Fahrenheit is such a nice system. 0 is really, really cold and 100 is really really hot. So 50 must just be perfect, right?
Way more intuitive then Celsius.
Submitted 6 months ago by fossilesque@mander.xyz to science_memes@mander.xyz
Fahrenheit is such a nice system. 0 is really, really cold and 100 is really really hot. So 50 must just be perfect, right?
Way more intuitive then Celsius.
Celsius isn’t all that different.
-30 is really really cold, 30 is really really hot.
0 is just about perfect.
0 is just about perfect.
Okay Mr. Freeze
More like 0 is really cold and 40 is really hot, so 20 must be perfect, which it is.
It is intuitive because you are used to it.
Also isn’t 101 also really really hot? Or what about 99? And how about 1, isn’t that also really really cold? It is an arbitrary frame of reference you have set up in an attempt to make a non-intuitive system more easily accesible.
Lol it is the same reason why you all argue for metric though? Celsius is random numbers nonsense. Fahrenheit is a scale that makes sense. 0 freeze, 100 boil. Don’t you metric heads love that shit or you just lying the whole time?
I’m not understanding your counterpoint… it’s a scale no matter which system you use?
No one is gonna post this vid?!?
Nice vid. He isn’t wrong. Though maybe we could come up with a compromise temperature scale for everyone to use. Even 100 F isn’t as uncommon as it used to be. But I would love to have more granularity without decimals.
You’re saying this one goes up to eleven ?
Use Kelvin then, 314°K is a way bigger number
No °, just K
314 K
Oh, you’re just an inbecile who likes to prove the movie Idiocracy is actually a documentary.
would someone explain to me why whenever european people are confronted with the idea of the imperial system their brain seems to shutdown into a slow state of oxygen preservation?
“40c in f is 104???” yeah, round it, its 100f, you think we specify to the Nth degree here?
“86f doesn’t really make sense” yeah, round it. 90 is pretty close, and who boy 90s are pretty hot.
“why isn’t 50f the perfect temperature” you’re literally just applying an arbitrary point on something entirely arbitrary. But ok. (also it is the perfect temperature range between 50-70f)
“how is -17c and 37c cold and hot???” literally round it bro, -20 and 40c are right there wow look at that now it makes more sense! Im pretty sure this commenter is aussie or something, so in their defense, anything under 70f is cold for them. Either that or they don’t wear clothes, ever, because they’re calculating the coldness with no clothing. for some reason.
“yeah but we also think of things in relation to the temperature of water, like freezing is when shit is icy, and also the relation to the boiling point” brother, water boils in fahrenheit as well (212f, but again, you’re going to shocked by this one, you can round it down to 200f, wow look at that, it’s like, pretty close.) sure the freezing point is still higher, but you really only get freezes here at super prolonged periods of just under 30f weather, or really cold snaps that stick around a bit. generally snow in 30f weather is, not really a thing, the ground is still warm enough it melts. ice doesn’t form unless it’s like, close to 0.
guys, i promise, it’s not this hard. Just, think about it a little bit, please. You’re killing me here!
You’re missing the point. The issue with Fahrenheit is not about the conversion from Celsius, most Europeans don’t need to do that anyway. The problem is Fahrenheit in itself, it’s just not elegant or scientific and therefore comes off as arbitrary and only makes sense when you grow up with it.
yeah but why does that matter? It’s all relative, the only good thing about celsius is that it happens to line up nicely with one specific elements boiling point. If you’re doing science the only redeeming quality is that it maps linearly to kelvin, which is nice.
some of the relative math is nice, for certain units. But outside of that, for like, temperature, and cooking where none of that matters?
Tl;dr: just round. This goes both ways.
Converting a 1 significant digit number must not increase the number of significant digits.
Idk why you guys are so passionate about this whole rounding thing? Rounding off 107 to 100 doesn’t change the information, only the precision. It’s not easier to interpret 200 than 212 or anything?
If you want quick conversion, just
F ≈ 2 * C + 30
literally this, just round.
This is what i do every time i have to think about celsius, i have rough equivalency ranges which often get my estimations into celsius within 1 or 2 degrees of the actual answer. All i need to know is a few rough datapoints and i can get a really usable output.
It’s actually just a skill issue.
There’s a reason why drug dealers and those who have huffed too much under the fume hood still know metric like the back of their hand.
idk if they know it like the back of their hand. But to be fair, anybody with the collective ability of about half a brain cell can use the metric system, so that’s not really saying much.
I assure you, you get icy roads and snow at 28-30f. Upstate NY gets tons of snow and most of that is above 25f. I don’t see it get in the teens too much. Single digits or colder is pretty rare. All depends on the region up here. Due to the lakes, it is all over the place.
it depends on where you are, obviously, but out here we generally don’t get snow into about the 20-25f range, and we rarely get snow that sticks around 30f, it does snow then, but it all melts. as i previously said.
you and me both
41° is “mild” to me as Celsius use only because country fucking hot in the first place.
Just use Kelvin. Problem solved.
Plank Temperature Units
Or be chaotic and use Rankine
Freezing water at 0 and boiling water as 100 simplifies things a lot but also doesn’t make sense when it comes to things like weather, like, what am I supposed to wear outside when it’s 23 degrees?
The same thing you wear when its 75 F? Idk man, they’re just numbers. You can project whatever you want onto them.
Well, in that you’re right.
what am I supposed to wear outside when it’s 23 degrees?
Shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops, or
Short sleeve shirt (Hawaii style), linen trousers, moccasins.
Something along those lines would be good at 23^o^ C.
30 is hot, 20 is nice, 10 is chilly, and 0 is ice
Picked it up from a guy who teaches Latin on YouTube of all places
As a lifelong celcius user I have a very intuitive sense of how 23 degrees celcius feels. I have no intuitive sense of how 50 degrees Fahrenheit feels.
If you’re used to a system then it’s intuitive.
I’m used to it, it’s fine.
0°C means that weather starts to be icy and you need to be careful when driving.
20°C is mild warm. 30°C is hot. 100°C is sauna.
this is so true, but the thing the celsiouds won’t understand, that the farenheitoids haven’t realized, is that the celsius users die (not literally) in heat of about 85 f which for any fahrenheit user is, literally a nice summer day.
It has LAYERS!
People in Egypt, Turkey, India, Philippine, etc, etc, etc die in 29.5°C heat? That’s news to me.
the joke here is people in the UK experiencing a heat wave. Guess i didn’t make that clear enough.
Humidity plays a big part of that I think. Like, don’t older folks start dropping in England around 85-90f because of the humidity there? In Phoenix 107 sucks hard, but it’s dry so you can still effectively cool off.
the humidity certainly doesn’t help, but believe it or not, it gets humid here in the US too. We get high humidity 85f days out here, if you’re doing yard work, whatever clothing you’re wearing is literally going to be soaked in sweat, it’s not funny.
The bigger problem in some cases, is that european houses are designed differently to american houses, so the houses tended to be unbearably warm unless they had AC. Though a lot of people were still losing it with how hot 85f was outside.
Dry heat is “nicer” only in the sense that at the same temperature, you sweat less. That’s it, 100f compared to 80f and humid, both are equally shit, one is just going to drench you in sweat and make you feel disgusting, while the other is going to exhaust you, drench you in sweat, and leave you feeling dry. With wet sticky clothing.
People in countries which much much hotter climates than the US use celsius, because most of the rest of the world uses celsius.
the US also has hot climates though? Have you looked the coverage of latitude that the US has? We have everything from directly on the equator, to about as near the north pole as you can get.
The real reason Fahrenheit will never die!
(Finnemore’s conversation between Farenheit and Celsius)
0 Degrees Farenhight = very cold, 100 Defrees Farenhight = very hot
0 Degrees Celcius = very cold, 100 Degrees Celcius = dead
0 Degrees Kelvin = dead, 100 Degrees Kelvin = also dead…
I wouldn’t classify 0°C as very cold, just cold. 0°F definitely deserves the very.
Around here, 32°F is very cold in October, but an occasion to wear shorts in February. (Both are still cookout temperatures, though.)
100°F broken sauna.
100°C sauna is fine.
Jsyk, Kelvin doesn’t use degrees, they just use Kelvin. Good to know so nerds won’t get mad at you :)
Celsius peopke are cold blooded.
K users
pH3ra@lemmy.ml 6 months ago
In the end it’s the humidity that gets you
Facebones@reddthat.com 6 months ago
I hate “but its a dry heat” people. At 95, maybe. At 107, fuck you 107 is 107.
Shark03@lemmy.world 6 months ago
While I agree 107 is 107 and it sucks regardless, at like 30% humidity my sweat can evaporated and do it’s job of keeping me cooler, at 98% humidity your sweat has a much much harder time evaporating and it actively feels hotter. The time I spent living in Florida taught me that yes dry heat is absolutely better.
averyminya@beehaw.org 6 months ago
That’s just regional though. Not much humidity in a lot of California. Not much humidity in Oregon, though there can be some. Fair amount of humidity in Wisconsin. Lots of humidity in Florida.
But one universal truth between all 4 of those states, despite the humidity, is when it’s 107 fucking degrees!?