know a guy who could be this person. He’s very skinny. He doesn’t exercise but he doesn’t eat much. And he eats the same food every meal.
- Comment on Anon is 33 4 weeks ago:
I know someone like this. In fact, I read this and I think it could be him. I don’t know for sure. I would reach out, but I honestly don’t know him well.
He’s good friends with my partner. They went to school together. They play games together over Discord regularly. I’ve only met him once.
- Comment on That was a great 17 minute wait 4 weeks ago:
Happened to me. I’ve had both. Companies that say they’ll never do ask for that and companies that use a texted code to verify you over the phone or even in a helper chat. (I think Apple might even do it but I haven’t used their help in awhile)
So when I got a call from a number that was spoofing a payment app’s info, i didn’t think much of it when they asked for a code. But as soon as I said it, I knew I fucked up since I didn’t initiate the call. They tried to buy $500 gift cards with it but because I realized it so quickly I was able to get it stopped by the real company and my bank.
I genuinely think I’m pretty good at recognizing scams and have a high “tech IQ” but they got me here.
I always tell people this story so they know it really can happen to anyone, no matter how good you might be.
- Comment on Lemm.ee is recruiting new admins! 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, I can’t see the instance sidebar in the app I’m using. I found the info on the website. Thanks though!
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 5 weeks ago:
A regional gas station near me has their brand of energy drinks in soda dispensers like this one.
- Comment on Cameron Diaz Says She'd Do a 'Mask' Sequel if Jim Carrey is 'On Board' 1 month ago:
Please, no more sequels of mediocre nostalgia.
- Comment on Lemm.ee is recruiting new admins! 1 month ago:
Weird. I’m not seeing it. I checked the sidebar before I asked. I’m using an app. Maybe that’s why. I’ll check it in the browser.
- Comment on Lemm.ee is recruiting new admins! 1 month ago:
Is there a location with the administration policy clearly written or is it communicated over a series of posts in this meta?
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 1 month ago:
I actually just listens to a podcast about this!
Even plays have a dominate side! It’s usually the right side and there are reasons for that. I won’t try to explain it here. I’m not good at that kind of thing but I’ll link to the podcast below. It’s less than 30 minutes too!
Why are there lefties and righties?
Also, I have two male dogs. I noticed that one always lifts his left leg to per and the other lifts his right.
- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
I felt this way too before I saw a doctor. I would see posts online about it and relate to them, but I knew social media posts can be inaccurate. I knew that that type of thing targets very generic symptoms to attract more interactions.
I thought everyone was tired and stressed like I can be. I spent a lot of time thinking I was lazy or not good enough because I couldn’t get stuff done that seemed easy for other people.
It wasn’t until my partner suggested I talk to my doctor about it because he saw signs.
Honestly, the best thing you can do is talk to a doctor if you feel like symptoms are disrupting your ability to function. If you’re doing fine, you might not need it! But the best thing I ever did was talk to my doctor about this, anxiety, and a potential sleep related disorder (I’m still working on the latter).
- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
I have ADHD and I will hyper fixate on something for 12 hours straight, forgetting to eat or take a bathroom break. I will learn all about it and do it perfectly, but then I will be useless for a day or two, as I lose my car keys in the refrigerator and then remember I went to the grocery store and make a sandwich instead of looking for them.
- Comment on What do drain unclogging liquids actually do? 2 months ago:
This is the only thing I leaned in high school chemistry.
My teacher was also the football coach, though.
- Comment on Fear of job loss hits its highest point in years—but workers won’t accept less than $81,000 2 months ago:
I’ve been trying to switch careers and get into software development. I look at a lot of postings and I see a lot of $40,000 “entry level” jobs that require 2-3 years experience and a degree.
It makes me angry.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
I agree this is what should be done! Though it is surprising challenging to convert an office building to an apartment.
One issue, for example, is that the plumbing and electricity lines tend to be located on one end of the building. If you want to convert it to apartments, you have to reroute all the plumbing.
In the US, there are also rules about the number of stair cases. That’s why many apartments here are long and flat buildings of 3-4 floors rather than taller, taking up less space.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
Also! I should add that for many property owners in commercial real estate, they can be “punished” for tenants that go dark, or stop operating at the location, even if they are still paying rent.
For example, say you own a strip mall with a grocery store and a few restaurants. If the grocery store stops operating in that location, there are less customers at the restaurants, making it more likely that they will stop paying rent also.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 2 months ago:
I work in commercial real estate. Two years before the start of the pandemic, my company considered downsizing our office to have most employees work from home and just come in when needed. We also discussed how we expected the office building market to struggle in the future. (Thinking in 10 years, not two).
Anyways, we got a deal from the property owners to sign another lease, so we stayed put. And now, big surprise, they forced RTO. Someone asked our president about it in a quarterly call. He basically said “we’re never ever going back to WFH and you can quit if you don’t like it”.
So, naturally, we’re struggling with turn over and our headcount is down about around 10% so far.
For many of us, our teams are split up amongst multiple offices so there is no difference from working in the office and working from home. It’s all about that empty lease.
- Comment on If billionaires and CEOs feel like they need to start paying for large security details, would that be an example of trickle down economics? 2 months ago:
Trickle down economy is a thing….but only in costs, not in profits.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 months ago:
I don’t personally care. Burials and other ceremonies are for the living. I’d prefer something that doesn’t harm our environment and to donate as many organs as possible, but that’s pretty much it.
I like what you said about being a tree. I may steal that.
I don’t have kids. I plan to leave my assets to a charity. Probably something for animals but I haven’t really planned that far ahead yet.
- Comment on Starbucks wants a Bachelor's degree for a barista 2 months ago:
I think it depends where you live. In my city, it’s Indeed. LinkedIn only gives me scammy results. But I know ziprecruiter is better in the west coast so I’m sure LinkedIn works for some people too.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 months ago:
I was just talking to someone who wants to replace their fence. Planks are expensive right now so he is as saying he would do it this way haha
- Comment on Humble creating a bundle for this game is wild 3 months ago:
I think they got bought by IGN, if I am remembering correctly. That tells you plenty.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 3 months ago:
It is a large Division 1 university. I don’t know exactly how big the incinerator is. Thankfully I wasn’t the one who handled that particular task.
I assume it comes down to our hazmat clearances, though. Just a guess.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 3 months ago: