Larian has said in the past that two games are in development. One that is their ip and one that is a licensed ip.
I would literally murder someone for a larian fallout.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Larian has said in the past that two games are in development. One that is their ip and one that is a licensed ip.
I would literally murder someone for a larian fallout.
So far we’ve had “amazing Fallout RPG on a janky engine” when (Black Isle / Obsidian) developed it, and “bland Fallout RPG on a janky engine” when Bethesda have developed it. Having both great writers and a decent engine would be amazing for Fallout, although just Obsidian and their Pillars of Eternity engine would be perfect with me.
Larian have said that they’d like to get away from DnD 5e after working on BG3 for so long, so I’m assuming they won’t have licensed Pathfinder either. If we take the set of all possible IPs and strike out those two, then that must make Fallout more likely. (Albeit not very likely.)
With the renewed interest from the show, it would make sense for Microsoft to get someone else working on a Fallout game since Bethesda isn’t going to do it any time soon. However, I would think that Obsidian would be the more natural choice. I would guess that MS would prefer to utilize one of the studios they own rather than license it out, but I could be wrong about that.
And even if they did license out development on a Fallout game, I would assume that they would be in a hurry to get something out there, which would make Larian far less appealing to them. I agree that they would probably make an amazing Fallout game, but another studio would probably make a decent enough game that costs less to develop and pays off sooner.
I predict a Marvel or Starwars game.
Bethesda has said that they aren’t going to do one until after the next Elder Scrolls game, so if anything in the Fallout world is going to come out on any kind of a near-term schedule, it’s going to have to be via someone with available bandwidth licensing it.
I’ll help you hide the body to get a larian fallout!
I give you two believable alibis
A new IP is smart. Many game developers have gotten huge when a successful franchise takes off. Assassin’s Creed, The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO), Fallout, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto, Far Cry, Witcher, just to name a few.
Divinity Original Sin is their IP, there’s a chance they’re working on a game in that series
See you all in four years
There was an interview with Vincke right around award season last year where he said they already knew their next project and were expecting to beat the development time on BG3 in a world without a new eastern European war or a new pandemic. It was something like, “We think it’ll take us 3 years, so it’ll probably take 4.” I’m looking forward to hearing more in 2027.
If the next game is as impeccable as BG3, then this media blackout to create hype is the cleverest marketing movie I have ever seen.
Every studio does this though. “Media Blackout” is just everything up to the reveal trailer.
looks back at the 7 year old Elder Scrolls 6 trailer
Love BG3 and Divinity OS2, about ten hours into DOS and enjoying it too. They have top tier storytelling and seem to enjoy what they do. I’ll be getting whatever they do next but I hope it’s sci-fi.
I’ll be getting whatever they do next but I hope it’s sci-fi.
Hmmmm, I never even imagined a sci-fi game from Larian, now I really want it.
Right?! They must have so much fun coming up with races and classes etc so a fresh canvas to create on would be killer. Plus they make nice visuals and the soundtrack for DOS2/BG3 is 👌
Good, they make good product. Curious what they make next!
Wait, what about patch 8?
So, Patch 8 is preparing for stress testing later this month (from what I’ve seen), so that would imply most development work is complete and they’re doing testing and bug fixing right now. That wouldn’t require most of their resources anymore.
Now Baldur’s Gate 4.
They’ve pretty concretely ruled out another stint working with a wotc in their current form
Not happening
So, no crossplay for bg3? 2 months ago
Larian are good developers. BG3 is a finished game with more potential and replayability that anything else. Let these guys cook. 2 months ago
Going quiet, heads down, focusing on the product instead of the hype. Larian doing it right. 2 months ago
After Half-Life 2 and Bioshock Infinite, everyone learned that the best time to announce the game is when release is 3-6 months out. Especially since 2025 and maybe 2026 is a wash with GTA6.