- Comment on *56k modem noises* 1 month ago:
I absolutely hate it when my language center segfaults and I feel like I have aphasia. I will go through periods where it happens a concerning amount, and then back to a sprinkle of dysfunction. Forgetting simple words or names of people you have known for years is unsettling. I sometimes get really scared and panic if it happens a lot. Trying to explain to your coworkers on a conference call that your brain isn’t functioning correctly isn’t the most comfortable experience.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
That is my exact complaint. The phones are too tall! I am ok with it being wider, but the height is insanity. The whole balance of the phone is awkward and I would be ok with more of the weight on the bottom instead of the middle of a tall ass phone.
- Comment on Sony is working on Horizon Zero Dawn and Helldivers 2 movies 2 months ago:
Movies nobody asked for.
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 3 months ago:
It looks like there are a few ISPs, countries, and general blacklists that block them. Explains why my firewall and DNS filters are catching it. Oh well. I can look more into fixing it later if it really becomes an issue.
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 3 months ago:
How do you actually see the image? I just get “glide failed to grab image”. I tried to open the link directly and get connection error too. Not the first time I have experienced this on posts,
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 4 months ago:
I saw that thumbnail of the table and immediately knew what channel it was.
- Comment on Ok boomer 5 months ago:
I miss HEB sometimes back from when I was a kid. They were trained to bag things “correctly” and was one of the few places that didn’t drive my dad insane. They banned plastic bags here shortly before Covid and I have used self checkout since with the nice big reusable ones that I can fill how I want. They would barely fill one bag and then demand another or start pulling out flimsy paper bags that will tear while trying to get my groceries up the stairs. I would bring 3 and it still ended up with me re-bagging it all and dealing with them saying I didn’t have enough bags.
- Comment on Science fact 5 months ago:
Fuck you
- Comment on Science fact 5 months ago:
This is really fascinating! Today I learned.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
It was the best custard ice cream I ever created. Made the base with a sous vide. Chef Steps has(?) the recipe, but I did some experiments with blueberries that was next level the best shit I ever made that I will unlikely ever be able to duplicate again.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
Do you have a
KitchenAidstand mixer or anything like that? Best thing I ever learned is making ice cream with dry ice. I just put the base in the mixer, start it with the paddle, and start putting in crushed up dry ice, one spoonful at a time. I managed to get dry ice in the little cubes or pellets, put it in a cloth sack, and then use a hammer or blunt object to break it up into small pieces. - Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
It works amazing if your throat or sinuses are infected. I have taken 800mg of pills and barely take the edge off. 100-200mg of children’s liquid ibuprofen is complete relief and it tastes good. Once in a while I will get a bad sinus infection that ends up in the back of my throat and the pain is so bad I can’t swallow water. I got the trifecta once that included my ears and I had to get some drops from the doctor.
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
I have to use hotdog. I have EOE and got a round one stuck in my esophagus for hours once. The hotdog ones break easy. I basically bite it into thirds and can safely take them that way. I could never break the round ones.
- Comment on Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it. 6 months ago:
That is some definite bullshit. I am both a software developer and a controls engineer. That stuff irritates me to no end, but I also understand how these systems can fail. They will always protect themselves over the user/customer, so thus we suffer. Hell, I used to do Amazon projects on the controls/industrial side. Amazon had their own software systems that they built/stole running things overall, so thankfully I didn’t have to deal with trying to make them happy on the software side too. I much prefer programming the machinery.
- Comment on Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it. 6 months ago:
Wtf. They must have screwed something up with a software update. Worst case you charge back, but that might get your account banned…
- Comment on Amazon's system marked an item I returned a year ago as not received and charged me for this return, but the chat bot already knew they had received it. 6 months ago:
I always take it to my UPS store down the road instead of boxing it up and sending it out. You don’t package the item up at all. They scan the barcode on my phone and take the item. Done, return processed. If they steal it afterwards, not my problem since the code was scanned and you get a notification/receipt. They have a lot of strange locations you can take it to, including random big box stores.
- Comment on Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More 6 months ago:
Long tangent, but I got the Edge or whatever stupid expensive version they have for the extra triggers/levers underneath. I have really small/short palms and don’t have the reach to push all the buttons properly. I wouldn’t be able to play Elden Ring at all without them. I roll and use potions with the levers instead. Even then, it is still painful after a while and some of the contortions I have to do at times can be annoying.
I have the issue of barely having enough “wrap” with my palm and pinky to grip around the hand things that are angled down a little too much. I absolutely despise that the dpad is one of those rocker pieces underneath instead of individual buttons. I will accidentally do a direction I didn’t intend because I rocked the down button too far to the right. It is because the controller still isn’t straight when I hold it. lt is partially rotated in my hand so I can get a little more reach upwards and it makes the dpad usable. Having to compensate the direction of joysticks is super fun. I basically have to death grip the controller with my right pinky and tightly squeezed palm to keep it stable.
When that accessible controller came out for the Xbox I was super bummed it wasn’t for all platforms yet. Doesn’t help I would need to have 2 kits to be able to have separate sides like joycons. Joycons have been my favorite controller of all time as I can comfortably hold them. I tried making a proof of concept sort of gel/shredded memory foam cover, which did help, but it didn’t solve the severe pain in my palm, especially the area under my pinky that I use to death grip the controller. After seeing the glove Martina made after she cut off her pinky, I want to try and make a glove next to take the pressure off, improve grip, and sort of brace/support the part of my hand that I keep hurting.
It sucks that accessories keep getting more expensive. I haven’t had any issues my my edge, but you bet I would be utterly infuriated if it didn’t last when it is almost half the price of the console itself. I have some mechanical keyboards and those things can really get up there in price too. Ergonomic mice are not exactly cheap either. I hate having to use a trackball but so far the only comfortable one is that Logitech one and I have to use the extra angled base it comes with. I game with it.
- Comment on Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More 6 months ago:
That blows. I never had a ps4, so I don’t know the whole deal about modding/rooting it. It is crazy that some of these devices have “fuses” that can brick your device if tampered with. It is my device dammit.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
I have been shopping this way ever since the start of covid and only use self check out. It is a lot easier to get around the store. If I need to buy a bunch of heavy stuff or there is a sign asking me not to, I will of course use a small cart or hand basket. I am not going to piss off the Trader Joe gods when I visit it occasionally, who have a sign about it.
I have never been stopped, asked not to, or have been given any looks from the staff for doing it at my main grocery store.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
If you want an actual good reason? Car damage. I have seen them roll away into someone else’s car, and even a person. They can also block parking spots and it really sucks when people in the handicap section do it as those then roll in to other spots needed for accessibility. Thankfully my store has tons of cart returns so it isn’t even remotely inconvenient. The employees stay on top of the rest, especially if the handicap section right by the doors gets gnarly. The only time I see some true cart carnage is at Walmart. Those parking lots are terrible.
I can’t make decisions for you, but I will politely ask you to put the cart away the next time you are at the store. Please and thank you.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
I assure you, you get icy roads and snow at 28-30f. Upstate NY gets tons of snow and most of that is above 25f. I don’t see it get in the teens too much. Single digits or colder is pretty rare. All depends on the region up here. Due to the lakes, it is all over the place.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
I think the highest speed limit I have seen in America is 85mph, which is around 135km/h. Typical highway speed limits though are 65mph, but everyone goes 5-10 over (105-120km/h).
The nice thing about mph is the whole mile a minute at 60mph. Makes it easy to mentally estimate time of arrival.
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
Not sure I understand what you are saying. I do a real big twist and then a slip knot. The twist doesn’t come undone. I am out of bread or I would take a picture.
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
I do the same. I don’t understand why it puzzles some people. They look at me like I put a padlock on it and I have to undo it for them, which is just pulling the end…
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
I tie a slip knot. That is stupidly easy to do/undo, but apparently I am hated for it.
- Comment on Scientists Travelling 6 months ago:
We used these in university to store weed. Bio kids were awesome and passed them out.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 6 months ago:
Autistic and neurodivergent people are the only ones I can even begin to relax enough to have a conversation. I have a lot of baggage and being undiagnosed in school was extremely damaging. I love to talk, but I make people uncomfortable. So I usually just sit quietly somewhere, move seats/tables as bigger groups want the space, and eventually leave once the anxiety/torture becomes too overwhelming.
- Comment on Maths vs Philosophy 7 months ago:
I am really trying to follow this, but I need more coffee I think. I am happy to be educated if it can be explained a little easier or some good reference material.
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 7 months ago:
That was the best day ever when it went down a few years ago while I was doing an install of an Amazon site. They have some “test” software that we have to run to validate the system and it was completely down. Still got some things done that day, but it was utterly hilarious to watch all of the Amazon personnel run around in a panic for a few hours. Fucking Prime trucks stuck on the side of the road with no instructions on what to do next. Utterly precious.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 8 months ago:
I saw the picture first before reading your comment and thought it was from her channel. Bernadette is awesome.