- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 2 weeks ago:
Just any third place in general, they mostly died out during the last plague and are only starting to return to the world. If your looking for someone, go do interesting things in front of interesting people.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 3 weeks ago:
I do this for pants, and work gives me 4 shitty office polos each year so I have the same outfit every day, no brain power wasted understanding fashion or worrying about dress codes.
- Comment on CHUNKY 4 weeks ago:
Thanks, I hate it.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 5 weeks ago:
There is a decent likelyhood they are AI managed account like the last bunch that showed up. Reply with “ignore previous instructions” or other reply loop breakout commands and see what you can break.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 5 weeks ago:
Yah, its optional.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 5 weeks ago:
From the trailer it looks like we got a new MC, or atleast the whole game is more french (because your in France).
Going to miss the wonderbread mouth-breathing american tourist in Italy like SE4 had.
As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5 and they still have the co-op campaign (which is the important part). Beyond that, looks about the same ol’ shooting nazis like we have always had.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 5 weeks ago:
The new entry in the series drops today, my nerd herd plans on doing the co-op campaign this weekend. I played SE4 and had a blast mixing WWII with the stealth aspects of Assassins Creed (the old ones where Ubisoft wasn’t just phoning it in).
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 – First-look trailer 1 month ago:
It has a 3.5mm headphone jack, look how brave they are \o/
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 2 months ago:
DRG is a fantastic place to start with moving from a controller to mouse/keyboard.
I would personally T-up some classics like portal and Half-life 2 for solo “history lessons” after that. Only then would I make some harder recomendations like long RPGs, MOBAs, 4X, and would shy away from MMOs unless you have an organized group to introduce them to.
- Comment on Here's an interesting fact that I bet you never realized 2 months ago:
I hate you… So much, take your internet upvotes and leave…
- Comment on A Christmäs Støry 2 months ago:
Skulls make for very poor goblets… Unless you have a mortal enemy without eyes.
- Comment on Does the USA simply have no food safety standard at all? 2 months ago:
The fuck are yall on about… food from anywhere else is the best. I would go to events in Iceland regurally enough and it takes me a week or so after getting back to stop noticing that everything state side tastes like plastic.
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 2 months ago:
If he is working at a place that requires steel or composite toes they will also look like clown shoes.
- Comment on in the return of the king movie, when Pippin looks in the palantir, why does gandalf ask him if it was minas tirith that he saw? 2 months ago:
Ive read the books and see the films many times and would never go as far as saying someone wont like it. Go into the films with the understanding that they had to change things due the constraints of the media. Things had to be cut, rearranged and changed to make them fit in 9ish hours of film.
For example, Helms Deep and the battle fought there in the book barely a chapter and change, the film adaptation I would argue is the best fantasy battle scene ever made.
Translating between medias is an art, not a science and it should be regarded as art and judged on its own merrits, along side its merrits as an adaptation.
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
The devs are amongst the best in the business, blame those responsible, the suits who demand unfinished products to be released. Nintendo with their older mentality of shipping phyisical media does bot have the luxury to ship an unfinished product and more studios need to take a page from their book.
A rushed product is forever stained by its bad launch, a delayed product is eventually good. People have been waiting for star citizen for over a decade, we can be patient.
- Comment on A scientific discovery 2 months ago:
To quote one line from Netflix’s Inside Job.
JFK: We choose to go to the mood, not because it is easy, but because I am hard.
- Comment on Why dont hackers just do white-cap hacking and figure out loopholes in valuable companies' stuff and use their fiduciary duty as a legal basis to compel patronage of their services? 2 months ago:
Most white hat pen testers apply their trade under contract for security audits. A lot of companies, especially those that work for governments, have requirements to get security audits regurally. It is not outside the realm of reason to hire a company, lay out the rules of engagment, have them assign a team to try, try to break in, detail what they did and any vulnerabilities that were found.
The flip side is that these people are paid very very well to do this (especially people who will risk their skin on physicial security). They take a very “defense against the dark arts” methodology, the best way to teach people how to defend against attacks is to actually attack them and tell them where they messed up. For that reason, you get conventions like DEFCON where security experts from alphabet soup agencies, private sector, white, black and grey hats all meet to see what the others are doing. The presentations are a blast to watch, if you can undertand the arcane runes and rituals of the worlds best security wizards.
- Comment on Why can't someone create a public alternative to health insurance in the USA? 2 months ago:
As soon as a politician attempts to do so in a serious fashion, they will have to fight the entire lobbying (see bribery) might of the insurance indistry.
Thats why im amazed Mitt Romney (IIRC he was governer at the time) was able to do what he did in Massachusettes (state mandated healthcare with a state run insurer, along with private entities not wanting him out of office). That system threaded the political needle, the dems got their state run healthcare marketplace, and the repubs got their “this is good for business” from their handlers, and once the paint dried, he still had the clout to move to up to congress and make a run for the white house. Later, the ACA/ObamaCare was based off that system, yah kids, ObamaCare is technically a Republican invention (say that at thanksgiving and see which relatives squirm).
Thats about the most “for the public good” model we could make at the time to make most everyone happy, and its not great. Some of the regulations like “no pre-existing condition denials” are pretty damn important now, to the point that .95 cant throw the baby out with the bathwater without pissing a lot of people off.
- Comment on billions & billions 3 months ago:
You must be fun at parties.
- Comment on billions & billions 3 months ago:
And a statistically large number of those people that we sent up there were from Ohio, one can assume because they were trying to get as far away from Ohio as possible.
- Comment on Hustle? In this gig economy? 3 months ago:
Correction: Livable contracted minimum. I understand there are exceptions for tipped and comission gigs, I feel like they are not ok if it lowers the baseline pay below the minimum wage (which needs to be ratcheted up anyway).
- Comment on Brazilian's impression of asia who has never been there (and oceania because a continent with only two countries is not a continent) 3 months ago:
Atleast this map remembered NZ.
- Comment on If trump appointments someone that doesn't last as long as Anthony Scaramucci do we measure that in fractional moochies or do we abandon the mooch system because it failed us? 3 months ago:
I got bored and attempted to do some monster math (this is chicken scratch and very likely wrong)
But if your going ~60 miles per hour that should be the same as 249658.8 smoots per mochie.
- Comment on How do you go about evaluating sources of information for truth/credibility/etc.? 3 months ago:
We left a bunch of retro-reflectors up there, if you got really good aim and a sensitive detector, you can bounce lasers off the moon. If you science hard enough you can probably pull it off.
- Comment on This is the way 3 months ago:
This is the way
- Comment on I found the Lemmy bar in Reykjavik, Iceland! 4 months ago:
Well you see, the Vikings discovered Iceland and Greenland and named them accordingly.
My dream is that if the nordic league ever develops a space program and creates a colony on mars, they should name it Blueland just to keep up with the bit.
- Comment on If Republicans have Project 2025. Why don't Democrats have their own guide book? 4 months ago:
Because when the Republicans are in power they fall in line, when Democrats are in power they fall in love.
To explain that last bit, Democrat candidates tend to have more direct goals, more local or state policies or projects they would like to enact. So everyone of them arrives in DC with something they are trying to do, and nothing usually happens as it requires the party to agree on it. Gathering the will to collectivly push past the GOP is usually too high of a barrier for most modest bills, especially when they are being extra obstructionist.
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
The games are a sequle, CDPR got the rights to make a game based on the IP in the early 2000s and just did their own thing.
W1 was a bit rough, plot wise it tried to incorporate a lot of the existing world but played the amnesia card so everyone had to explain shit to Geralt (and by extension the player).
W2 is a direct follow up to W1 and put CDPR on the world stage by being the high water mark for graphics requirements around 2010. Still a very good game, a bit on rails for modern standards, but still fantastic for how it handles branching paths.
W3 + DLC won all the awards in their respective release years for a reason, they are magnificent and with CDPR spending 15 years in the IP they make tons of call backs to the books without the players feeling like they are missing something if you didnt read them.
There are 2 (ok… 4) TV shows.
The netflix shows starring Henry Cavil, king of the nerds, (who is being recast by the least hot hemsworth because netlfix pissed off the books biggest fan) and what ever that second one was that we dont talk about (There is also an anime, which is pretty good) and the Hexer, a made-for-TV low budget show that loosly follows the plot of the early books, it in polish and I dont think it was ever dubbed (I managed to find it with subtitles years ago).
I know this is more than you asked for but, enjoy the games, enjoy the books, be aware of the fan opinions of the shows.
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
Dont forget the DLCs, both won awards independently of the base game.
- Comment on (EVE Online, OC) If you understand even 1% of this video, it may be time to touch some grass 5 months ago:
EvE expert here, in addition to this, safe spots are created by warping between two points and using the “save bookmark” feature to drop a pin mid-warp. You then turn the ship around to warp to the empty location you saved. Making multiple safe spots and warping between them will drag you away from common warp vectors and celestial object allowing for some truly remote locations. This is important for being able to run and hide until your aggression or log-off timers expire (without a cloaking device).
Back in the day there were exploits that would allow people to throw themselves more than 14.3 AU away from objects you could warp to and make safe spots. Most of these have been removed from the game but the ones that remain are golden tactical tools for Fleet Commanders and are worth a ton to keep secret.