Sometimes we use the other bathroom, same deal. I never find the lid down, she never finds it up.
I feel like this is some magic that should never be talked about openly, like we agreed without speech and discussing it would break something. Lived with many women, this has never happened.
I’m just being weird, aren’t I? I love her for it in any case. 5 weeks ago
no problem in m household :)
btw, flushing will make droplets of what’s in the toilet bowl airborne, so i always put the lid down at the time of flushing. That’s the default state of our toilet
Image 5 weeks ago
This. Being able to pee without necessarily setting down is great when you’re outside, or in a public toilet but I see absolutely no sense of doing that at home. 5 weeks ago
I tried getting into the habit of sitting down and found that there’s a topological problem for me. See the angle of my dongle is thus that the stream hits the bowl in such a way that some of it escapes under the brim.
This doesn’t happen all of the time, but often enough to put me off the practice. As having to mop up after every fifth time is a bit annoying and feels less hygienic as having a little splatter. 5 weeks ago
oh yeah that does sound like a hassle, just like headphones, one size/shape does indeed not fit all 5 weeks ago
I’ve been putting the lid down ever since my gf dropped her bottle of fancy lotion in the toilet.