- Comment on A quarter of startups in Y Combinator's current cohort have codebases that are almost entirely AI-generated 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Celebrating my 1000th comment. Here is a shitpost. 2 weeks ago:
congrats for your achievement and thank you for the Scheißpfosten!
- Comment on Best ad blocker for ios browser Safari? What would you suggest? 3 weeks ago:
i bought Wipr 2 a few months ago and i’m really happy with it, it’s regularly updated
- Comment on Always applies 75% of the time 3 weeks ago:
75% you say? more like rule 3/4 then!
- Comment on The eyes creep me out. Even I wouldnt be able to focus on the job 3 weeks ago:
it’s because a bird collects them… a Swallow 😬
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
children are sponges when it comes to learning, pretty great! I hope you also get to learn the language and settle in your new life
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 4 weeks ago:
anyone born after 2000 is young in my book.
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 4 weeks ago:
it takes a special kind of person to work for Lum💧n. Leave your sensitivity, common sense and empathy in your car before entering the building.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
now we’re talking! 🥵🏳️🌈
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
well you didn’t know but you’re now in the worldwide gay army!
- Comment on What are the chances of this? 4 weeks ago:
incredible coincidence! it reminds me of those meteors which seem to always land exactly in the middle of craters, pretty mind boggling
- Comment on Respectfully. 5 weeks ago:
my tits are blown away
- Comment on Respectfully. 5 weeks ago:
TIL that there are human body parts named after birds
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
enjoy your new hot step grandma i guess?
- Comment on Anon discovers a new diet 1 month ago:
This thing would kill an European instantly
- Comment on Anon discovers a new diet 1 month ago:
you can have anything you like!
- Comment on Anon discovers a new diet 1 month ago:
yeah not too bad! getting your daily calories in a single meal doesn’t sound super healthy but i guess if you’re satiated for a whole day afterwards, it’s kinda alright ^^
unless it was one of those oreo shakes from Baskin Robbin’s
- Comment on Anon discovers a new diet 1 month ago:
Pretty close to the Beard Meats Food diet: 7000kcal meal twice a week and yogurt with berries the other days
- Comment on GIVE IT TO ME 1 month ago:
breaking news: it’s not. You’d need to eat 2kg/4lbs of butter to reach your recommended daily calcium intake
- Comment on Eyes 1 month ago:
well if the eyes are inside the skull, it’d better be transparent!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Block and move on, no well-intentioned person would say that.
- Comment on Every time my wife pees, she flips the lid up. Every time I pee, I flip it down. Never been discussed. Dare I say anything and break the spell? 1 month ago:
oh yeah that does sound like a hassle, just like headphones, one size/shape does indeed not fit all
- Comment on My birthday gift 🎁 1 month ago:
happy birthday to you, wishing you a lot of fun with it!
- Comment on Every time my wife pees, she flips the lid up. Every time I pee, I flip it down. Never been discussed. Dare I say anything and break the spell? 1 month ago:
no problem in m household :)
btw, flushing will make droplets of what’s in the toilet bowl airborne, so i always put the lid down at the time of flushing. That’s the default state of our toilet
- Comment on I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree. 1 month ago:
it’s probably translated from another language
- Tree in French: Arbre; in Spanish: árbol
- Horse in French: Cheval; in Spanish: caballo
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 1 month ago:
yeah it’s not clear in the log, but the page is now protected against vandalism, something must have happened
- Comment on Mmm kale 1 month ago:
oh wow this sounds amazing 🤩
- Comment on Mmm kale 1 month ago:
Kale is quite more fibrous, it’s better cut in strips and blanched in salted water, then it gets softer. I quite like the taste, it’s a great winter vegetable, mixed with diced potatoes and carrots for example
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 1 month ago:
i get the appeal, but it only creates more work for volunteers who maintain it, in a climate of fact denial and blatant attacks on that very platform by powerful people, governments and organizations.
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 1 month ago:
vandalism on wikipedia is never funny